Website promotion on your own: expert advice

Website promotion on your own: expert advice
Website promotion on your own: expert advice

Recently, the promotion of the site on their own has become a very popular thing. This task, of course, is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. True, not everyone understands this. And they believe that they can easily promote their own site without any hassle. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in bringing the idea to life. If you pay specially trained people, then the creation and promotion of the site will cost you quite a lot. So sometimes you just need to know some secrets that will help you do everything on your own, without outside help.

site development on your own
site development on your own

Why myself

But before that, it's worth understanding why it's best to do everything yourself. Website promotion on your own, as already mentioned, is not an easy task. And besides, paying for this service to third-party organizations will be expensive. So the first reason why it is best to comprehend ways to promote a site yourself is to save money.

Second point: as they say, if you want to do something well, do it yourself. Indeed, ifa person independently promotes his page, and even skillfully, then he will achieve a greater result than with contact with specialists. This means that the effectiveness of actions increases.

Promotion and promotion of sites is not only difficult, but also interesting. If you can promote your own page, then over time it will become an additional source of income.

Types of visits

Let's start with what people don't know about created websites. This is the first problem to be faced. Promotion and promotion of sites can be carried out in many ways. But they are all divided into three subtypes.

Sorting by visits is an important point that will allow you to choose the right direction when promoting.

Direct access to the site is the first type of visit. When the site is promoted on its own, this feature is usually missed. In a direct visit, users learn about your page through business cards, ads, television, etc. Pages selected in browser bookmarks are also considered a direct visit.

promotion and promotion of sites
promotion and promotion of sites

Second option - via a link from another site. It can be said that this is a kind of visit with a redirect. Website promotion on your own very often involves the use of this particular method. Usually it doesn't need anything special. For example, you can create banners or just communicate and insert links to your page into messages. True, the latter method is not very welcome.

The last type of visits is exploratory. Peoplefind the necessary information on your page, due to which promotion and promotion of sites occur. This is also a very good scenario. But he may need help. In principle, there are various ways to promote a site. And to get the maximum result, you just need to use all types of visits. But how to do it with minimal cost? Let's try to figure it out.


The site promotion system is very difficult to understand. But if you try to express its meaning in simple terms, then people just have to quickly find the information they need on your page. And then it will spin much faster. What helps with this? Of course, specialization. That is the chosen direction.

creation and promotion of the site
creation and promotion of the site

You need to make a choice at the page development stage. Agree, it will not be very convenient to visit an online clothing store where you can read a book, as well as watch a movie. At first glance, it may seem that this is the best website promotion on your own. But, as practice shows, pages specialized in one direction are more popular. So this is where the creation and promotion of the site should begin.


After you have thought about what your page will be about, you need to prepare a small plan. The one according to which users are expected to search for your site among others.

In principle, often people do not take this problem very seriously, because there is such a thing as SEO-site optimization. It is she who becomes the most popular activity on the network. And thanks to this step, the promotion of the site itself turns out to be very convenient.

What's the point? The fact that you write the so-called keywords, according to which your site will be searched and displayed in search engines. After that, you need to conduct SEO copywriting. In other words, write the text of your page in a special way. Usually this is done by specially trained people - copywriters. But you can also spend several hours of your time and prepare a high-quality text for filling. Save it all and wait. The result will be visible pretty quickly. This site promotion system is extremely popular. After all, as practice shows, it attracts visitors best of all.

Social networks

Among other things, social networks can help you. If you are their active user with many friends and acquaintances, then it's time to invite your comrades to visit your page. Of course, this is not the best scenario. But it's more than good for getting started.

The main thing is not to place ads and requests openly. You can simply be blocked for ads and spam. Not the best outcome. So it's better to just ask different friends a little bit to rate the page you've created. So there is an initial promotion and promotion of sites. In addition, sometimes you can mention the page in different communities. But also without unnecessary advertising - it will be followed by blocking the profile.

site promotion system
site promotion system

This optionnot suitable for inactive users. Thus, it is necessary to come up with more universal options for the development of events. Especially if a person plans to do serious business using the site.


In fact, very often an effective method of promotion is nothing more than spam. Or advertising. It is best to register under some specially created mail and with a fictitious name on various sites and forums with the same specialization as yours. After that, it is enough to simply compose and send an advertising message that will attract new users.

In principle, an effective, but rather suspicious and dubious approach to solving a problem. Why? Very often people hide viruses in this way. So you will have to try hard to attract users and prove that you are not a scammer or a villain. Usually a long presence on the forum as a real active person helps here. Instill confidence in yourself, and then spam can help you. Website promotion on your own in this case will turn into success.

website promotion methods
website promotion methods

Contextual advertising

Another effective way to solve the problem is to use contextual advertising. True, you will have to pay a little for it. But the money is not big enough to worry about.

Contextual advertising - these are the same ads that a search engine shows you everywhere. For example, Yandex. Direct or Google. And here you also have to think a little about SEO-optimization. In addition, it would be nice to study the most frequent user requests in search engines for your direction in order to include phrases in advertising.

This is not the fastest, but legal and cost-effective method. It does not scare away users, because Google, for example, will not advertise a page with viruses. Visitor trust is what will help you quickly increase the popularity of your site.

For direct visits

If money does not matter to you, then sometimes you can spend money to ensure a large number of direct visits to your page. As already mentioned, this happens with the help of seen advertising on TV or in newspapers, on business cards and flyers. All this will help you in promotion.

site promotion by yourself
site promotion by yourself

To be successful, it's best to leave your promotional flyers everywhere. Wherever you are - at work, at the university, in a cafe and so on. The main thing is to think carefully about the design of the leaflet and the text on it. All this should attract users. And when it's done, just wait. The method will not bring huge success quickly, but people will find out about the existence of your site and will be able to visit it when necessary.
