Internet: how to insert a picture on the forum

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Internet: how to insert a picture on the forum
Internet: how to insert a picture on the forum

Human psychology is arranged in such a way that for better assimilation of various information, you need to use visual examples and images. So it is much clearer on the forums when the opponent provides step-by-step instructions, accompanied by different thematic frames. But over time, the question arises of how to insert a picture on the forum in order to also share important and useful information. What should such an image look like?

What is a forum?

How to post a picture in a forum
How to post a picture in a forum

With the development of the Internet and its content, various specialized sites began to appear, where people from different parts of the world discussed news, technology, games and much more. Over time, these online discussions have definitively evolved into online or web forums. At the same time, there are both completely separate resources and applications to any site. There you can create or comment on topics and news discussed, share experiences, photos, etc. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to insert a picture on the forum in order toillustrate your answer or topic.

It is also worth noting that all such sites have their own rules and moderators who monitor their implementation. Therefore, rudeness and any obscene expressions are prohibited here. Users should express their own opinions as correctly as possible.

Which pictures and images are best for forums

On the Internet you can find a huge variety of pictures and photographs. They can be saved, shared with friends or printed. But in the process of working with various resources, for example, to insert images for a signature on a forum, you encounter some restrictions or the inability to download them. This is usually related to the extension of the selected image or its format. So what should be photos and pictures in order to upload them to various forums?

It is better to choose standard images with a maximum extension of 700 pixels. They will be clear and of good quality. The best option is to choose a photo or picture 500 x 400 pixels. If you take larger formats, then the material will take longer to load. And the quality will not always be proportional to the size.

Popular image extensions on forums

On the Internet you can find a huge number of pictures with different characteristics. But, despite the abundance of used extensions and forms, there are several most commonly used formats:

  • JPEG or.jpg. This format is supported by almost all programs and Internet resources. Therefore, before inserting the picture onforum, you need to select images with this extension.
  • GIF. This format is most commonly used for small images, such as various avatars and icons, as well as black and white images.
  • PNG. Designed for more complex gradients and structures. In this case, you can apply many different effects to the depicted elements.

Several basic ways to add a picture to the forum

Pictures for the signature on the forum
Pictures for the signature on the forum

In order to share an important photo or other materials on various thematic sites, you can choose two main ways:

  • Upload an object from your own computer. In this case, before uploading a picture to the forum, you need to save it on any free disk. In this case, you can create a special folder or simply upload a separate image. You can find the desired picture on any Internet site. To save, right-click on it and select the "Save" option.
  • Use specialized services with multiple images. In this case, you can copy either the address of the object, or the code intended exclusively for all kinds of blogs and forums. The main advantage of this option is that images will not take up extra space in the dialog, even if they have a large weight and extension.

How to insert a picture from a computer

How to put a picture on the forum
How to put a picture on the forum

Adding an already saved image from your own folder is one of the easiest and most common ways. So, before putting a picture on the forum, you should follow a few simple and understandable steps for everyone:

  1. A photo or picture must be prepared in advance, of the required format and extension. In this case, you need to know in advance what the maximum size is supported on the forum.
  2. If an image is attached to a message, then you need to open an extended form so that the dialog box is full screen. At the bottom left there is a special button "Attach files". When clicked, a window appears where you can select an object to send. The default is "Desktop". Next, select the path and the desired image.

But this method is not entirely suitable for completely solving the question of how to insert a picture on a forum if you plan to use the same image on several sites at once. In addition, the space of dialogue pages is quite limited, so you should not use photos downloaded from your computer too often.

How to insert graphics from the web

How to upload an image to the forum
How to upload an image to the forum

Most often, to work with images, special services are used to place various pictures. It is easier if they do not require pre-registration. This is especially important if you do not plan to use them in the future.

So, in order to upload any image, you need to go to the site and select the appropriate option. In the window that appears, you need to fill in some parameters. In particular, where the object was selected from: from the Internet or from a computer, specify a link tofile, note the size and format. Also, before adding a picture to the forum, you can turn it over, make some kind of inscription, as well as increase or decrease it.

After that, the photo is uploaded to the site. Then a window pops up with various image codes. The first paragraph will contain a link that should be copied and pasted into the desired forum.

Top Image Services

How to add an image to the forum
How to add an image to the forum

Recently, sites where various pictures are pre-loaded and polished have become especially popular. Some of them require mandatory registration, while others do not. It is from such services that you can download all kinds of pictures for a forum with codes. The most popular of them:

  • This is an absolutely free hosting, where you can publish any photo or picture without registration.
  • Yandex. Photos. It's also free. In addition, there is no limit on the size and number of uploaded images.
  • ITmages. The peculiarity of this photo hosting is that it provides not one, but several working links for photos at once.
  • This free service also does not require pre-registration. Here you can multi-download and create personal albums.
  • This is a free foreign photo hosting with many additional features and programs for searching, uploading and processing images.

How to sign a picture on the forum

Pictures for the forumwith codes
Pictures for the forumwith codes

So, the image is finally loaded and displayed in the typed dialog message. But sometimes there are times when you need to send one photo. And it must be signed to indicate important points or designate any element.

Pictures for the signature on the forum can also be taken from the Internet or downloaded from the specified folder on your own computer. You can make interesting notes on them in different ways. For example, if the Chrome browser is installed, you can use one of its programs - Awersome Screenshot. Everything is simple and clear there. You can also use many other individual services, such as FastStone or Photoshop.
