Form tag: description, value, application

Form tag: description, value, application
Form tag: description, value, application

HTML forms are a very powerful tool for interacting with users, but for technical reasons it is not always obvious how to use them to their full potential. Simply submitting data is not enough in this case - you also need to make sure that the data that users fill out in forms will be sent in the correct format that is needed for it to be processed successfully and that this will not break existing applications. It is also important to help users fill out forms correctly and not get frustrated when trying to use applications.

form html tag
form html tag

The tag is used to create an HTML form. It does not actually create a margin, but is used as a parent container for elements such as. Whether you want to make a simple subscription form with regular checkout and payment, or interactive web applications, you will need to use HTML element tags to work, the most important of which is.

How standardHTML Forms

HTML forms were invented and largely standardized before the advent of asynchronous JavaScript and complex web applications. Today, form inputs, buttons, and other interaction mechanisms are used, but at the core of this is a system based on the HTTP request and response paradigm.

action attribute
action attribute

When a user loads a page, an http request is sent (usually a so-called GET request). It is sent by your browser to the server, and usually the server responds with the web page the user is looking for. This interaction is one of the most fundamental concepts of the Internet. And that explains exactly how HTML forms work.

The process of exchanging information with the server

Each, which includes elements such as, is located inside and has a name attribute (name), as well as its value. The value is defined in different ways. For text, this will be the value that was entered into the field by the site user. For a radio button, the value of the selected option. The user can set the value, but most often cannot set the name attribute. This creates a set of name/value pairs where the values are determined by user input.

what values should be assigned to the attributes of the form tag
what values should be assigned to the attributes of the form tag

The main difference between a form and a regular HTML document is that, in most cases, the data collected by a form is sent to a web server. In this case, you need to set up a web server to receive and process data. tag action attributespecifies the location (URL) where the collected data should be sent.

What does the server response look like

When the form is submitted, name-value pairs and all fields within the element are included in HTTP. A request is made to the URL specified in the form of the action attribute. The request type (GET or POST) will be in the method attribute. This means that all user-provided data is sent to the server as soon as the form is submitted, and the server can do whatever it wants with that data. When the server receives a form submission, it treats it like any other HTTP request. The server does whatever it needs to do with the included data and issues a response back to the browser.

form tag attributes
form tag attributes

If you remember that loading the page is the answer, you'll notice that the same thing happens here. In a typical form created with the tag, the response is a new page loaded by the browser. Typically, the new page replaces the current content, but this can be overridden with the target attribute. The vast majority of online forms work this way, which is why the user gets sent to a Thank You page when they fill out an email subscription form.

Web apps and forms without a tag

Modern interactive web applications use JavaScript code to make asynchronous http requests. These are calls to the server that do not cause a page reload. They don't rely on a tag - an HTML element built into the behavior. They do not combine all the data into a single whole.user and do not send them immediately. For this reason, many HTML + JS layout designers in web applications do not use the tag on all forms. More often, they simply use it as a kind of container for various types of input fields and elements. In this case, the method and action attributes used will not be visible.

More about forms

HTML forms are one of the highlights of a user's interaction with a website or application. They allow users to submit data to the site. Most of the time, the data is sent to the web server, but the web page can also intercept it to use on its own. There are many form-related elements - different kinds of buttons, selectors for different types, feedback mechanisms. Therefore, it can be difficult to decide what values to assign to the tag attributes. When it comes to creating forms, you need to make them work on different screen sizes. It is important to make them accessible to people with disabilities. This is why forms and attribute tags are perhaps the most complex aspect of HTML.

form tag attributes
form tag attributes

What the shape consists of

HTML form consists of one or more widgets. They can be single-line or multi-line text fields, select boxes, buttons, or radio buttons. They are most often associated with an attribute that describes their purpose - properly implemented can clearly instruct both sighted and blind users on how to get to the input form. Attributeassociated correctly with their for and id attributes, respectively. The for label then refers to the id attribute of the corresponding widget, and the screen reader, using it, will read out what is written in it.

form tag
form tag

Besides the structures specific to the tag, it's important to remember that forms are just HTML code. This means that you can use the full power of HTML to structure your forms. A common practice is to use the tag to wrap elements tagged with

. HTML lists are also widely used; multiple checkboxes or radio buttons are used for structuring. After creating the input fields, it remains to add a button using the tag and check the result. The flexibility of HTML forms makes them one of the most complex structures in the HTML format. But with the right structure when building an HTML form, you can ensure that it's both usable and accessible.