How to get natural links? Natural links for site promotion: an example, competent placement of a natural link

How to get natural links? Natural links for site promotion: an example, competent placement of a natural link
How to get natural links? Natural links for site promotion: an example, competent placement of a natural link

Recently, search engines are increasingly filtering and rejecting sites whose links are bought from donors. What to do if you need to promote the SDL (site for people)? The most correct solution is the competent placement of a natural link. What is it, where can I get it and how does it work? In fact, everything is not at all difficult, and even if you are not an expert in such matters, you can easily figure it out. First you need to understand what you are dealing with and what are the distinguishing features.

Natural links are those external links that appeared on the Web without the involvement of technology and "purchases", that is, when users pass the address of a site or page to each other because they find it interesting, useful or necessary. Search engines highly value such links, which has a very positive effect on the ranking of the resource. It's also a great way to promote the SDL.

how to get natural links
how to get natural links

Key differentiatorsnatural links:

  • Not hidden, reflected, that is, made for the user.
  • Posted in the content section.
  • Contains directly the page address or its title.
  • Used not by itself, but in a group with others.
  • Linking to other live and well-visited resources.
  • May look like a banner.

This list is dependent on the requirements of certain search engines and may vary.

Where can you get so many natural links to interest search engines on the good side? Below are the main ways to get this valuable tool for website promotion. Many of them intersect or are interconnected, therefore, having taken one, you will most likely have to smoothly move on to the second, and then to all the others. But the result will justify these efforts!


How to get natural links? The very first step is to give your visitor worthwhile interesting material. If the content is unique or interesting, then word of mouth will work, and completely independently and without additional effort. After reading an exciting article, seeing an unusual service or making a successful purchase, the visitor will pass on information about the site to his friends and acquaintances without asking and "bribery".

natural links
natural links

If this is not a landing page, then you can add a page with a distinctive theme to attract more visitors. For example: an online store offering tools and equipment for repair and construction work adds a bookmark"Men's Interests", which hosts news and informational articles that will attract the attention of those who are not directly looking for the product offered. But an acquaintance or friend with whom a visitor shares a link may turn out to be a potential buyer. But that's in terms of sales. And for promotion, any visits with a delay on the site of more than 20-30 seconds are already interesting.

In fact, these will be the most natural links of all possible, but there is one important point: the promotion of a resource in this way can be very slow and end in nothing. That is why it is worth considering all possible options and trying other ways.

Blogs and forums

How to get natural links and at the same time attract the target audience to your resource? An excellent solution can be forums, blogs and a similar type of platform where people communicate and discuss issues of interest to them. It is necessary to select resources suitable for the topics and unobtrusively, to the topic, offer your source. The main thing in this is the naturalness of entry.

Let's consider an example of a successful placement. Let's take a forum about cooking. Let's call the discussion of the topic "Recipes for delicate cream soups." There is an answer to someone's post, one or two recipes are suggested, the last sentence is unobtrusively inserted “Such a soup can be rubbed through a sieve, but it will be much faster and more convenient to beat it with a blender. I have such and such. I bought it specifically for these soups. By the way, in a good store, such and such.”

natural link sites
natural link sites

Consider an example of an unsuccessfulaccommodation. Also take a forum about cooking. Discussion of the topic - "Salads in a hurry." Without natural occurrences, we write a post: “I recommend an online store of household appliances - such and such.”

Do not forget that blog and forum moderators can block a visitor who imposes certain links too painfully and inserts them into all messages, so do not overdo it. To reduce the time spent on such events, you can attract professional bloggers. And not necessarily for a fee in a specific monetary terms. You can, for example, offer a discount on your services or products.

Social networks

Another way to get natural links is to promote the resource in Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Facebook. These are the most popular social networks, but you can use any others. In this case, everything is simple: you need to tell your friends and acquaintances about your site and ask them, in turn, to pass on the information and, of course, a link to their friends and acquaintances. That is, word of mouth will work again. If at least some of those who receive a recommendation visit the resource, this will already give a good indicator. And if the site is also of interest to visitors, then the number of natural links will grow exponentially.

The following information can be taken into account: Odnoklassniki is more popular among middle-aged and older people; "VK" brings together mainly young people and teenagers, and also has a large number of pages for business; Facebook is popular all over the world, soworks well if the territorial component is not important for the project.


How to get natural links from the immediate target audience? First of all, you need to find those who may be interested in the resource or the goods and services that it offers. The media is a great old way of advertising in principle, so it is also suitable for the issue at hand. Many information portals are ready to place interesting thematic articles for a low fee or even for free. You can write the text yourself or involve specialists (rewriters, copywriters). These can be reviews, press releases, news or even interviews. It is best if the article contains several links to different resources (for example, promoted and affiliate), then it will look more natural for the search engine. In addition, people who are interested in the material are likely to look at the proposed pages.

proper placement of natural links
proper placement of natural links

For example, a page that sells a variety of gadgets can offer its services to a news site to maintain the "Hi-tech" column. In this case, both parties will get a good traffic result, and natural links will work.

Promotions and contests

Natural links for website promotion can also be obtained through various kinds of voting. To do this, you need to come up with a promotion or contest and place it on a promoted page, as well as talk about it using all available methods (see below).steps 1-4).

The prize doesn't have to be impressive. The main thing is that the participants of the action or competition should be interested in the fact that as many people as possible, for example, read their story or mark their photo. The ideal option would be the task "write a review about the contestant or leave a comment." This will ensure not only traffic, but also delay the one who followed the natural link on the page for some time, which will positively affect the site statistics.


Today it is very popular to buy goods and services through resources that offer discount cards and coupons. And these are also excellent sites for natural links. At a relatively low cost, you can get good attendance by the target audience. You can also combine the coupon offer with promotions. For example, a coupon with a larger discount will be received by the visitor who invites the maximum number of friends to the site for a certain period of time.

Reference books and catalogs

This is a very good option to get natural links to your site in various business directories and directories. There are many options here - starting with the classic catalogs, which are available both nationwide and separately for cities and regions. In addition, you can register on resources to search for vacancies and candidates. The main thing is the presence of two components:

  • In the registration form there is a special column for the address of the site or page. The link should not just be inscribed in the text or title.
  • Section containingprofile with the address must match the subject of the resource.
natural link example
natural link example

Through the search engines themselves, you can also get natural links. Yandex, for example, offers to place information about the object on the map, and you can use this.

It will be useful to post links in Q&A services. For example, a user asks a question about how to perform an action in a graphical editor and receives an answer, including a link to a site where such information is posted.

Affiliate programs

The fact that by working in a team, you can achieve much greater results, everyone understands. But how can this be applied to the question at hand? It is necessary to find projects that offer related products and services and are also interested in attracting visitors. The next step is to contact the administration of these sites and offer mutual placement of links as partners. An important point is that the partner must be the CEO and have good attendance. Otherwise, the game can become, as they say, “one-sided”. That is, by promoting a partner site, your own resource may not get the desired return.

An excellent example of a natural link through an affiliate program is to agree with the site developer on the mutual placement of links on the pages. That is, the address of the developer is indicated on the site being promoted, and he, in turn, adds the resource to his portfolio and indicates its address. Perhaps the company whose site is being promoted is a member of some organizations or associations. It is toopartners, and with them you can agree on the mutual placement of links.

Important buttons

Another good way to get natural links to your site is to make it "live" and allow the visitor to participate in his life. In practice, this is very simple. It is necessary to create pages in social networks and link them to the resource. Directly on the site, it is necessary to place working buttons “like”, “I like”, “share with friends”, and so on, as well as give the opportunity to leave comments and discuss content. Attach buttons best to social networks, blogs and forums.

Yandex natural links
Yandex natural links

If a page that sells something, you can, for example, ask the buyer after a successful transaction to tell about his purchase using the buttons described above or subscribe to the site's news.

Useful services

A very good way to get natural backlinks is to attract visitors to your site through a variety of interesting or useful services. These can be, for example, calculation calculators for loans, loans, subsidies and other things, or calendars with holidays, days off, dates for the submission of accounting and other reports, and so on. Is it worth talking about such services that have almost become mandatory, such as weather forecasts, exchange rates, horoscopes and more?

There are examples of unique useful services: calculation of the calorie content of a dish based on weight and the list of incoming products; calculation of the amount of paintwork material for a certaintype of work, based on footage, etc.

Educational programs

Today it is fashionable to be enlightened, so various online seminars and webinars, as well as various educational programs, are very popular. Having picked up thematically suitable offers, you need to contact the administration or manager and offer mutual promotion. For example, by placing a banner with an invitation to a webinar on your page, you can ask in return to place a link to your resource in the comments or description, as well as in educational materials.

You can also invite an expert yourself and hold a webinar or online seminar on your page. The main thing is to choose a question that will intersect with the theme of the site and promote advertising. If this event is free for visitors, then most likely there will be attendance.

Fun and humor

Very good at attracting attention, and therefore visitors, entertaining and humorous moments. For example, you can offer to take the test “Which product from the catalog is suitable for people with the zodiac sign Leo” or “How to choose a restaurant by date of birth”, as well as rubrics like “Anecdote of the day” or “Demotivator in the topic”. Even today, all sorts of "life hacks" are very popular. These are options for non-standard solutions and the use of available things for unexpected purposes. By matching such content to the theme of the page, you can also attract visitors.

natural link promotion
natural link promotion

The main thing is to invite someone who has passed the test or read a joke to share a joke with a friend. All this is possibleto do with all the same buttons "like", "I like", "share with friends" and transitions to social networks.

This list is not complete. Based on the specifics of a particular resource, you can select other sites of natural links. If you can’t do it yourself, you need to contact the promotion specialists. For example, SeoPult offers automatic placement of natural links - professional link builders are responsible for the entire process from A to Z.

It's important to remember that natural link promotion for SAOs is vital. Completing this task will take time, effort and some material costs, but top positions in search engines are worth it!