How to create "Yandex Disk" for photos? How to create "Yandex.Disk" on a computer?

How to create "Yandex Disk" for photos? How to create "Yandex.Disk" on a computer?
How to create "Yandex Disk" for photos? How to create "Yandex.Disk" on a computer?

Every person has some personal files at their disposal. Most often these are photographs and music, less often - films and books. We try to keep the data that is of particular value to us in the safest possible place. Some use a hard drive, flash drives and other devices for this, allowing you to transfer files and not worry about their safety.

However, the era when you had to purchase a special portable disk with a large capacity to save personal photos has already passed. Today, all electronic data can be moved to the Internet - to some cloud service. We will talk more about working with one of them (namely, about the service from Yandex) in this article.

how to create a Yandex Disk
how to create a Yandex Disk

We will try to reveal the most important information about how to create Yandex Disk, how to work with it, what files and in what volumes can be uploaded to the cloud, and muchother.

General information

First, we will tell you about how the cloud service works and what it is for.

Figuratively speaking, we can compare the cloud to a large hard drive located somewhere on the Internet. We can safely interact with it, move, copy, distribute our files, share them with friends and, on the contrary, hide them from prying eyes. All this can be done from anywhere in the world and at any time, the main thing is that we have access to the network. That's the beauty of cloud storage.

They are eternal, well protected and easily accessible to the owner. To, say, start using such a service, it is enough to create "Yandex. Disk". How to do this, we will describe in more detail later in the text. With an account with this service, you can truly ditch bulky and expensive hard drives and keep your valuable files forever.

Where is information stored?

When a user hears about cloud technologies for the first time, a logical question arises as to why these services are so reliable that they can supposedly store files forever, and yet where is all the information? After all, if each user uploads large files to his disk, this mass of information will be enormous. How does the service cope with such a flow of information and where does it all go?

create Yandex Disk
create Yandex Disk

The answer is simple: the data transmitted through the cloud is stored on the servers of the service with which the user interacts. Actuallythese files can be virtually "split" in such a way that their parts will be placed on different storages. Plus, of course, the service where you can create "Yandex. Disk" provides various mechanisms for making copies of user files, which completely eliminates the risk of their loss.

Imagine entire data centers, consisting of hundreds of servers connected together… This is the cloud, which can include just a huge amount of space. Due to this structure, the system can accommodate not only 10 GB of each user, but much more. This is another factor that plays in favor of the Yandex. Disk service. Creating an account here really means getting access to very convenient and in some ways really revolutionary technologies. Which, by the way, is still being developed.

File Access

Of course, in addition to the fact that your information must be protected, the service is also obliged to provide all the necessary access to it in the shortest possible way. Ideally, the user should be able in any situation, if such a desire arises, by logging in from any platform, to review, say, his photos. Before you create "Yandex Disk", you should also know: all this is possible thanks to the system implemented by the company.

how to create Yandex Disk on a computer
how to create Yandex Disk on a computer

More details about how to access your files, we will write later. Now we just note that there are several ways to access your “Disk”: a web browser, a special program, as well as an application on a mobilephone. We will consider some aspects of working with each of them in more detail.


The types of files that you can publish on "Yandex. Disk" are not limited by anything - upload anything there. The main limit is the amount of space that the service will “give” you. That is, if you are a novice user who has just created your account, you will receive 10 GB of space to work with your content. If you already have experience interacting with the service and you do not have enough specified space, you can “buy” as much as you need. More details about how to get more, we will tell further. At this stage, it is important to understand that the “ceiling” for a simple user is 10 GB.

how to create Yandex Disk for photos
how to create Yandex Disk for photos

Space increase

So, the user has several ways to expand the space on his "Disk". The first is a purchase. There are three tariff plans promoted by the service, within which you can get 10 GB, 100 GB and 1 TB. The subscription fee for using this place is 30, 80 and 200 rubles per month, respectively. While you are making it, the system will provide the opportunity to place your files in the specified free space.

The second way to expand your "Disk" is promotions and invitations to friends. For example, the first means that, having paid in the store, you will receive as a gift a certain amount of additional space, which you can use in the same way. Still, for example, the service gives the client the opportunity to “earn” additionalplace. If you bring at least one friend, you will receive 512 MB of space for free. This applies to every participant who registers using your link.

how to create a link to Yandex Disk
how to create a link to Yandex Disk

How to create "Yandex Disk". Detailed instructions

So, we have considered some important aspects of the operation of such a cloud service as "Yandex. Disk". Create a folder, rename your file, open it in a separate window, send a link to a file to a friend and many other operations will be available to you intuitively, there is nothing new in this. In addition, the system offers each new member something like "training files" saved initially, by default. You can “play around” with them until you figure out how the service works. Believe me, it's very fast and easy enough.

But before that, you need to tell how to create "Yandex Disk". Just follow our information and you will be able to become a full member of the system.

First of all, you need to have a Yandex account. If you have an account in Yandex. Money or some mailbox in the domain zone, you can say that you already have everything you need to get started. Then just log in using your username and password, then go to the “Disk” tab. It can be seen in the top bar of the site. There will be a window offering to open the disk for your own purposes. In the same paragraph, after your consent, the standard pictures that we talked about will appear.

After clicking on any of the files, the system will offer to perform a series ofactions of the user's choice. For example, it can be deleting, renaming, hiding or, conversely, publishing a file. You can also create a link to download the file. "Yandex. Disk" for this offers only to switch the switch near the inscription "Share link" from the "Off" mode. to “On”. This button determines whether the file will be available via a link outside of your account or not.

Work with PC

As we reported earlier, one of the ways to work with the "Disk" is a special program. You can download it directly from the service website, you will be repeatedly asked to do this. True, when downloading this software, be careful: along with it, Yandex tries to “slip” its auxiliary elements into the browser, some kind of advertising and a settings package for Yandex. Browser. Install all this or refuse by unchecking the appropriate checkboxes, it's up to you.

Yandex Disk create folder
Yandex Disk create folder

After downloading, you must enter your username and password in your account. Then you can work with the program in normal mode.

In particular, it allows you to see the files on your cloud as if in a local folder. Also, the “Add file” item will appear in the system interface, which will simplify the work with your data. Actually, that's all you need to know about how to create "Yandex. Disk" on your computer.

Working from a browser

If you don't want to download additional software, you can get by with a browser window. You just need to open the “Disk” tab in your “Yandex account”, and you will get inside the system. Minus the browserthe fact that there is no clear synchronization of the computer with your disk; the plus is that you don't need to download anything.

create a link to download the Yandex Disk file
create a link to download the Yandex Disk file

Mobile platforms

Even on a tablet computer or mobile phone, you can install a mobile application designed specifically for users of the service. It has an attractive design and a simple interface that everyone can understand. Even if you have no experience with the program client, you will understand how to create a link to Yandex. Disk. Files can be freely distributed among friends and acquaintances.

Keep the “Disk” in order

One more thing is the structure of the files, their placement. Remember: as with any hard drive, as you accumulate files, you need to sort them out a bit. Create appropriate folders with clear names, sign your photos, music and videos: this is the only way to save all valuable information in the form you remember it.


So, today we talked about such an excellent technology as cloud file storage, and in particular about the service from Yandex. Agree, this technological solution really has no analogues today, and at the same time, its properties are ahead of the classic copying of files to media. You have already figured out how to create "Yandex. Disk" for photos, music and other valuable files in no time! It is easy and convenient, even a child can handle it. Therefore, if you still do not have such a service where you could upload an importantinformation, we recommend that you acquire one before you lose your valuable files. Especially since it's free!
