What does a snippet look like? Structure, value, snippet example. How to add a snippet? Snippet is

What does a snippet look like? Structure, value, snippet example. How to add a snippet? Snippet is
What does a snippet look like? Structure, value, snippet example. How to add a snippet? Snippet is

Snippet is a short description of the site that the user sees in the search results. The search engine itself is compiling this element according to a certain algorithm, however, each webmaster has the right to make adjustments to the snippet.

Many developers don't pay enough attention to snippet optimization, and for good reason. With the proper approach, this element can significantly increase the conversion of the site by increasing the number of unique transitions from the search engine to the resource. The main ranking parameter is the behavioral factor. That is, how often visitors click on a link to a resource, the authority of the site is formed and its positions increase.

Purpose of the snippet

The main task of the snippet is to inform the user as completely as possible about the subject and content of the site even before he made the transition from the search engine. Based on this, we can safely say that the element is directly involved in website promotion.

Depending on the search engine in which the resource is being promoted, certain rules should be followed, onwhich the algorithm for creating the snippet is built. The most important is its length. If we consider Google Corporation, then the developers allocate no more than 160 characters for the title. The Yandex search engine is more loyal in this regard and allows you to roam for 240 characters.

Such an insignificant length is due to the human factor. Being in search of the necessary information, the user does not want to spend a lot of time reading a long description. Most likely, he will just pass by.

Accordingly, when he comes across a short but informative snippet, he will be redirected to the proposed resource.

Difference between a snippet in Yandex and a snippet in Google

The structure of the Yandex search engine snippet is more extensive than that of Google. The element, depending on the scale, subject, authority and traffic, will have a wide range of settings and additional options.

In turn, as if trying to compensate for some imperfection, the corporation "Google" offers site owners integration into Google+. This allows you to increase your personal rankings.

This is what the snippet looks like on Google:

snippet it
snippet it

And this is how the element in the Yandex search engine looks like:

how to add a snippet
how to add a snippet

Snippet is a site description automatically created by search robots, compiled according to a certain algorithm after a detailed study of the resource by bots. It is equally necessary for both owners and visitors. Thanks to it, the user gets the first impression of the site, and the clearer and more correctly organized the snippet, the more clicks the resource receives.

Based on the importance of the snippet for the site, you should consider in detail the structural parts of the element: what it should consist of, what information to show the user, and what it will give the resource.


The concept of a favicon is far from known to everyone, although every user who has ever visited a search engine with a query has seen it with his own eyes. A favicon is a small image (picture, icon) of a site, which, according to some optimizers, is absolutely useless.

This approach to the snippet is extremely wrong, because the favicon is designed to distinguish the site from the majority in the search results.

Here is an example snippet using an image:

snippet example
snippet example

But this is how sites in search results without a favicon look like:

snippet value
snippet value

As you can see, the second option for displaying sites is less attractive to the user's eye. Therefore, we can conclude that the snippet is a resource optimization tool that, in tandem with the favicon, attracts more user attention and increases conversion.


Since the snippet is generated automatically, the title is also selected by the system, where the determining element is the title of the page. However, it may happen that the title will exceed the allowed number of characters and will not fit in the length of the snippet. Then the searchthe robot will search for relevant information, in its opinion, in the headings and subheadings of the article (H1-H6) located at the specified link.

Besides this, the name can be borrowed from the text content on the page or "Yandex. Catalog".

Short description

Since the snippet is the element that briefly characterizes the site, it is the description that should be given the most attention. Based on the information provided, the user will decide on the transition to the resource. Accordingly, a well-chosen short description is a tool for improving the behavioral factor.

Here you should pay attention to the fact that the characteristic, as well as other elements, are added to the snippet automatically, so replacing them later will be very problematic. It is better to immediately carefully work out the elements from which the description can be borrowed: title, description, description in the Yandex catalog.

what does the snippet look like
what does the snippet look like

The example clearly shows that there is a description between the resource name and contact information. The value of the snippet in promoting a young resource is very high. The element helps users to notice a beautiful, well-organized site among hundreds of competitors.

Quick links and navigation bar

Depending on the structure of the site and user behavior, additional links to popular pages may appear in the snippet. This structural element significantly increases the level of site usability and user interest in it. Quick Links allow you toinstantly go to the desired page. For example, if this is an information resource, you can immediately go to news, photos, videos, blogs, and more. Quick links can be managed by the site owner or an optimizer in Yandex. Webmaster.

If the site is large-scale, for example, it sells household appliances, electronics and other things, it has a complex hierarchy. For the convenience of the user, the snippets of such sites contain the structure of the resource, for example: large appliances, small appliances, refrigerators, TVs, and more.

Contacts and social networks

If the site has contact information for users to communicate with the administration, they should be specified in the snippet. This is done through Yandex. Directory.

The same applies to social networks. If there are profile accounts, they can be added to the snippet. However, it is up to the search engine to decide whether or not to show the social network button.

Besides, if the region is specified in the contact information, and the user enters a geo-dependent request, the position of the site in the search results increases significantly. Therefore, it is recommended to write the location in the contacts of the site.

This is the most important piece of information that should be in a snippet. In addition, you can add: the cost of the goods, the date of publication of the articles, use the saved copy.

And for culinary sites - become a member of an affiliate program that makes snippets with pictures of dishes.

snippet structure
snippet structure

Don't worry about how to add a snippet to your site, you should deal with itoptimization, and it, in turn, will increase the conversion of the resource and improve the behavioral factor.
