How to activate an MTS SIM card: tips

How to activate an MTS SIM card: tips
How to activate an MTS SIM card: tips

In the 21st century, people actively use mobile phones. To make calls, you have to buy SIM-cards. They are sold by various mobile operators. "Sims" will be useful to owners of USB-modems. With their help, citizens access the Internet using mini-routers. Very comfortably. In Russia, one of the leaders among operators is MTS. How to activate a SIM card of this company? We will try to answer this question further. Even a schoolboy can cope with this kind of task. It is required for all numbers with which further work will take place.

SIM card "MTS"
SIM card "MTS"

Why do I need activation

How to activate the MTS SIM card? First you have to understand for what purposes this operation is used.

You can't do without it. The process of activating SIM cards allows them to be registered on the network. Only after this procedure, a person will be able to use the services of a mobile operator - make calls, receive incoming calls, write messages and access the Internet.

In salon

How to activate an MTS SIM card on a phone or tablet? To do this is not difficult. Especially if you follow the simplest instructions.

The first scenario is the activation of "sim cards" upon purchase. A person will need:

  1. Buy a SIM card in the MTS salon.
  2. Ask the office staff to activate the number.
  3. Give the phone and SIM to a company employee.
  4. Get back a mobile device with an activated number.

The process does not cause any problems. All manipulations are carried out quickly and free of charge. Employees of MTS offices cannot refuse the service.

Important: this trick helps a lot when activating a blocked number. At the time of contacting the operator's office, a citizen must have a passport with him. Third parties will not be able to use the reception under any circumstances.

MTS office
MTS office

USSD commands to help

How to activate the MTS SIM card yourself? This question worries almost every modern subscriber. Especially if you don't want to ask for help in mobile phone shops.

Instructions for activating the number is as follows:

  1. Insert SIM into mobile device.
  2. Turn on the phone and wait for it to fully boot.
  3. Go to dialing mode.
  4. Dial command 111.
  5. Click on the "Call subscriber" button.

Now it remains to wait a few minutes, and then try to call loved ones. The SIM card should work. This technique is in great demand. It works anytime and is free.

Contact support

How to activate the MTS SIM card?The next scenario is to contact the company's support service. The method is extremely rare in real life, but everyone should know about it anyway.

New SIM card "MTS"
New SIM card "MTS"

Step-by-step instructions for bringing ideas to life look like this:

  1. Dial 0890.
  2. Wait for operator response.
  3. Report your intentions regarding the activation of the number.
  4. Name the information the worker will request. Usually these are passport details and a citizen's phone number.
  5. Wait a while.

Now it's clear how to activate a new MTS SIM card. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in order to bring the idea to life, a citizen will need a landline phone or other mobile phone. Calls cannot be made from inactive SIM cards. Therefore, there may be problems using the method.

On tablet

Today, SIM-cards are used not only on phones. More and more often they can be found in tablets.

How to activate an MTS SIM card on a tablet? To achieve the desired result, you can use one of the previously listed methods. They all work equally well.

Modems and activation

What if the subscriber has an Internet modem? SIM cards are also used for such devices. And they will have to be activated.

Usually, in order to start working with a USB modem from MTS, you need:

  1. Insert SIM card into modem.
  2. Plug the assembled modem (whenrequired - charged) into the USB socket on the computer.
  3. Start the program for connecting to the Internet from MTS. It is installed along with the appropriate hardware drivers.

Done! Usually "sim cards" for modems are already activated. And each subscriber will be able to immediately start working with them.

Important: at the moment, activating SIM cards often comes down to simply turning on the phone with the SIM. After loading the operating system, it is allowed to make calls. But MMS and Internet have to be configured separately.

Activation of the SIM card "MTS" on the modem
Activation of the SIM card "MTS" on the modem

With a negative balance

Sometimes numbers are blocked when the balance of the SIM card is negative. What to do under such circumstances? How to activate the MTS SIM card?

The only way to return the number to work is to replenish its account. Preferably to a positive balance. After the done actions, the subscriber will receive a message about successful unlocking. And if the number has been activated, it will again be possible to make calls and send messages from it.

We got acquainted with all the known methods of activating SIM cards from MTS. These tips are relevant to this day.
