What should I do if VK does not open from all browsers on my computer?

What should I do if VK does not open from all browsers on my computer?
What should I do if VK does not open from all browsers on my computer?

The social network "VKontakte" is one of the most popular in the CIS, slightly ahead of "Odnoklassniki" and Facebook. It has existed for quite a long time and users have fallen in love with it so much that many people cannot live a day without going there. And what to do if VK does not open?

Real disease

what to do if vk does not open
what to do if vk does not open

Many VK users cannot live even an hour without logging into their account on their favorite social network. And this is not surprising. Today, VKontakte allows you not only to just chat with friends and meet new people from anywhere, but also listen to music, watch videos, and gather in thematic interest groups. Most users like this. A lot of people go there to listen to their favorite artists, watch a series or browse the news feed, in which, by the way, you can find a lot of interesting information among a bunch of posts withgags and commercials.

And that is why for many it is a big loss that Vkontakte stops working. At the same time, many do not know what to do if VK does not open. And in order to save a couple of thousand nerve cells of a poor user who cannot listen to his favorite song or answer a message to a friend, consider why this problem occurs and how to fix it.

And it occurs for the following reasons:

  • due to an invalid domain entry in the system;
  • due to the blocking of the site itself or problems on it;
  • problems in the browser;
  • blocked by antivirus.

If such a problem exists, and there is not even the slightest idea what to do if VK does not open, we check the Internet connection. You just need to look at the icon on the toolbar (which is near the clock) or try to go to any other site that definitely works. In case the internet is working fine, dig a little deeper.

What to do if VK does not open

The most common problem is browser clutter with cache and site data. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned. This can be done both in the browser settings and using a special utility (such as Ccleaner). You also need to clear cookies in your browser. They are cleaned like this:

Chromium platform ("Yandex", Google Chrome, etc.) - go to the top right in the settings, scroll the wheel all the way down and click on "Show advanced settings". When the settings page opens,We are looking for the item "Protection of personal data", where you need to click on "Content settings". Next, open "Show cookie", where in the window that opens, delete everything with a cross

what to do if VK does not open from all browsers
what to do if VK does not open from all browsers

Mozilla Firefox - go to the settings, to the "Advanced" tab. There, select the "Network" section, where in the "Web Content Caching" section, click on "Clear Now". Next, go to the "Privacy" tab, where we click on the "Delete individual cookies" link. Delete all cookies

what to do if the vk page does not open
what to do if the vk page does not open

Opera - also go to settings, then - general settings. In the window that opens, go to the Cookies section, where you need to click on the "Manage cookies" button. Now just select and delete

what to do if the site does not open
what to do if the site does not open

Restart browser, try again. This method is suitable when VK does not open in one browser. If nothing has changed and it is not known what to do if VK does not open from all browsers, we proceed in the following ways.

HOSTS file

A very common problem can be caused by the HOSTS file, which is responsible for converting a domain name to an IP address. This is due to constant virus attacks on this file and as a result, new entries appear in it to sites that do not exist (for example, vkontakte.ru, i.e. the old VK domain). What to do if the VK site does not open in thiscase?

Go to the system folder (most likely it will be drive C). We pass into WINDOWS, we find the folder system32\\drivers\\etc. Now open the HOSTS file using notepad, where you need to delete the line with the address vkontakte.ru.

what to do if vk does not open from the computer
what to do if vk does not open from the computer

Blocked by antivirus or firewall

It is possible that the problem is in the antivirus or firewall, which for some reason consider the site vk.com malicious and block it. In this case, there must be a notification from this program about the blocking, so it will not be difficult to calculate it. The only thing to do if VK does not open is to allow your favorite social network to work. To do this, go to the antivirus, find the section where you can put files, folders and sites on the white list, and add "VKontakte" there. Now try again.

It's also worth remembering that usually an antivirus doesn't block just like that, and it's possible that the site does distribute malicious files. Therefore, turning it off is done solely at your own peril and risk.

Problems with the site itself

Recently with "VKontakte" there are frequent failures, glitches and brakes. This can be connected with anything: hacking a social network, improving a service, etc. Therefore, you should not immediately get scared and think what to do if the VK page does not open. It is possible that developers fix bugs or improve an existing service. There is only one way out of this situation: wait a bit.

ISP blocking

Quite possiblythat it is the ISP that is blocking this popular social network. This, of course, is rare, and unlikely to happen, but still possible. Therefore, if nothing helped at all, you can contact your Internet provider and ask him if he blocks a site like vk.com for an hour. What to do if VK does not open from a computer in this case? Change the provider, if, of course, you can do it. It is also worth remembering that this option is extreme, and almost no one blocks this site.

A couple of tips

The first thing to do is not to panic, because the source of most problems is the person sitting in front of the monitor. Next, be sure to check the connection to the Internet, after which we begin to scroll through the rest of the versions.

Also, so that there is no question of what to do if VK does not open from all browsers, you should not install different clients on your PC to receive mail, since they very often carry viruses and various malware with them, which can cause a lot of problems.

Another way to check the performance of "VKontakte" is to go to your page from your phone. If it works without problems on a mobile phone, but not on a computer, then the problem is in it.