As a rule, buyers approach the choice of a washing machine with all responsibility. Indeed, this is not a cheap kettle that can be changed annually, not a yogurt maker

and not a pancake that will be taken out of the closet once a quarter. The washing machine is used daily, and in a large family or in a family with a baby - several times a day. Moreover, since such equipment is taken for several years in advance, it should please its owners throughout this period.
Where to start?
It is possible that some buyers make their choice based solely on the appearance of the models, but more prudent citizens will definitely pay attention to the washing machine's spin class, washing class and available functions.
There are three whales - three main parameters that can be used to characterize the operation of this household appliance: washing machine spin class, energy efficiency class and washing class.
Wash class
This indicator is denoted by the English letters A, B, C, D, F, G. The letter,indicating the class of washing, the machine will receive after a series of test tests, during which a piece of a certain fabric of a set size is placed in it, on which contamination is applied. After that, powder is poured into it (of the same brand for all the tested units) and qi is launched

cl normal wash at 60 degrees. The remaining impurities are evaluated by comparison with the results of the work of the reference machine. If the specified model removes stains better than the reference, it receives a washing class A - the best, most effective. If the same - B. If worse, then C, D, F, G, depending on the magnitude of the remaining pollution. The problem is that the standard was set back in 1995, and over the past 10 years, the requirements for the quality of washing have grown. Of course, manufacturers do not stand still. If in 2000 there were still F, G cars, now they cannot be found on sale. 99% of the models sold belong to class A. However, there are machines with lower parameters. For example, the Candy CR 81 is the only machine of its kind that has class D. Several DEU models are classified as category C. Before choosing an automatic washing machine, we recommend that you make sure that it has a washing class A.
Spin class
The spin class in washing machines is also of great importance. In fact, who likes to constantly take out wet laundry from which water flows from the drum, and then wait two days for it to dry. Washing machine spin efficiency classthe same as the washing class, it is indicated by the English letters A, B, C, D, F, G. A is the most effective, the model with this marking wrings out the best, B is a little worse, C is even worse. The spin efficiency class of washing machines, unlike the washing class, is determined not by comparison with any standard, but depending on the residual moisture content of the laundry. The minimum is 40%, the maximum is 90%. For example, spin class C gets a model if the residual moisture is 55%, class F - if it does not exceed 80%.
When choosing the washing efficiency, everything is clear: it is advisable to take a category A machine, it will remove stains best. But with the spin class, everything is not so clear. First, efficiency A is not so common. Secondly, the high spin class of washing machines significantly increases the cost of equipment. Thirdly, not every fabric can be squeezed dry, for example, such manipulations can damage wool and silk. A logical question arises: is it worth overpaying for this indicator if the fabric can simply be dried on a battery or a rope? There is no single answer. For most spin class C

enough. Laundry taken out of such a machine is damp to the touch, but the water does not flow from it, and it dries in a few hours.
Of course, manufacturers are trying to improve the characteristics of equipment, but, nevertheless, the buyer has the risk of purchasing a model that has a low spin class. Which one is better, each buyer decides for himself, but you should definitely not take low categories. By the way, many mistakenly believe that the spin class of washing machines depends entirely on the number of revolutions. There is certainly a correlation, and a model that has a maximum of 500 revolutions will not leave laundry at 40% moisture. But units that spin at 1000 revolutions may well be both class B and C.
Energy efficiency class
This is another important characteristic of a washing machine, especially in today's realities, when tariffs are rising by leaps and bounds. Initially, the models were assigned categories A, B, C, D, F, G, depending on how many kilowatts the unit spent to wash a kilogram of laundry at 60 degrees. But over time, the wasteful categories F and G went into oblivion, and all manufacturers abandoned them. But new energy efficiency classes have appeared: A +, A ++ and even A +++. It is possible that models with four pluses may soon appear. However, before buying, you should take into account the fact that with each wash, the A +++ machine can save only a few pennies compared to the A ++ unit. At the same time, its initial cost is higher by thousands of rubles. Therefore, saving on laundry does not always pay off the money spent on buying a more economical option.
Front or top loading
Before choosing a washing machine, you should pay attention to the type of loading: front or vertical. The former are more widespread, they are cheaper, they have a variety of options, but they open only in one position. Vertical ones are somewhat more expensive, characterizedpredominantly European assembly, but they can be opened in two positions: from the side and

front. Therefore, these models are popular in cases where the machine needs to be squeezed into a narrow space.
Loading and dimensions
Often these factors determine the choice of machine. As a rule, most buyers are limited by the available space in the kitchen or bathroom and can fit a model of strictly defined dimensions into the existing opening. There are narrow automatic machines with a width of 32-35 cm, a load of 3-4 kg. There is not much linen in such models, as a rule, one bed set. Do not put a large item in the drum of this machine, so blankets, down jackets, rugs will have to be washed by hand. Larger models, 40-45 cm wide, already contain 5-6 kg. In such a unit, you can already wash some large item or several sets of clothes at once. A 40 cm car is perfect for a family of 3-4 people. It makes sense to take models with a larger load if there is unlimited free space in the bathroom or in the kitchen. They are perfect for a large family, in which it is customary to wash large items regularly.
This feature is not widely used, but some consumers are enjoying it. In fact, not everyone likes strung across the room

ropes, and not all apartments have a balcony. The drying function allows you to remove the laundry from the drumand immediately put it on a hanger. There are several downsides to these models. Firstly, the high price, since this option adds at least 20% to the cost of the car. Secondly, a limited choice: there are ten times more models without drying than models with drying. Thirdly, there is a high risk of getting dry laundry that will be difficult to iron.
Quick wash
This mode is used when you need to freshen up the laundry a little, for example, to remove dust, sweat, stains from easy-to-wash liquids from it. In most models, the quick wash lasts for 30 minutes. This period of time includes the actual wash at 30 degrees, two rinses and spin. In modern models, you can find the “Quick wash 15 minutes” program, which refreshes linen in just a quarter of an hour. Of course, this program is not suitable for worn, dirty things with grass stains or felt-tip pens.
Delay start
Such a characteristic of a washing machine as an energy class does not depend on the presence of a delayed start, since it does not affect the cost of electricity, but takes into account only the kilowatts spent during washing. But consume

lu this function will help to reduce the cost of the machine by half, of course, provided that it has a two-tariff meter. Delay start can be of 2 types: fixed and hourly. Fixed is found in budget models: as a rule, the machine delays the start of the washing cycle by 3, 6 or 9 hours. Hourly can be set more precisely: from one hour to 24 hours. The owner can set a delay start of 3 hours and go to bed at 10. The machine will start itself at 1 am, during the period of the minimum cost of electricity.
Very useful feature if you need to wash heavily soiled laundry. When you start this option, the machine will first wash things at 30 degrees, then drain the water and start on the main cycle. It should be noted that sometimes the “prewash” function is displayed with a separate button, and sometimes it is included in one of the programs, for example,

"prewash + cotton at 60 degrees". The first option is much more convenient, since the button is not tied to a specific temperature or type of fabric, that is, if desired, prewash can be turned on with the “synthetics 30 degrees” program, and when it is already “assigned” to one of the modes, you won’t do it.
Bio wash or wash heavily soiled laundry
This option is called differently for different models, but the essence is always the same. The machine does not heat the water for some time, but withstands it in the range from 30 to 40 degrees. During this time, the enzymes that are present in modern powders have time to act and dissolve biological contaminants.
Leak Protection
There are several types. The simplest is a pallet with a float. When water hits the bottom due to leakage, the float rises and shuts off the water supply. Full leak protection is found in more expensive models and in addition to the float requires the presencedouble hose. In the event of a breakthrough of the inner layer, the hygroscopic substance located between the layers at the inlet swells and blocks the water supply.