Integrated amplifier - what is it? Types, classes and applications of integrated amplifiers

Integrated amplifier - what is it? Types, classes and applications of integrated amplifiers
Integrated amplifier - what is it? Types, classes and applications of integrated amplifiers

Anyone who understands at least something in the world of sound should be aware that without a high-quality amplifier, there can be no talk of any good sound. A user might have a multi-thousand dollar speaker system, a turntable and a high-end CD player. But without a good amplifier, this whole system is useless. That is why integrated amplifiers are needed. What it is? Let's try to understand this issue. But first, let's understand this: amplifiers are divided into integrated, two-block and three-block. But the first ones are the most common. They can be easily used in any environment and do not take up much space. That's why they're so popular.

what is an integrated amplifier
what is an integrated amplifier

What is an integrated amplifier?

So what is an integrated amplifier. This is an audio amplification device that includes a preamplifier,distributor and the power amplifier itself. All this is integrated into one housing (and therefore integrated), unlike two-block and three-block systems. Amplifiers of this type can provide high power density and a fairly high-quality sound. At the moment, these devices are the most common. It is understandable. They are much more convenient to use in homes, offices and apartments. Integrated amplifiers have their own categories: "A", "B", "AB", "C" and so on.

The highest (and most difficult) category is considered to be "A". These devices have unsurpassed sound quality and are very expensive. But not as expensive as their two-block and three-block "colleagues" (which have become the lot of professionals and audiophiles). According to the type of power supply, amplifiers with a built-in power supply and models with an external power supply (which is located outside the case) are distinguished. The second option, of course, produces a cleaner sound (in theory), but there is more fuss with it. Therefore, most prefer amplifiers with a built-in power supply. Now let's look at the main categories of integrated amplifiers.

integrated amplifiers reviews
integrated amplifiers reviews

Classification by category

We have already considered the classes of integrated amplifiers. Now it is worth paying attention to the main categories of these devices. There are only three of them. And they differ in the type of components used. Naturally, the sound quality differs in each category. So, here are the types of integrated amplifiers currently available:

  • Tube. According tomany, it is these amplifiers that produce the cleanest, highest quality and "correct" sound. Their total power cannot be high. They are also very expensive, as their main component is expensive lamps.
  • Transistor. Here, transistors are responsible for amplifying the sound. They can provide high power density and very good sound quality. These models are the most popular at present.
  • Hybrid. These devices combine several elements: lamps and transistors. The former are responsible for the "correct" and high-quality sound, while the latter amplify it.

These types of integrated amplifiers exist at the moment. The integrated amplifier circuit, whatever type it may be, assumes that all its components are enclosed in one package. This is the main feature of this type of device. However, there are still such things as receivers, which are also formally considered amplifiers. But they have certain differences.

Many users don't understand the difference between amplifiers and receivers. Moreover, they believe that these are the same devices. Yes, they are both designed to amplify the signal. But the schematic diagram of the devices and their filling is radically different. In order to understand this fact, users need to explain what exactly receivers are and how they differ from amplifiers. This will be discussed in the next chapter. Let's start with the most noticeable differences, and then move on to less obvious things.

integrated amplifier circuit
integrated amplifier circuit

Amplifier and receiver. Whatdifference?

Integrated amplifier and receiver are fundamentally different devices. An AV receiver isn't just for signal amplification. Although there is such an option in his arsenal. But it also includes a separate DAC for sound processing and has a built-in tuner. But most importantly - the receiver is designed to amplify 6 or 7 channels (depending on the configuration), and the amplifier works with only two channels. And this is the main difference. It is also worth noting the difference in price. Since the receiver has a huge number of high-tech components, it will be much more expensive than an integrated amplifier of the same class. Nevertheless, receivers are actively purchased to install a home theater system. For this purpose, such devices are ideally suited. But in terms of providing high-quality stereo sound, they are not very good. Here the leaders are integrated amplifiers. And now let's take a look at some of the most interesting models of integrated amplifiers and see what users say about them.

integral characteristic amplifier
integral characteristic amplifier

Marantz PM 5005

Probably the most affordable integrated amplifier. Its characteristics are such that it can freely provide high-quality sound at a decent volume. The power of the amplifier is 40 watts per channel. It is worth paying attention to the fact that these watts are relatively "honest". This means that the power of the amplifier is enough to sound a rather impressive room. This integrated amplifier can reproduce frequencies from 10 to 50,000 hertz. If only the columns wereappropriate. By the way, 40 watts is by no means the maximum power. Its amplifier produces when working with a resistance of 8 ohms. But if you switch to acoustics with a resistance of 4 ohms, then the power will increase to 55 watts. And this is serious.

This model also has a phono stage for listening to music on vinyl records. As we know, phono equalization is a mandatory option for this type of source. The high class of the device is indicated by gold-plated RCA connectors for connecting various sound sources. The connectors for connecting speakers themselves are made in the form of terminals. Which also indicates the high status of the product. In general, the question of how to connect an integrated amplifier, in the case of Marantz, is irrelevant. Everything is extremely simple here. And now consider the comments of the owners of this miracle of technology.

Reviews about Marantz PM 5005

So what are users saying about the Marantz PM 5005? According to reviews, the integrated amplifier has excellent technical characteristics and an adequate price tag. The owners of this wonderful device say that it provides very high quality sound. Of course, he is far from equipment for tens of thousands of dollars, but he is not intended for this. And this integrated amplifier copes with its task perfectly. Listeners noted a crystal clear sound, deep and well-crafted low frequencies, a correct and deep stage, a clear balance of frequencies at medium, low and high levels. The Marantz integrated amplifier circuit is ridiculously simple. Some users even managed to fix some brokenespecially complex breakdowns. People say that a simple circuit is good, because the simpler the technique, the better it is. A dubious statement, but the equipment from "Marants" is really very high quality. There are no negative reviews about this amplifier.

integrated circuit amplifiers
integrated circuit amplifiers

Arcam FMJ A19

But this thing is already more serious. This integrated amplifier (we already know what it is) belongs to the middle price category and class "B". This small-looking amplifier is capable of delivering 90 watts of power per channel. This is quite enough for a house and an apartment. Even a small hall can be sounded with this device. However, do not forget about other components of the appropriate quality. The reproducible frequency range starts at around 20 hertz and ends at 20,000 hertz. An excellent indicator for the amplifier of integrated circuits. A feature of this amplifier is the presence of a trained remote control. But the main thing is the sound. The amplifier provides a deep and clear sound with excellent stage. In terms of sound quality, it matches more expensive models. At the same time, it boasts record low rates of dynamic distortion (compared to other equipment of this class). This amplifier requires a speaker system with a nominal impedance of 8 or 4 ohms. Only then will it be possible to achieve maximum power and quality. What do users say about this device? Let's see now.

Reviews about Arcam FMJ A19

Let's continueconsider the most interesting integrated amplifiers. Reviews about Arcam are mixed. But there are far more positives than negatives. So let's start with them. According to the owners, the amplifier does an excellent job of playing classical music and instrumental genres (like classic rock). Provides full depth of the scene, competently builds frequencies and has an excellent power reserve. Complete with high-quality speakers, it can show real miracles. The owners also note that the design of this amplifier is very successful. It has a very compact size (for a device of this class) and fits perfectly into almost any interior. The Arcam integrated amplifier circuit looks pretty simple.

integrated amplifier circuit
integrated amplifier circuit

Its design minimizes dynamic distortion and delivers crystal clear sound. This is what many users like. However, at the same time, the owners note that the genres of electronic music are given to the amplifier with difficulty. There is a lack of low frequencies. Rap, hip-hop, electronic music and pop are clearly not his genres. Also, some users do not like the price of the device. Many people think that such an amplifier should cost less.

PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Int

Top tube integrated amplifier from PrimaLuna. It features excellent sound quality and a chic appearance. This amplifier belongs to the category of hybrid and has a class "A". However, this pleasure is very expensive. The device hassuperior performance.

tube integrated amplifier
tube integrated amplifier

The power of the amplifier is 84 watts per channel. This is an excellent result for a device that includes lamps. The range of reproducible frequencies here is unusually wide. It starts at around 7 hertz and ends at 75,000 hertz. This means that the device is capable of producing extremely high-quality sound. That's why the price is so high. By the way, among the connectors for connecting the speaker system there is a special gold-plated RCA, designed to connect a subwoofer (woofer). It allows you to achieve high-quality and deep bass. Woofers on conventional speakers will not be able to reflect the full depth of bass transmitted by this amplifier. That's why you need a special connector. However, what do those who bought it say about the amplifier? Let's see. Although there are not very many of them (considering its price).

PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Int Reviews

So we are looking at an op-amp whose integrated circuit is very complex. However, according to user feedback, it was precisely this complexity of the circuit that made it possible to achieve the highest sound quality.

Diagram PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Int
Diagram PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Int

Users note that the amplifier provides an unsurpassed sound. Everything is clearly balanced, there is an excellent depth of the scene, excellent elaboration of highs and mids. But at the same time there is a full and deep bass. And still from a sound and blows "analogue". The owners say that it is most logical to listen tosuch amplifier vinyl. It is with its help that you can achieve a chic sound. The owners also noticed that this modern integrated amplifier has practically no hum and distortion. Here it is - lamp technology. Even the presence of transistors in the kit does not affect the sound in any way. Another feature relates to the appearance of the device. The lamps burn so that they give the device its own unique charm. All in all, this amplifier is ideal for those who want the purest sound with the right frequencies and a very deep stage. This integrated amplifier provides all this. It has only one drawback: a very high price. But it's worth every penny spent.


So, we have figured out what "integrated amplifier" means. Now you know exactly what it is, what they are and what types they are divided into. We also reviewed the most interesting and popular models on the market. The list included both classic entry-level amplifiers and top-end hybrid models (using tubes). There are no purchase recommendations. For the budget level has its own recommendations, and for the premium level they are completely different. But the meaning in both cases is the same - to provide high-quality sound. However, it is worth noting that it will only be achievable if the rest of the system components are at the proper level. There must be high-quality wires with gold-plated connectors, high-quality speaker systems capable of reproducing the frequency range that is available to the amplifier. Alsoyou need to take care of a high-quality sound source. This role can be played by a mid-level vinyl player. A medium CD player will also work. A computer or laptop with a dedicated sound card would also be nice. Only if all these conditions are met, it will be possible to achieve high-quality sound. Otherwise, it's not even worth trying. Be that as it may, even if you connect a good amplifier to a computer with a built-in sound card, the result will be obvious. However, to summarize.


We looked at devices such as integrated amplifiers. What it is is already clear to everyone. I would only like to add that such devices belong to the class of complex technical devices. They contain high-tech and expensive components. As a result, their prices are often quite high. However, those who want to hear really high-quality sound should understand that a good device is expensive. A cheap amplifier will not give you the pleasure of sound that an expensive one can. That's why you don't need to look at the price. Here the main thing is the technical characteristics. And only they decide how good the sound will be. It is worth remembering that a good amplifier will not, under any circumstances, be cheap.
