What does azaza mean and where is it used?

What does azaza mean and where is it used?
What does azaza mean and where is it used?

When you hang out on a popular site or start playing a new MMORPG game, you can often see (or even hear) a strange phrase in the chat: “azaza lalka”, or simply the word “azaza”. When you see this for the first time, you don’t really understand what “azaza” means, and when you stumble upon the phrase many times in a row in a very different context, you completely begin to wonder what it is, how to react to such a comment. It's actually very simple.

what does azaza mean
what does azaza mean

Unambiguous interpretation

In order to stop being perplexed about what “azaza” means and to be amazed at the joy of the authors of the post, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the word. So, "azaza" is a relatively new spelling of the exclamation "ahaha". In turn, this combination of letters is intended to convey uncontrollable laughter, albeit too distorted (according to many opponents of "ahaha", this word is more like panting pangs than laughter). SoThus, “azaza” is not something related to the unofficial slang of players and chat players, but just laughter. However, it is used, as a rule, in a slightly different sense (especially if the word "lalka" appears nearby), which will be mentioned below.

what does lalka azaza mean
what does lalka azaza mean

Puzzling together

The second common internet phrase is "azaz lalkah". If you're looking for the answer to the question of what "azaza" means, you're bound to stumble upon this combination, especially if you dare to ask someone directly about the strange substitute for laughter. What does "lalka azaza" mean? It is even possible that the interlocutor is swaggering or intends to prick an ignorant user. In its origin, the phrase "azaz lalka" is also a distortion of another phrase - "ahaha, lolka." The jargon "lolka" comes from the word "lol" (lol, "rolling with laughter") and refers to a person, usually close-minded, because of whose words and actions you start to laugh. It turns out that the phrase "azaza lalka" is more used for insults? Yes and no. This happened because of the specifics of the audience that uses this phrase. And she's really quite unusual.

Usage areas

If you look closely at the age of those who use Internet jargon in their comments, you can see an interesting trend. As a rule, these are predominantly schoolchildren aged 10 to 14-15 years. You will meet graduates much less often, and even fewer adults. What is it connected with? With the advent of public pages (public pages) in the extremely popular among young people and childrensocial network. As a rule, this word is distributed in "Eaglet" and "MDK" - publics that post funny pictures. Most of these pictures, however, are an insult and a provocation, for which the groups have been banned more than once, which, however, only added to their popularity. From these publics, the phrase moved to other sites and games, but the audience remained the same.

what does the word aza mean
what does the word aza mean

Who and why?

Asserting that schoolchildren say the phrase "azazah lalka", one cannot fail to mention an important point: each of them considers himself a troll (or, as they say in the same public, "tralls"). Of course, they have something in common with ordinary trolls, but perhaps the fact that older provocateurs also use the word "azaz", because many are led to illiteracy and continue to insult anonymous rubbing their hands. So, transitions to personalities are very common among schoolchildren and adult trolls - for example, insulting the family and outlook on life. As soon as a person begins to react, defending his interests, he receives a comment with the following content: “azazza lalka spent” (spelling and punctuation preserved). From this it turns out that the phrase and azaza-pictures (and the main image is a crookedly drawn face) are used not so much to offend, but in an effort to cause an appropriate reaction.

How to react

Now that we know what the word "azaza" means, who uses it, why such comments are written, it is time to decide on the response. Famous internet saying"Don't feed the troll" fits perfectly here. The fact is that as soon as one of the users breaks down and starts insulting or at least somehow reacting to the statement, they begin to provoke him even more, because it is this reaction that gives pleasure to the troll. The best option is to block the user and complain to the moderator about the insult. If you do not answer, then the troll has nothing to do. As a result, many still block the provocateur user, but only before that, for some reason, they spend their nerves trying to prove something to someone.

azaza pictures
azaza pictures

Popular mistake

That's all you need to know about this word, so that you no longer wonder what "azaza" means. There is an opinion that this Internet jargon was due to a banal typo, when, having lost vigilance, one of the users of the World Wide Web simply confused the letter “x” with the closely spaced letter “z”. But everything wrong and unformatted, as you know, is madly in love with young people. This is how the well-known expression of emotions appeared - “azaza”.