Postal parcel or parcel: difference and types of shipments

Postal parcel or parcel: difference and types of shipments
Postal parcel or parcel: difference and types of shipments

How to mail a book, a box of chocolates or large equipment? A parcel or parcel will come to the rescue. There is a difference between these two departures, albeit sometimes insignificant.

In the life of every person there is a need to receive or arrange postal items. What is a parcel and package? What is the correct name for a parcel sent by mail? What is the difference between a parcel and a parcel? Such questions arise for many uninitiated.

What is a parcel post

A parcel is a small-sized special postal item, designed and packed according to the rules and regulations of the Russian Post. In this case, the weight and size of the convolution should not exceed the allowable set values. It is allowed to issue printed or stationery publications for shipment by parcel post. These include:

  • books;
  • magazines;
  • notebooks;
  • photo;
  • cards;
  • business correspondence.

Only printed editions are allowed for international shipment by parcel post. The packaging of this type of mailing can be a paper bag, a box, and craft paper is also allowed. Parcelvaluable or ordinary is issued.

What is the package

parcel or package difference
parcel or package difference

Parcel is a postal shipment of overall size, issued in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Russian Post. You can put in the parcel almost any items and things related to cultural, household and other purposes, as well as food, with the exception of perishable species. It is forbidden to send money, narcotic and poisonous substances, as well as firearms and other weapons. Branded boxes with the Russian Post logo can be used as packaging. The population is also allowed to use their materials with the only condition that there is no adhesive tape on the surface of the container, as well as traces of it. When accepting cardboard boxes for shipment, each seam is glued with special care to prevent access to the inside of the object being sent.

You can answer the question of how a parcel differs from a parcel by comparing their types.

what is a parcel and package
what is a parcel and package

Types of parcels

The parcels can be of different types:

  1. Simple. These are postal items with a weight not exceeding 2 kg. The contents of the box or package must fit snugly against the package and not move within it. In this regard, such shipments are sent documentation and printed publications.
  2. Customized. These are first class parcels with a weight not exceeding 2.5 kg. Due to the fact that such shipments are of a paid nature, it is allowed to invest in them various goods for shipment. When designing this type, you can also think,which is better, a parcel or a parcel. The difference is negligible given the light weight of the item.
  3. Valuable. This type differs from the first option in that in case of loss of the forwarded package, the post office will necessarily reimburse the sender for the damage caused in the amount of the estimated cost of the parcel and all tariffs paid during registration.

Types of parcels

Parcels are divided into four types, regardless of whether they are sent with a declared price or not:

1. Standard. The weight of parcels of this type varies from 2 to 10 kg. The overall size of the branded packaging box has several standards. The address side must be with a minimum size of 10 x 15 cm. Packing containers with the sum of the measurements of three sides no more than 80 cm are allowed for shipment.

what is the difference between a parcel and a parcel
what is the difference between a parcel and a parcel

2. Heavy. Such parcels are issued for shipment in the event that they do not require reloading during transportation, that is, they are delivered directly from the sender's city to the recipient's locality. Permissible weight - from 10 kg to 20 kg. The dimensions of the packaging container for the postal item are used in a standard size. Address side size 105 x 148 mm, no less. The process of issuing and receiving this type of item is carried out in specialized post offices.

which is cheaper parcel or parcel
which is cheaper parcel or parcel

3. Non-standard. Parcels of this type may have non-standard packaging and weigh up to 20 kg. Maximum overall size of non-standard packaging: the sum of three sides - no more300 cm. Shipment possible as a rolled tube.

4. Oversized. Parcels can be accepted for shipment if they do not require reloading along the route. The processes of issuing and receiving heavy and bulky parcels are carried out in specialized post offices. This type of shipment includes goods with a weight of 10 to 500 kg and a maximum package size of up to 1.9 x 1.3 x 3.5 m.


The main difference between a parcel and a package is the weight. So, a parcel is a small-sized postal item, and a parcel is quite large. The weight of a parcel can be from 100 g to 2 kg, and the parcel has weight restrictions from 1 to 10 kg, and in some cases, when making heavy mail, up to 20 kg. Such large shipments are made from special post offices.

There is a difference between a parcel and a parcel, and this is the value of the shipment. How to arrange a cargo that has a considerable value? Parcels, as a rule, send valuable items: equipment, clothes, shoes, large valuable household or other items, as well as long-term storage products. And the parcel sends printed publications, stationery, photographs or documents of the second degree of importance, in general, those products that are not subject to damage from decay or decomposition during transportation.

the difference between a parcel and a parcel
the difference between a parcel and a parcel

According to the form of forwarding, the parcel can be of two types: simple or with the sender's declared price. The parcel, in turn, has more types. She happensregular, custom, notice and list price.

So what is better - a parcel or a package? The difference in the size of these shipments affects the final choice. As a rule, the parcel allows you to send goods with a sufficiently large size. But parcels are often small packages.

Comparing which type of shipment is best done, you can pay attention to the cost of postage. What is cheaper - parcel or parcel? To do this, you need to do some math. If you need to send documents or important papers weighing up to 1 kg, it is more profitable to issue a valuable parcel. So you can save from 50 rubles to 50% of the cost for the same weight of the parcel. With a weight category from 1 kg to 1.5 kg, the prices between shipments are approximately equal. But if items weighing 1.5 kg or more should be sent, then sending the parcel will save the lion's share of the budget. Moreover, the higher the weight, the greater the savings compared to the design of the parcel.


Specifically, you need to choose one type of shipment based on the forwarded cargo. The parcel post is good for small-sized items, and it can be not only printed publications or paper products. But the parcel will come to the rescue when sending bulky goods with a weight of 2 kg or more. At the same time, it is possible to register the declared value. And in case of trouble with the cargo, the postal department will reimburse all the damage caused to the client if the parcel or package is lost. The difference in the amount refunded is equal to 100% of all shipping costs.
