The VKontakte community allows you to solve many problems, but the primary one is to bring people together on a specific topic. In this article, we’ll talk about how to create a VKontakte community, consider what to do, what it’s strongly not recommended to do, and touch on the topic of free promotion of such a community. So let's go!

How to create a Vkontakte community?
First of all, you should decide on the name of this community (naming). We strongly recommend that you do not use your brand name or store name in the community name. It is important to create a community of the most similar news orientation, but not commercial. For those who are engaged in business and are interested in creating a VKontakte group, I would like to advise the following. If your line of business is to sell panties, don't start a "panty community" group or similar nonsense. Better think about how to attract the attention of the audience and at the same time hint at the nomenclature of yourshop. But the main thing is to make not a commercial, but an informational basis for your community.

If you are wondering how to create a Vkontakte community, then you should choose the type of community: public page, group or event. Let's go directly to solving your question, create a community.
First of all, go to your profile on the social network "VKontakte". Then go to the "Groups" section in the left menu. On the page that opens, in the upper right corner you will find the link "Create a community". Then enter the name of your group, as we said above - naming. Just below the field in which you entered the name, there will be a switch, it should be set to the "Group" position. After that, you just need to click on the "Create Community" button and you will become the owner of your VKontakte group.

How to create a community "In contact", you now know. However, in the end, I would like to mention those tasks that can be solved with the help of such groups. Of course, the first task is to earn money. Promoted groups "VKontakte" are able to earn good money on advertising. PR takes second place in the list of goals for which communities are made.
But your VKontakte community is worth nothing and will not bring anything if there are no visitors in it. And for this it is worth thinking about how the promotion of groups is carried out. VKontakte. Before promotion, it is worth adding a certain amount of material to the group so that the users who come can linger. You can place an ad in Yandex Direct, Google Adsense or other contextual advertising services. In addition, PR of your group in groups with a similar thematic focus will bring a good result. Naturally, all these methods are paid, you may have to spend a fair amount of money. Sending invitations to a group on your own is a thankless task, firstly, you can send no more than 40 of them per day, and secondly, more than half of the people will reject them. But this method also takes place, especially if the group has valuable information. Also, for sure, the business owner has his own website with good traffic, a great way to promote the VKontakte group would be to post a link to the group.
As you can see, creating a VKontakte group is a simple undertaking from a technical point of view, but quite laborious in terms of promotion.