Among landline users, you can hardly find people who have not had to deal with interruptions in the telephone line. There can be quite a few reasons for the occurrence of such situations: from the banal “the telephone set failed” to the more global “transmission lines were damaged.”
If the MGTS telephone (Moscow city telephone network) does not work, then you should first find out what the problem is and where it is located: outside the apartment (house) or within it. For example, if the wire has been damaged by the teeth of a pet, then it will be impossible not to notice the breakage. The correct information will help to quickly resolve the issue when contacting the contact center line. In this article, we will consider a topical issue for many subscribers: “MGTS phone does not work - where to call?”

How to report communication problems to the operator?
There are several ways to contact the Help Desk operator to report a problem, butYou need to do your own analysis first. This will provide the support line consultant with details and greatly speed up the process of resolving issues. If the MGTS phone does not work, but it is possible to call from another phone, for example, from work or from relatives and friends, then you need to dial the following number: 8 (495) 636-03-63.
Contact the contact center from a mobile phone
If it is not possible to contact the support service from a landline phone, you can always use a mobile gadget to send information about problems to the dispatcher. By dialing 0636 from your smartphone, you can also contact a call center employee. Please note that the support service works around the clock without holidays and weekends. Thus, you can contact her immediately after you realize that the MGTS phone is not working.

After connecting with a specialist, you should provide the most complete information known to the user. The employee will advise and try to help remotely, unless, of course, we are talking about mechanical damage to the transmission line. If you need to call the wizard, the subscriber can apply for the services of the wizard. When submitting an application, it is recommended to leave your contacts by which you can contact the subscriber to clarify additional data.
Who repairs the equipment?
So, if during a telephone conversation with a support line employee it is not possible to solve the problem, then you need to leave a request formaster call. It should be noted that these works are carried out by contractors (partners of MGTS), which means that the cost of their services and the level of quality of work can vary significantly not only in different areas of the city, but also within several houses. Thus, if your acquaintances spoke negatively about the work of one company, this does not mean at all that an employee of the organization who comes to you upon request will do his job poorly.

After receiving a request for repair, the company will agree on the time of the visit of the master with the client. At the appointed time, a specialist will arrive, sent by the company in order to diagnose, eliminate existing breakdowns and carry out a number of measures. First of all, he begins to analyze where exactly the problem arose - in the apartment or outside it. If the inability to use communication in normal mode is due to the actions of the client, for example, the telephone set is broken or the cable is broken, then the specialist will be able to navigate the cost of services, since the breakdown will be repaired at the expense of the subscriber. As mentioned earlier, it all depends on the contractor. Rates may vary depending on the situation. If a communication problem occurs outside the client's apartment, the service provider will bear the cost of correcting it.
Addresses of MGTS offices for individuals
If the landline telephone (MGTS) does not work and you cannot contact customer support, you can always contact any service provider's office. Of course, unlike the linesupport, which operates 24/7, MGTS branches have a specific work schedule. If the office hours do not suit you, then you need to contact the support service with a question why the MGTS phone is not working (where to call, the contacts were given earlier).

There are 24 offices in Moscow and the Moscow region in total - in each of them, employees will be able to advise the client (both individuals and corporate clients) and accept an application to call a repairman. Please note that you can select an office on the MGTS website in the "Sales and Service Centers" section. For each department, here are:
- exact address;
- position on the map;
- work periods (including holiday work schedule);
- office congestion.
Subscribers just need to choose a branch where they can leave a request to call a specialist and get quality advice.
When contacting the office, be sure to take an identity document with you. If the contract for the provision of services is not drawn up for you, the presence of a subscriber with a passport is required.

Addresses of MGTS offices for legal entities
If a corporate client has communication problems, then you should contact any of the five offices: Arbatsky, Vernadsky Prospekt, Proletarsky, Zelenogradsky, Timiryazevsky - they serve both individuals and corporate clients. To view informationabout offices, on the site in the same section, check the box next to the "For corporate clients" parameter. The same information is available for branches - according to the work schedule, location on the map and workload of offices.
In this article, we considered a rather topical issue: “MGTS phone does not work, where to complain?” For MGTS clients, there are several options for contacting: by phone (and you can reach the operator both from a cellular and from a stationary device) and through office staff.