Most recently, data on the size of the online advertising market in Russia were published. So, in 2017, a record was broken: small, medium and large businesses left about 75 billion rubles in Runet to attract customers and promote their own brands. This is a huge amount that grows from year to year.
Internet advertising exceeds television, radio and print advertising. And this is not at all surprising: the advantages of targeted or contextual advertising in search engines or social networks are obvious. There is no longer a need to pay millions of rubles for seconds on federal channels: in many niches, a client from the Internet costs thousands of times cheaper. Small and medium business owners understand this and are increasing their budgets for advertising in the online space.
In this regard, literally before our eyes, a new profession appears, which has many names: contextual advertising specialist, directologist, targetologist, Internet marketer, lead generation specialist, etc.remains the same: there is a business that needs customers. There is a specialist who knows how to attract low-cost customers on the Internet. Business pays money to a specialist for his work and makes good money thanks to contextual advertising.

So, how can you become such a specialist and earn big money yourself, literally without leaving your home? The answer to this question can be found in this article.
Contextual advertising: from the first client to a successful career
Today, education is developing at a slower pace than the Internet. In this regard, there is a need for specialists who are not trained by universities. A contextual advertising specialist belongs to this category of professions. How to master this profession and become the best? And the World Wide Web comes to the rescue in this matter.

A little about the features of contextual advertising
Contextual advertising is one of the most effective types of ads, it falls into the field of vision of only an interested audience. For example, you want to buy curtains for yourself. You drive your request into the search engine, and from that moment contextual advertising begins to appear: in the feed among the proposed sites, on the Internet resources in the designated places for advertising, you come across it, checking your mail, communicating with friends on social networks, even watching videos on Youtube. Advertising, like a spider, dissolves its web, and the customer pays for clicks. That is why contextual advertising is gainingturnover among the owners of large, medium and even small businesses, and therefore the demand for specialists in contextual advertising is growing.
You can learn a profession on your own
You can master the profession of a contextual advertising specialist on your own. This profession is in great demand, so the Internet is literally teeming with information on this issue, you should take a dip and pull out everything you need. Read books, no matter how trite it may sound, but this is the most reliable source of information.

Pay your attention to the work of Brian Todd and Perry Marshall. Be interested in information from official sources - Yandex and Google platforms. Watch videos of bloggers who are classified as opinion leaders. Various ratings will help you find them. Read about updates and pay attention to foreign experts in this field.
We pay for tuition and get the result as soon as possible
Many people are wondering: "How to become a specialist in contextual advertising, if this is not taught in universities?". Paid courses have their advantages, in addition to the theoretical base, they also provide practice. You learn by completing real orders, thereby at the same time earning a portfolio for yourself. As a result, after completing the courses, it is easier for you to find a job in advertising agencies or start a freelance career. Among the many trainings for training specialists in contextual advertising, one can distinguish classes in the "Academy of Contextual Advertising", created by Dmitry Mikheev. Their advantage is that training takes place inremote mode, so you can study from anywhere in the world. Each student is assigned a curator who checks homework and answers all questions during the training. And the most diligent are given the opportunity to fulfill the orders of the "Academy", which are paid in full.

Training can be done for free without losing the quality of the knowledge provided
Among free online courses, mostly those created by advertising platforms. Note the following:
- Courses on working with "Yandex. Direct" and "Metrica" provided by the "Yandex" team.
- AdWords and Google Analytics prep materials for the certified exam.
- Learning programs provided by Facebook Blueprint.
A variety of forums dedicated to this topic can also be useful. But remember, you can become a specialist by constantly improving and replenishing the treasury of knowledge in this industry.
Necessary skills for mastering the profession
In order to be successful in the field of contextual advertising, you need to master the basics and features of the profession, as well as the advertising market as a whole. It should be understood that the study of competitors is a necessity in this industry, and the use of this knowledge in building companies for customers is an invaluable tool.

Don't forget to learn different ways to promote, it's alsodirectly relates to the direct duties of a contextual advertising specialist, among them: the development, creation, maintenance and analysis of advertising campaigns. It is necessary to master the basics of working with retargeting, networks and Yandex. Metrica, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, advertising optimization based on ROI, conversions. Professional work at all stages of working with advertising companies on Google Adwords, Yandex. Direct. The presence of these qualities will ensure success in the profession:
- Skills to effectively plan your workflow.
- The ability to process and navigate a large amount of information.
- Ability to analyze the obtained results and use them in further work.
- Persistence and concentration. Ability to take responsibility.
- An unconventional approach to tasks and solving problems.
- The constant need for new knowledge and skills.
- The ability to work in different areas and profitably serve a variety of services and goods.
Home office work reality or myth?
Having mastered the theoretical base, you should begin to practice. If you do not want to spend a lot of time on the road to work and spend half a day in traffic jams getting home, then the following information is especially for you. A contextual advertising specialist remotely is not a myth. First you need to build a portfolio, and for this, dreams of high earnings should be postponed a bit. Not a single owner of a large or medium-sized business will pay you colossal sums withoutmaking sure of your competence, and for this you need a portfolio. If you know someone who owns a business, invite them to create a campaign at a nominal cost or completely free. If there are none, go looking for your first client on the streets of your city and offer your services to local businesses.
A contextual advertising specialist with no experience can find a job on freelance exchanges. You need to fill out your portfolio and make the price below the market or offer your services for free, you can also offer the client what he would pay only if your work is successful and the campaign will bring profit to the customer. Most importantly, do not be afraid and be confident in your abilities.

For a PPC specialist, reviews are one of the most important aspects, so feel free to ask your clients to leave reviews of your work. In the future, this will help you attract more customers.
Creating a portfolio for a contextual advertising specialist
A potential employer or customer should clearly see how many successful campaigns you have created and how much profit you have brought to the customer. A contextual advertising specialist resume should contain a portfolio of created ads. These can be screenshots taken with advertising campaign analytics. It is necessary to place certificates, indicate work experience (for how long you have been working in this area), what positions you have held and with which companiescooperated, the cost of your services, post links to testimonials from your customers or insert screenshots with them. This will be to your advantage.
Pros and cons of the profession
Among the positive aspects of the profession it should be noted:
- The contextual advertising market is constantly growing. Now and in the near future you will be provided with a job.
- The ability to work remotely and make your own schedule.
- If you wish, you can become an employee of global companies.
- Professions can be learned on your own without expensive courses and long studies at universities.
- The opportunity to earn a lot and go on a trip.
Cons in the work of a contextual advertising specialist:
- When working in large global companies, you will be required to be constantly certified (passing profile tests).
- Great responsibility to customers.
- You need to constantly update your knowledge, the profession is new and developing at a tremendous speed.
Career growth and peaks
Contextual advertising specialist is a profession that requires special attention to each order. It is the good performance of previous advertising campaigns that will ensure your success in the future in the form of an influx of new customers. Designing and creating ads is the main task of a contextual advertising specialist, but campaigning will allow you to move freely and become the main means of earning. Depending on experience and professionalism, the number of advertising campaigns thatyou are engaged at the same time, earnings can range from 30 thousand rubles. up to 150 thousand rubles The peaks in the area we are considering have not yet been established, or rather, they do not exist. You can earn as much as you want, everyone has their own goals. One has only to plan the working day and rest correctly.

Varieties of contextual advertising
There are two types of contextual advertising: ads in search feeds and on websites.
- Search ads appear directly when you search for the item you want.
- Thematic appears as additional advertising on sites. These are ads that match the interests of users.
At the moment, there are two main platforms on which contextual advertising is placed: Yandex. Direct - designed for the Russian-speaking audience and Google Adwords - the coverage of this platform, in addition to the same target audience, also works with the English-speaking audience. The cost of advertising on these platforms is practically the same: the minimum order is between 300–400 rubles. One click on the first platform costs from 30 rubles, on the second - from $0.01.