What to do with the old TV? Buying and recycling TVs

What to do with the old TV? Buying and recycling TVs
What to do with the old TV? Buying and recycling TVs

TV is an obligatory attribute of leisure activities for many people in our country. But unfortunately, this type of technology breaks down quite often. In addition, more and more improved models appear every year, which are even more practical and of high quality. Sometimes they decide to change this type of equipment due to a breakdown or due to the fact that a new device has appeared on the market. Where to put the old TV? What to do with it so as not to harm the environment? In fact, there are plenty of places where to put an old TV, which, in addition to getting rid of unnecessary trash, will also bring a small cash reward.

Do not throw electrical appliances and household appliances in the landfill! It is prohibited by law

The main rule is that it is strictly forbidden to throw old equipment into a trash can. This is very harmful to the environment. The fact is that the parts of the TV contain various heavy metals, and plastic releases toxic substances when burned. Simply put, such garbage will lie in a landfill for a long time and not decompose under the influence of external factors. The old TV is not subject to disposal in a general landfill and by law. Since it has a third class of danger forenvironment.

where to put the old TV
where to put the old TV

On top of everything else, throwing an old TV into a landfill can result in a hefty fine for breaking the law. And yet it is necessary to get used to taking care of the ecological state of the world and the area in which we live. Therefore, do not consider any garbage containers, landfills or simply places of burial of household waste as a place for the disposal of equipment.

Reception of old TVs

What to do with a TV that has fallen into disrepair? The first option is a special bureau. You can just hand over the equipment to it. In such bureaus, old TVs are accepted for recycling. These companies are engaged in the purchase of devices for the purpose of their further disassembly into components. Some of the parts are used for repairs, while others are recycled. By the way, not only large firms, but also small workshops are buying up old TVs and other equipment. Skilled professionals can remove many parts from the devices and use them in their work.

Other ways

What to do with the old TV? Quite old equipment that was inherited from parents can be donated to a museum or to a real quest company that makes interiors for games.

TV recycling
TV recycling

Another option is to contact the owners of slot machines. They will gladly accept such a technique. Just make sure it has a big enough screen. Also, the owners of small cafes will accept an outdated TV to place it in the hall. But rememberthat it should be a flat screen model.

Disposal of instruments and equipment

Disposal of TVs takes place in several stages. First, you bring your technique to the master. Then the specialist removes all valuable details. After that, the remaining elements are disassembled into parts. Then they are sent for processing. All glass parts, as well as metal parts, are crushed. After that, they will be further used in the processing industry. All plastic components, including the case from under the TV, are melted down. This is exactly how TVs are recycled.

Where to hand over the device with a kinescope in the case? Such TVs are extremely rare these days. But they are still in demand. They are also taken for recycling by recycling companies. And sometimes such a TV brings more profit than a regular one. This is because in such household appliances there are more parts that are made of valuable metals. Silver and gold from the parts goes to the manufacture of new parts for computers, televisions and other household appliances. Ferrous metal products are simply melted down. Recycled liquid crystal screens are used to make gadgets and new modern technology.

Buying TVs is a fairly common type of business. Therefore, even in a small town, you can find a place where to send the old device.

what to do with the old kinescope TV
what to do with the old kinescope TV

Very many firms that are engaged in the recycling of equipment place their advertisingannouncements in the adjacent territories. By calling the indicated number, you can find out the conditions for the disposal of old equipment. After that, you can order a master who will come to you at a convenient time. Representatives of the company will take out your equipment on their own with the help of workers. They also pick up all the rubbish on their own. This way of recycling is much better than getting rid of equipment yourself.

For Sale Announcements

What to do with the old kinescope TV, which is in working condition? It can be sold. For example, by putting it on one of the trading platforms on the Internet. You can also advertise in the newspaper. Believe me, there will definitely be those people who want to buy your household appliances for home or summer cottage. Often, old TVs at low cost are bought either by young families or students. Also, such equipment is acquired by companies of people who live together in the same living space. They usually have little income. Therefore, they, unfortunately, do not have the opportunity to purchase a new TV.

Give to children or old people

And what to do with the old TV of a newer model, which can still work for a long time? A good option is a nursing home or an orphanage.

There are usually not enough home appliances in places like this. For this reason, residents of such houses will gladly accept useful things.

buyout TV
buyout TV

Just remember that when giving household appliances to a municipal institution, you must be completely sure of its integrity and working condition. After all, everyonewho donates a thing to such places is responsible for it. Of course, in this case, the benefit is not worth talking about. But, despite the fact that you will not receive money, you will be able to please the needy, which means you will do a good deed.

Exchange of old equipment for a new one

Where to take the old TV in exchange for a new one? Many hardware stores run similar promotions. You can find out about them from advertising. It is usually shown on TV. By the way, many stores still help with the delivery of old equipment to the place. Therefore, such an exchange can be considered a very profitable offer.

Trade in your old TV for a new one
Trade in your old TV for a new one

An old TV is most likely a rather bulky thing that cannot simply be removed from its place on the balcony or the top shelf of the cabinet. In order to get rid of it, it is worth considering several types of offers and choosing the most cost-effective one.

reception of old TVs
reception of old TVs

Although you can just give such equipment to a low-income family. This way you will get rid of technology and do a good deed for the people around you.

Small conclusion

An old TV is one thing that, if necessary, can be both profitable to sell and easy to recycle. After consulting with household members, you can choose the appropriate way to get rid of the device as soon as possible. And it doesn't matter what condition your equipment is in.

Note that buying TVs is quite a popular and demanded service. Such firms ineach city has a lot. Every year there are more and more of them. Therefore, you can quickly get rid of this technique.
