Advertising is a piece of information that is distributed in a variety of ways. Almost every entrepreneur knows what a huge role advertising plays. Types of advertising can be divided depending on various criteria. In this article, we will consider them, taking as a starting point the means of transmitting an information message.

Outdoor advertising
So you can call any advertisement located in an open area. This method is inexpensive and covers a fairly wide audience. Information is posted on billboards, signs, signboards, city structures, in public transport, in elevators. All this is outdoor advertising.
Types of online advertising
This advertising method has a number of advantages: it is relatively inexpensive, and you can reach a significant part of a specific audience, because usually sites specialize in a particular topic.
1. Banner is a rectangular graphic drawing. This typepromotion is considered the most popular advertising medium on the Internet. Banners are placed on websites.
2. Text advertising is a publication located on websites to the right or left of the text in the form of several lines.
3. Videos. Such promotion of goods and services is quite expensive. Videos are published in the same way as TV videos.
4. Contextual advertising. This species is divided into two subspecies:
- Texts and banners that are located on pages that have the same informational focus as the advertisement itself. This view is the least annoying for visitors to Internet resources.
- Advertising in search engines. Such hidden promotion of a certain service or product is referred to as guerrilla advertising.

Types of advertising in print media
Despite the fact that the Internet enjoys incredible popularity today, the press is still a traditional place for promoting services and goods. Magazines and newspapers are usually read in their free time, so advertising information is absorbed by people quite well. Species:
1. Rubric advertising. Placement of ads according to categories.
2. Text advertising. A separate article that is dedicated to the promotion of a specific product.
3. Modular advertising. Represents a specific band.
Advertisers value television highly, because almost everyone watches TV. However, this type has a significant drawback - a high cost. Moderntypes of television advertising include ticker, TV shopping, videos, sponsorships.
Voice messages are perceived well, but listeners often do not remember addresses and phone numbers. True, the promotion of a product on the radio is many times cheaper than television advertising. Types of advertising on the radio: announcer announcement, musical intro.
Basic types
In marketing, both types and types of advertising are distinguished. We have de alt with the views. As for the types, there are eight of them: corporate, brand advertising, political, retail, social, feedback advertising.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to promote services and goods. Your task is not to get confused and choose the best option.