How to create a Facebook group? How to create and promote a group on Facebook

How to create a Facebook group? How to create and promote a group on Facebook
How to create a Facebook group? How to create and promote a group on Facebook

Facebook is the largest social network in the world with over 500 million registered users from 123 countries. Thus, the project can be called a very effective platform for bringing people together on common interests or building a joint business. But for this you need to figure out how to create a group on Facebook and what opportunities it gives.

Some statistics

Let's start with the fact that 2 million users of the project are a Russian-speaking audience, and its

how to create a group on facebook
how to create a group on facebook

the number is growing rapidly. Most of them are people who have acquaintances abroad. Such resources, among other things, can help promote blogs on various topics.

The answer to the question of how to create a group on Facebook, you need to start by choosing a topic. Communities of webmasters, travel, news and entertainment destinations are especially popular. Well attended and groups about books,laptops, gifts and gadgets.

Some novice users reduce the question of how to promote a group on Facebook to registering a profile, as well as setting up crossposting. In fact, everything is a little more complicated. The social network provides several dozens of effective promotion tools suitable for different business areas, as well as site topics.

How to add a group to Facebook: community or page?

The creation and promotion of the page can be called especially effective. In essence, she

how to promote a group on facebook
how to promote a group on facebook

similar to the group, but with a few differences:

- there are statistics with which you can determine the growth in popularity, as well as user activity;

- access for unregistered users is possible;

- added applications;

- page widget can be added to the site, which is not available for groups.

It is worth noting that the community administrator can write a message for all members. However, pages have more advantages than groups. They are better suited for promoting business and Internet projects. So, let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a Facebook group.

Registration process

First, create an account on a social network. Enter the required information about yourself. Go to the page. You are offered 2 options: "Official page" and "Community page". The first option is for organizationsgroups, celebrities, companies, brands or local businesses. However, we will analyze how to create a group on Facebook according to the second option - an unofficial association of people.

Any user can create a community page. Enter the title of the page,

how to make a group on facebook
how to make a group on facebook

then create a community page. If we return to how to promote a group on Facebook, at this stage it is worth noting the special role of the name in this matter. It comes in 2 types. By brand - similar to the name of the company. Mentioning in the name of the community only the name of the project for which it was created is reasonable only when it has its own audience and has also proven itself well. It is undesirable to name a page after a brand if no one knows about it yet. The name for the community can also be chosen according to interests (for example, a club of marketers).

How to create a Facebook group: design

So you have become the owner of an empty page that needs proper design and content filling. This way you will attract users. First, upload an image (project logo). Under the page avatar, click on the "Edit page" item. The logo should be large in height in order to look more effective, attracting more attention.

Add the website address (if available), as well as a description of the page - a few sentences about the company or the purpose of the project. Using FBML markup language

how to add a group on facebook
how to add a group on facebook

you can easily design a page according to your corporate identity. You can also purchase ready-made templates if you wish - it's expensive, but original and beautiful.

You can make a purchase thanks to applications on Facebook. The side menu of the page has a block in which it is proposed to “Tell about the page”. It is limited to 200 characters. Write there a few words about the company and provide a link to the site.

Filling and installing applications

In this case, everything depends on the direction of the promoted company. The "RSS Graffiti" application is designed for cross-posting RSS entries on Facebook. In order to set up this feature, install the application. Then fill in the required fields. The application has a lot of useful features.

Poll is designed to create polls. This procedure will only take a few minutes. You can recommend the vote to friends, as well as publish it on your own profile. This approach will help draw additional attention to the project. Polls and polls are created in order to know the opinion of subscribers on a particular topic.

how to create a facebook group
how to create a facebook group

The Slideshare application will help you add presentations to your pages. Update your community daily: add announcements and interesting links, encourage participants, hold promotions and contests, organize discussions, respond to all kinds of comments.


Get your first members to get started and don't forget to subscribe yourself. Before asto promote the project, you need to collect several dozen subscribers in order for the page to become visited and alive. Enter the address of the community in your profile, and then invite your friends. The invitation should be accompanied by a message that will be of interest to potential subscribers.

Contextual advertising in the social network itself is more effective, but this approach is costly. The advantages of the method include showing your ad exclusively to the target audience interested in such a project. The disadvantages include, in some cases, an unreasonably high price and difficulties with payment. So we have discussed how to create a group on Facebook and what it is for. We hope that our advice will be useful to you and help you attract a new audience to your projects.
