"Indesit" - review (washing machine). Reviews of customers and specialists about the washing machine "Indesit"

"Indesit" - review (washing machine). Reviews of customers and specialists about the washing machine "Indesit"
"Indesit" - review (washing machine). Reviews of customers and specialists about the washing machine "Indesit"
indesit washing machine review
indesit washing machine review

Our homes are filled with gadgets and devices. The reasons are many. The first, of course, is the need to improve and make life easier. Next come metrics such as fashion, response to ads, and PR campaigns. In general, there are plenty of reasons why we drag various kinds of electronic devices into our homes. Yes, and there is nothing wrong with that. Living with them is not only easier, but also more beautiful.

Indesit Company

Today we will not talk about new products. Let's discuss those interior items that have become commonplace, namely the Indesit laundry washing units.

Review of a washing machine of any manufacturer can be both positive and radically opposite, negative. It is unlikely that anyone will dispute this fact that there are no comrades for the taste and color, therefore, reviews of goods are diverse. Let's try to systematize all the information and get our personal idea of the technique.

washing machine indesit reviews
washing machine indesit reviews


Let's start in order and talk about the manufacturer itself, namely the company, which in itsIt was founded by the Italian industrialist Vittorio Merloni. His father was engaged in the manufacture of scales and gas cylinders, electric water heaters and bathtubs. It is worth noting that he succeeded in this business, but after his death, the enterprise was divided between three brothers. Vittorio got part of the enterprise, on the basis of which he opened "Merloni Elettrodomestici" in 1975.

It was this corporation that supplied the world market with large household appliances under the brands Hotpoint-Ariston, Scholtès and, of course, Indesit. By the way, the company, which occupies a leading position in the production of refrigerators, washing machines, kitchen hoods, etc., received its last name in 2005. Since that period, everyone in the world knows the Italian corporation called "Indesit Company".

washing machine automatic indesit
washing machine automatic indesit


The models on the market are able to satisfy the needs of any consumer. On average, customers are offered at a time about 27 models with different loading options, washing modes, and design solutions. The range includes both conventional and narrow washing machines. "Indesit" (expert reviews) is one of the most popular brands in the washing machine market. The products of this company are distinguished by an adequate (not overpriced) price, a high washing class (A). Among the undoubted advantages of the models, one can note the ability to use the "sport" and "sports shoes" modes.


What does the Indesit washing machine offer consumers? Reviewsbuyers about this product is highly ambiguous. There are a lot of complaints about both the appearance and the operation of the device. But… How adequate are they? Let's think and figure it out.

I don't think anyone would dispute the fact that everything comes at a cost. So in this case: the corporation is developing economy-class washing machines, trying to meet the needs of a huge mass of the population, offering the maximum for the minimum money. Isn't it worth appreciating? Units from other companies with exactly the same performance are much more expensive. It seems that it is necessary to adequately assess the value for money, and in this particular case it is ideal, at least that's what all those who have already purchased "assistants" of this manufacturer say.

Indesit washing machine reviews
Indesit washing machine reviews


Any model proposed by the manufacturer will find its end user - those who promote goods on the market assure us. The Indesit washing machine is, of course, no exception. In relation to the products of this company, even advertising is inappropriate. Information about the merits and quality is passed from mouth to mouth. Roughly speaking, word of mouth works. Sounds a bit harsh, but it's true.

Who saw the advertisement for Indesit washing machines? Maybe once upon a time there was something similar, but at this stage of time, these products do not need mass advertising and PR campaigns. Coming to the store, customers know approximately what they can get for their money. Maximum number of modes, highestwashing class for a small investment can only be offered by Indesit.


Indesit washing machines (we have collected expert reviews especially for you) are the most adapted equipment for our conditions. All devices are equipped with high washing classes. The power saving mode is also high and saves about 20% on average compared to models from other companies. The "Eco Time" system implemented in the appliances enables owners to use less water. The average savings are approximately the same as for electricity - about 20%. Without exception, all models have a "stop leak" system. Helps reduce the risk of breakage in the Menalux water supply hoses found on all machines.

reviews about the washing machine automatic indesit
reviews about the washing machine automatic indesit

An important role is played by such modes as "Easy Ironing" and "Express 15". The first allows the linen to straighten out after spinning, which greatly reduces the number of wrinkles, and the second produces the fastest wash, spending only 15 minutes on it. One of the advantages of the technique can be considered the "Outerwear" and "Jeans" modes. Manufacturers have not forgotten about delicate fabrics either, having introduced the "Silk" and "Wool" modes into the standard set.

Popular models

1. According to a survey conducted among buyers of a large Russian network that distributes household appliances, the WIUN 102 (CSI) model can be called the leader. This is a narrow Indesit washing machine. Feedback from customers who have given preference to this unit is unambiguous: the ideal price / quality / design ratio.

Averagethe cost of the device in Russian stores fluctuates around 11-12 thousand rubles. The machine was made in Russia at the Lipetsk plant, it has a front-loading type. If possible, wash 4 kg of laundry at a time has miniature dimensions. The people who gave preference to this model unanimously note this very characteristic of it.

2. The next most popular is WIUE 10 (CSI), the Indesit washing machine. Reviews about her are no worse than about her previous "relative". It is also chosen most often because of its size. I must say that it is slightly narrower than the previous one, and the ability to wash at a time is limited to 3.5 kg of laundry, which is slightly less than that of the WIUN 102 model. But its price is almost one thousand more. This is due to the fact that WIUE 10 has several additional washing modes, in particular, it has the ability to memorize the program and delay the start by 24 hours.

washing machines indesit expert reviews
washing machines indesit expert reviews

3. The third in the list of popularity is MISE 705 SL (CIS) - the Indesit washing machine. The reviews left by consumers are unambiguous: too noisy, but at the same time its maximum load is 7 kg. And this is not for everyone. Moreover, buyers note that the quality of washing is at the highest level. The machine has the maximum number of functions and modes that the manufacturer can offer, while the price of the unit is quite concise and amounts to only 13-14 thousand rubles.

4. The fourth among those proposed for discussion will be the IWDC 6105 (EU). This unit is completely different.not modest in size. This is a full-sized washing machine, equipped with the "Drying" mode. Buyers note the quality of drying, after which the laundry can be safely folded into the closet, this will not cause any negative consequences.

The maximum load of the machine is 6 kilograms. If you plan to use the "Drying" mode, then the weight should be slightly less and not exceed 5 kg. By the way, consumers are offered three options for drying laundry, depending on its type. It is also worth mentioning that this model is made at a factory in Italy.

5. The last one we will discuss will be the narrow model IWUB 4085 (CIS), also an Indesit washing machine. Reviews about it are all in the same perspective as the previous ones: it erases perfectly, it lasts a long time. It is distinguished by a rather laconic price. It fluctuates around 8-9 thousand rubles. The maximum load is four kilograms, and the spin cycle is no more than 800 rpm. For the previous variations we considered, it was 1000.

The washing class for all the models we have listed is A. Here is the difference in water consumption and the degree of spin for each individual, since these indicators depend on the weight of the load and power.

Indesit washing machine customer reviews
Indesit washing machine customer reviews


From the foregoing, we can conclude that there are practically no claims to the manufacturer, except for individual flaws. But the reviews about the Indesit washing machine are also very unpleasant.

Marriage is everywhere. It is also found among the products of this company. There is nothing the company can do about it.how the corporation has grown to incredible proportions. Its factories are located on the territory of several states. Goods sold in the CIS are most often made here.

By the way, the abbreviation CIS speaks about the place of production, which literally translates from Italian and stands for the Commonwe alth of Independent States. The only thing that the corporation can do is to develop a network of service centers that allow repairing equipment in any corner of the country in the world.

P. S

The reviews we have given about the Indesit washing machine are nothing more than an opportunity for you to draw your own conclusions. Don't take everyone's word for it. Maybe it is you who will have a long and strong friendship with a little "washerwoman" originally from Italy.
