What should I do if Contact Form 7 is not sending emails?

What should I do if Contact Form 7 is not sending emails?
What should I do if Contact Form 7 is not sending emails?

Contact Form is a fantastic free plugin for adding contact forms to your WordPress site. But despite its ease of use and reliability, it lacks a lot of features. The Contact Form plugin for WordPress efficiently sends and receives over a million emails every day. Unfortunately, there are many external reasons that can block receiving or sending emails. In this article, we will look at all the reasons why Contact Form 7 is not sending emails.

Availability of a contact form

Having a contact form on your WordPress website is a great way for your visitors to communicate with you. While many plugins have been developed for WordPress that allow you to add a contact form to one of your site's pages, Contact Form 7 makes it easy.

Wordpress Contact Form 7 is not sending emails. Reasons

Problem Contact Form 7
Problem Contact Form 7

A website without a contact area is like an office without a customer signing in. The full website has at least onecontact area on a specific page. It works as a bridge between visitors and the site owner. A fully functional contact area allows you to turn your curious visitors into customers. Sometimes visitor reviews help you improve your site. In this case, the contact form is convenient. The contact form is capable of managing multiple contact forms.

Review the SMTP settings to make sure the host, port, protocol, username, and password are 100% correct. If the problem persists, the hosting provider is most likely blocking outgoing PHP socket connections in general or for this particular port or protocol. Tell your hosting provider that you are trying to use SMTP and give them the host, port and protocol you are using and ask them to allow outgoing connection for you. Also check out the troubleshooting guide for further solutions and ideas.

For small businesses or companies with low email volume, Google's free SMTP server can be a great solution and you can use Gmail in a way to relay your email. They have a very large infrastructure and you can count on their services to stay online. However, even though it is completely free, nothing is limited. According to the Google documentation, you can send up to 100 emails every 24 hours in relay mode through your SMTP servers.

Tons of different options are available in the official plugin repository that allow you toconfigure WordPress to send emails, but not all of them are reliable.

Easy to set up SMTP plugins

smtp what is
smtp what is

You can choose this option if you are looking for a quick and easy solution to set up SMTP on your website.

  • Pros: You can start receiving email notifications using SMTP by simply specifying SMTP ports and entering your login credentials in the plugin settings.
  • Cons: This faster approach will store your email account credentials in your WordPress dashboard so other WordPress administrators can access your credentials, it's less secure.

If the problem still persists and you are not receiving messages or WordPress Contact Form 7 is sending multiple emails, consider other causes and ways to fix them.

The mail service is not working correctly

Server is not available
Server is not available


  • Check the email on the server with "Check Email Function". Open the contact form settings under the Send Options tab and send a test email, if you didn't receive it, it means that the email server is not working properly and that's why WordPress Contact Form 7 is not sending emails. In this case, contact your hosting provider, report the issue, and ask them to set up email functionality for you on your server. You can also do this by running a test on your site usingfree plugin Check Email. This is a very simple plugin intended for simple testing if the WordPress version and/or the server can send emails. Since writing, the plugin has over 40,000 active installs with a 4.9 out of 5 star rating. Once installed, simply click "Check Email" on your WordPress dashboard. Enter the email address to send the test and click Send Test Email.
  • Check your email client to see if you received a test email. The subject line will be displayed as "Check email from https://…". Also be sure to check your spam or junk folder. If you received an email, it means that WordPress can send emails to your web server.
  • If you are sending some messages using a WordPress plugin (such as a contact form) and it doesn't work, enable a functional email. If you are using some MAMP, WAMP, XAMPP based applications, they may not have this option (enable functional email). This may also be the reason that Contact Form 7 does not send emails to domain mail. In this case, you can check them locally. To do this, go to wp-login.php and try clicking "Forgot Password".

There is no problem with the server, but the Contact Form 7 plugin does not send emails

Mail Post
Mail Post

Suggested cause: hosting requirements.


  • Many hosts requireconfirmation of the validity of the email address and website domain. If you enter a real address and see a problem with wpgod@., it means that your mail server is not handling the domain. Just go to settings and try to include this domain in the list, the problem will be solved
  • If you're having trouble sending email using this formula [your name], avoid noreply@. because some hosts don't allow these addresses. Just make your email address valid.
  • You may experience issues with email submissions as some hosts create a custom email requirement grid. Check the basic requirements of what you have and try to maximize your email address. Otherwise, you couldn't submit it through a WordPress plugin, whether it was a Contact Form or any other form.

Server and hosting requirements checked but form not working

wordpress error
wordpress error

Supposed cause: plugin + theme conflict.

Contact Form 7 doesn't send emails when clicking the "Submit" button, but the server and hosting requirements have been verified.

Solution: This is due to different skill levels, languages and some other objective reasons. If you're facing this issue, the most helpful way is to ask the developers about your stuff, or if you're sure it's a contact form that callsconflict, you can contact the developers through the internal support panel.

Fixed all causes, but the problem remains

js wordpress
js wordpress

Suggested cause: Javascript issue. Contact Form 7 often conflicts with Javascript, this may be the reason why it does not send emails.

Solution: Don't even try to manage it yourself, if you are a beginner and don't have enough specialized knowledge about it, it's better to contact the developers. But first, you should make sure that you have the latest version of the contact form for WordPress sites. If you need more information, check out the main Contact Form plugin page.

If Contact Form 7 does not send emails from "Denver", then it is better to contact the developers to resolve the problem.
