Today, every home has a TV. It acts as a source of information, an entertainment resource. The history of the invention of these devices has about 90 years. It is closely related to the development of television - a way to transmit images at any distance.
History of TV development
The first discoveries of scientists in the field of television are connected with a detailed study and development of photomechanical processes, the discovery of the photo properties of chemical elements. The achievements of many physicists formed the basis of the first television, for example, Bain's facsimile machine, Nipkow's scanning disk.

Mechanical TV period
In 1906, M. Dieckmann and G. Glage patented the Brown tube, and the following year they presented a television receiver with a 20-line screen measuring 3 X 3 cm and a scanning speed of 10 frames per second.
In 1907, Professor B. Rosing patented the "image transmission method". The first experience was not entirely successful: the firstthe picture was still. A cathode ray tube was used to demonstrate the image, and a scan was used to transmit data. This method is also used in modern TV models.
Serial televisions in 1929 were produced by the American corporation Western Television. The peculiarity was the small screen, on which it was difficult to see something. The device could only be used with a radio receiver. He caught the video signal and transmitted the image to the screen.
The evolution of televisions is inextricably linked with the discovery of electrovacuum devices. Since 1934, DFR - the TV station "German Television Broadcasting" began to work on the territory of the German state, it transmitted a signal in 180 lines. In Germany in 1936, the events of the Berlin Sports Olympiad were widely covered by live television.
In the same year, the German manufacturing company Telefunken began mass production of televisions with kinescopes. At the same time, the UK started manufacturing television receivers with a scanning frequency of 405 lines - the image had the greatest clarity at that time.
First TV sets in Russia
In 1938 TV broadcasting was carried out by the Experienced Leningrad TV Center. To receive the signal, 20 VRK television sets were produced with screens 13 X 17.5 cm. In Moscow, television broadcasting began in 1939. The first transfer is a documentary film about the opening of the XVIII Congress of the Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Reception was carried out by more than 100 television receivers "TK-1", having a screen size of 14 X 18 centimeters. The first television receiverswere used for viewing by groups of citizens. In 1949, the KVN-49 device appeared in the USSR with a decomposition rate of 625 lines.

Growth in TV sales
By the middle of the 20th century, there were over 10 million appliances in America. This is due to the high purchasing power, the presence of industrial enterprises that produce weapons and tanks during the war. In peacetime, they were repurposed to make electronic devices used in everyday life in every family.

Television radios were especially popular - devices consisting of a radio, record player, TV.
Color television
In 1950, the CBS television broadcasting system operated in the United States, which was later canceled due to the impossibility of playing on black and white screens. Since 1953, on the territory of the Soviet Union, broadcasting in color has been working on an experimental basis. An electric motor with special light filters was connected to a working receiver. In 1955, this scheme was closed due to the complexity of the design.
Mandatory stage in the evolution of televisions is the discovery of standards that transmit images in color to black and white receivers. Since the 1960s, two color television systems have come into operation: the German PAL and the French SECAM. The latter was recognized as the best in long-term tests for image and sound transmission over long distances. It was used in the areaUSSR.
The discovery of the possibility of transmitting a color image led to the modernization of televisions and the production of color receivers. The first device to transmit information in color, in 1953, was the RCA CT-100, operating on the American NTSC system.

Japanese radio-electronic companies quickly set up production of color TVs. Their active sale in the American markets began in the middle of the 20th century.
High Definition TV
In the 90s of the XX century, systems appeared that made it possible to reduce the amount of interference in the transmission and reception of signals over any distance.

The next step in the evolution of televisions was the era of digital television.
Computerization of all spheres of human life has led to the discovery of digital coding and minimization of losses when compressing information for subsequent transmission. It was decided to bring the development of the American ATSC standard, the Japanese ISDB-T and the European DVB-T into uniform requirements.
Improvement of signal transmission channels has led to the next stage in the evolution of TVs, a change in external characteristics. This was manifested in a decrease in the volume of the kinescope, an increase in the TV screen diagonally. The discovery of plasma panels, LED, liquid crystal made it possible to reduce the depth of the device to a few centimeters.
Internet TV
Prospects for the development of televisions are inextricably linked with the influence of the Internet on human life. Previously broadcast, cable,satellite technologies for the transmission of television data. Now Internet, smart, IPTV-television is popular.
Sales of TVs with high-quality picture and sound characteristics are constantly growing. Buyers face a difficult choice when buying a conventional household appliance. Size, screen curvature, resolution, matrix technologies, 3D support, maximum Wi-Fi bandwidth, price - this is an incomplete list of factors that determine the purchase of the desired model. Undoubtedly, the further evolution of televisions is associated with the development of Internet technologies, the discovery of new substances, inventions in the field of radio-electronic industry.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the inventions of scientists, the discovery of new photo properties of materials laid the foundation for the development of television. The first receivers were bulky, with small screens. The image on the first television receivers did not move, only the general outlines were visible.
Experimental ways opened up new ways of transmitting data. The war of 1941-1945 prevented the improvement of television sets on the territory of the USSR. But the US and Japan have succeeded in modernizing television sets. The evolution of TVs is clearly visible from the photos presented in the article in chronological order.
The ability to transfer data via the Internet, connect devices directly to web channels, the discoveries of scientists and the introduction of developments to reduce the kinescope and increase the screen diagonal have led to significant changes in the appearance of TVs.