Motor is an important component of a quadcopter, which directly affects its performance. Consider how to choose a motor for a quadcopter, what characteristics to look for, what types of batteries for drones are found and how to install them.
Varieties of UAVs

Such a concept as "drones" is quite extensive. This term means not only quadrocopters, but also some models of radio-controlled aircraft and helicopters. This concept can also be replaced by the word "multicopters" which refers to all devices equipped with at least three propellers.
Types of drones:
Tricopters. These are flying structures, where there are three bearing propellers on a movable platform. You can turn the drone by changing the angle of the platform. This option is quite difficult for beginners to drive, but it is quick and agile
Quadcopters. The most common type of drones, which consists of 4 engines andthe same number of propellers. They are easy to operate and can lift different loads if equipped with an attachment. This is the best option for beginners. But in order to get an aircraft with good performance, it is important to pay attention to how much a quadcopter costs. Prices vary from 2 to 70 thousand rubles. depending on engines, build quality, and availability of additional features
Hexacopters. The design contains 6 motors and 6 propellers. This is the best option for photography and video shooting, as the design remains stable in the air even in windy conditions. In addition, this type is equipped with an increased carrying capacity
Octocopters. This type, equipped with 8 screws at once, is quite rare. The option applies more to professional models. The design features reliability, the ability to lift large loads and can work regardless of weather conditions
Quadcopter engine features

Drone motors can draw significant current depending on their size. But at the same time, the weight of the battery should be as small as possible. Therefore, one of the main requirements for the battery is a high current output. But not everything depends on this element. It is important to choose the right motor, which determines how high, accurately and for how long the drone will fly.
Cheap collector motors are equipped with drones costing up to $150. They have little reliability, but if desired, theycan be replaced. Drones with such an engine do not develop high speed, moreover, with their help it is impossible to lift additional cargo. Among the advantages of cheap quadcopter models is the wide variety of models on the market, as well as an ideal choice for beginners. The aircraft is quite easy to fly.
Copter motor specifications

When choosing an engine for a quadrocopter, you should pay attention to its characteristics. Namely:
- power consumption (W) - the higher its value, the more often you will need to charge the battery, which means the drone will not fly for a long time;
- weight - usually, the more weight the motor, the higher its power, but here you need to take into account the mass of the drone itself, since it must be able to lift a certain weight;
- Efficiency is a concept that depends on many components (battery, propeller, controller and wires), for brushless motors, the energy efficiency indicator should be 90%, for collector-type motors - 70%;
- heating temperature in working condition - directly depends on the previous indicator, the more it heats up, the more energy is wasted;
- balancing and vibration - cheap models equipped with the least powerful motor are subject to increased vibration, which can affect the operation of the drone (in this case, it wears out faster);
- lift is the weight that the engine can lift.
Drone motors:Features
Mobile motors are mainly used for cheap drone models that are meant for beginners. Designs with such an engine cannot develop high speeds and have high power, which means they have a small carrying capacity. At the same time, they are bulky, often fail, because the parts inside the motor wear out in a short time.
The commutator motor for a quadcopter consists of a fixed body, inside of which are magnets (plus and minus). The motor is driven by a winding rotor with brushes that supply electricity. It is the presence of brushes that reduces the life of the motor, since they create friction and wear out over time.
Advantages of brushed motor:
- small size and weight;
- low price;
- easy to repair or replace.
But there are downsides to this type of quad motor. The engine has low efficiency, often overheats and wears out quickly.
Brushless Quadcopter

More expensive drone models are equipped with a brushless motor. Most often installed on professional or racing quadcopters. They are distinguished by high traction, speed and power. At the same time, they are quite compact and durable.
The brushless type motor is divided into two parts - the bell (the upper moving part, firmly fixed on the rotor) and the base. Neodymium magnets are placed inside the bell.
Copter brushless motor has the following advantages:
- acceleration and deceleration of the quadcopter is fast (all this is due to the presence of high engine speed of the quadcopter);
- long service life;
- protection from the influence of environmental factors.
But there are also drawbacks to this type of motor. They are expensive, and repairs are quite difficult.
What kind of motor do you need for a racing and filming drone?

Looking for an engine for your racing quadcopter? Look out for brushless motors. Speed and high traction are important for such a drone in order to instantly gain momentum and accelerate. For example, a motor marked KV 2300-2600 (rpm per volt) will accelerate the aircraft to 100 km/h.
For filming quadcopter that needs lower speed, brushless motors are also fine, but KV can be 930-1000. Due to the low speed, the engines are economical, in addition, large propellers are placed on such copters. You can also choose drones with collector motors for shooting, which will cost much less.
How much does a quadcopter with a brushless and brushed motor cost? The first option with a more reliable brushless motor will cost from 10 thousand rubles, with a collector motor - from 2 thousand rubles.
Selection criteria

When choosing an engine for a quadrocopter, it is worthbe guided primarily by its purpose. It is necessary to determine why it is purchased, that is, for what purpose. It is also important to pay attention to such factors:
- Total weight and thrust. To achieve good performance, the engine must lift twice its weight.
- Frame and propeller size. These indicators determine how many motors you need to put in the design.
- Marking. V indicates high build accuracy (racing quadcopters usually go with this indicator), X indicates good quality copters, suitable for the middle class, A is a budget option that can also work well.
When installing motors on a quadrocopter, it is important that they rotate in different directions. For example, two motors - clockwise, and two - against. At the same time, they are located opposite each other. If all the propellers turn in the same direction, the copter will simply spin and will not be able to fly.
How the drone will behave in the air depends on the different speeds of rotation of the engines. In order for the drone to have a correct and balanced movement, the rotation of the propellers must be directed along the body. The air flow from below will create a difference between atmospheric pressure and its value under the wing.
If the propellers are spinning but the drone is not taking off, it is worth checking the markings on the arms and propellers. They must match. When buying a motor, an instruction is attached to it with a detailed description of how to install one or another type of motor on certain models of quadcopters.