The range of modern mobile devices is so wide that it is actually not so easy to make a choice. There are many models that differ in price, manufacturer, technical characteristics. Even choosing between a metal case and the classic "plastic" is not so easy.
In this article we will talk about how to focus on two very important criteria - battery capacity and camera. In order to make it easier for the reader to navigate this topic, along the way we will offer examples of certain devices.
The basis of any choice

To begin with, we note that the task of any user is to choose the most affordable tablet with a good camera, low battery consumption and high performance. It is logical that each of us, acquiring a mobile device of any type, tends to expect better performance from it. But that doesn't happen.
When we make a choice, we have to sacrifice something. If we talk about the acquisition of high-performance devices from leading companies, then in this case we donate money. If you look for a budget tablet with a good camera, its performance and quality may “suffer”assembly.
Therefore, the task of each buyer is to search and find the very "golden mean". By selecting it, he will receive a device suitable for any task. In this article, we will try to orient the reader to the search for such a model.
The battery in the tablet
Let's start with the battery, because it determines the duration of the device. Many buyers, however, underestimate such a parameter as battery capacity, simply not attaching importance to it. And in vain.

Because how important a capacious battery is for your mobile device, you will understand already in the first days of working with it. Perhaps your priority is to buy a tablet with a good camera; but in the case of a low battery capacity, after a couple of hours of filming, the device will sit down, and you will have no choice but to put it aside and wait until it becomes possible to connect to the network. Believe me, this is very annoying.
Therefore, you need to try to find a model that will have a more capacious battery that can hold a charge longer. However, it should be understood that the duration of the device depends on two criteria - charge consumption and battery capacity. If the latter has small dimensions (which is what manufacturers strive for by making tablets as thin as possible), accordingly, it cannot show a large capacity.
Thus, there must be some balance between how much space the battery takes up and how long it can keep the gadget running.
Chooseunder screen battery

The capacity of the battery, which we have already mentioned, is measured in milliamp-hours. On the letter, this value is indicated as "mAh". You can see it in the technical specifications of any tablet or phone. The higher the specified indicator, the longer the gadget will be able to work without additional charging.
However, there is another factor - the level of charge consumption. It, in turn, depends on the capabilities of the device. If, say, a simple keypad phone will last a week with a 700 mAh battery, then for a 7-inch tablet, a 3500 mAh battery is a day's work.
There is such a setting: the battery should be selected according to the size of the display. Say, for 7 inches, 3500 mAh and more is normal; for 8 - 4200 mAh, 9- and 10-inch tablets will work fine with "6 and 7 thousand" batteries. Recall that we are talking about ensuring that your gadget is enough for at least a day of work.
When choosing devices, do not forget that a tablet with a good camera and battery will cost a lot. True, and it will be much more comfortable to use it.
Charge consumption

We remembered to calculate the battery capacity depending on the diagonal of the screen for the reason that the screen "pulls" the main part of the charge. True, and this is not a single form of battery consumption. There are other factors, such as the operation of the processor. And in fact, the way the functionality of the latter is coordinated affects the duration of the device’s operation forsingle charge.
A sign that the processor in the tablet is working inefficiently is its excessive heating. It comes, as a rule, in the case of working with "bulky" applications that take up a lot of resources.
According to user reviews, you can observe such a problem on budget-class devices, for example, the cheapest Lenovo, some models of Asus, Samsung and other companies. The trend is that if the gadget belongs to the low price segment, then its charge consumption optimization is lower, which means that the battery lasts for a much shorter period.
On the other hand, the work of flagship models like Apple products, "top" devices from Lenovo, Samsung, Sony and other companies should be noted on the positive side. There, in addition to capacious batteries, there is also an element of optimizing the operation of the device itself, which increases the capabilities of the tablet.
Cameras in tablets
Well, about batteries, perhaps everything is clear: we look at the class of the device and the battery capacity indicator (measured in mAh). But what about another important component - the camera installed on the tablet?

On this occasion, I would like to note that the cameras installed on tablet computers are usually weak. At best, these are analogues of those that are on smartphones. In this regard, you should not expect high-quality images from most devices.
Moreover, if we talk about the front camera designed for "selfies", then its quality, as a rule, is quite consistent with the task:A close-up shot is good. As the reviews show, tablets with a good front camera are almost all "flagships", as well as some devices from the "middle" segment: Samsung, devices from Asus, LG.
But the main camera, which can photograph landscapes, various poorly (or too brightly) lit objects, and so on, does not always cope with the task. Again, especially on inexpensive tablets.
What do megapixels mean?
Most often, a gadget is chosen by the number of "megapixels". This is a parameter that characterizes the resolution of the device's camera. On most devices, it varies between 5, 8 or 12 units. It is generally accepted that the higher this indicator, the better the pictures taken by the camera. However, this is not always the case.

An important role, if you are looking for a tablet with a good camera, is played by the matrix. This is the main element of the entire device responsible for creating a snapshot. The quality of her work determines what the pictures will turn out to be. If the tablet, the characteristics of which indicate all "12 megapixels", has a cheap Chinese matrix, the quality of the pictures will be disgusting. Therefore, to navigate which tablet has a good camera, you should follow the manufacturer.
For example, Sony has excellent cameras: the company manufactures them and even sells them to Apple and a number of other manufacturers. Again, the Apple iPad, Samsung Tab S8.4 and Galaxy Note, LG, Sony Xperia Z3, Meizu Mi Pad, Huawei MediaPad have good cameras (each model - dependingits price, of course). Whereas most devices from Lenovo (A3000, for example), as well as many little-known Chinese companies, make tablets, the photos from which are not of the best quality. At least user reviews indicate this.
Video camera and flash
When looking for a device to take photos and shoot videos, do not forget about the flash. As reviews show, working with it on a tablet is much more convenient, and photos in low light are better. Flash is available not only on expensive and mid-priced gadgets (iPad, Samsung Note, Samsung Tab), but also on inexpensive tablets (Nomi, Assistant, Impression, Ainol, MYTAB and others). So finding a computer with lighting for your shots is not that difficult.

Another issue is video cameras. Here you need to look not at the number of megapixels, but at the video resolution. A good indicator is the resolution of 720p, excellent - 1080p (HD - quality). So, for example, shoots Asus Eee Transformer or the same Apple iPad.
In fact, choosing a device that will satisfy you is not so difficult. Or we determine by price and manufacturer and take, for example, a Samsung tablet with a good camera - some Galaxy Tab Pro, for example. Another option is to look for technical parameters among the available devices and select something like Asus Nexus, Huawei or Meizu. Among little-known models, as well as among Chinese products, you can also find many worthydevices.
Reviews will help you navigate
Also don't forget to read the reviews. About each device today you can find a lot of recommendations from those who have already had a chance to work with it. This helps to get some information about how the device behaves in practice, find a tablet with a good camera and flash, and know what points to pay attention to, what strengths or weaknesses this or that device has.