People who use the services of a particular company and encounter problems, have to think about the question of where to call? "The MGTS telephone does not work" - a similar complaint can be heard from subscribers who actively use a fixed telephone. If you cope with the situations that have arisen on your own and find out what is the reason for the inability to make calls, you need to contact the support line. In this article, we will tell you how this can be done, we will provide information on which offices you can contact.

General information
If the client's difficulties are not related to the fact that the telephone line wire is not connected to the device, then if there are problems with dialing or the inability to make calls, as well as if interference is detected, you should contact the MGTS service bureau. Qualified employee will try remotelyidentify possible causes of failure and help eliminate them. In the event that this fails, the contact center specialist will accept the application and organize the departure of the master. So where to call? “MGTS phone does not work” is a fairly common complaint from customers. Below we will tell you how to get out of this situation.
MGTS: technical support phone
You can report problems on the telephone line from any device: both from a cellular device and from another landline phone. Moreover, the MGTS help desk provides customer support around the clock - call center employees answer questions and help to cope with difficulties without days off and holidays. Thus, you can contact the contacts below at any time convenient for the subscriber. Please note that it is recommended to conduct an initial diagnosis (if possible) and try to find out. Perhaps the reason lies in a damaged wire or a telephone device unplugged from the outlet. Such information will help speed up the process of resolving the issue and start using the device again.

On the company's official website, you can find phone numbers that you can call from both a stationary and mobile device.
Please note that both of these numbers allow you to contact a consultant and get answers to your questions, including why the home phone does not work under the MGTS agreement. Before starting a conversation, you must introduce yourself and indicate the contract number or address, atto which a landline number is "registered".
How to contact the support line
Where to call (the MGTS phone does not work), we found out earlier. The specialist should briefly describe the essence of the problem. In the event that a failure on the telephone line is associated with technical work carried out by the service provider, then, having learned the address of the subscriber, the operator will report this and report the time of their completion. However, communication problems may not always be caused by work at the station. It is necessary to answer all the questions of the specialist as completely and accurately as possible - this will allow him to quickly understand the essence of the problem. You also need to follow the recommendations of the contact center employee. If, after the actions advised by the MGTS customer support employee, the home phone does not work, you need to create an application to call the wizard. In order to be able to agree on the time of the visit, you should leave your contact phone number in the application.

During the visit, the master will clarify the reasons for the failure on the line, identify whether they arose through the fault of the client (within his apartment) or are related to external factors. Depending on this, the procedure for eliminating the breakdown will be determined, as well as at whose expense it will be carried out: the client or the service provider company.
Contact the operator's office
You can file a complaint about the quality of telephone communication, as well as ask questions of interest, by contacting the MGTS offices. Here, the staff will also tell you if there are any repairs being carried out on the line that may be causing the home to be and give some advice.

In MGTS branches you can find out basic account information, consult on tariff plans, terminate or conclude a contract for communication services and perform many other operations.
MGTS offices
In total, there are 24 offices in the Moscow region that can serve individuals. Five branches of them also accept corporate clients. To find a geographically convenient office, it is recommended to visit the official resource of MGTS. Here you can view not only the list of available options for contacting, but also clarify their location on the map. For each service point, the schedule of work, the mode of operation of offices on holidays are indicated. You can also see how busy the office is here. In the selection form, you should set the desired area and indicate for what type of clients this branch is available (by default, a list is displayed for individuals).

In this article, we talked about where to call (the MGTS phone does not work), and also gave a brief description of how the procedure for consulting and further interaction with the company will be carried out if the issue could not be resolved remotely. If problems are found that the call center consultant cannot solve, it is necessary to fill out an application for a visit of the master for diagnostics and repair work.