What is an approval: concept, application, calculation rules, percentages and examples

What is an approval: concept, application, calculation rules, percentages and examples
What is an approval: concept, application, calculation rules, percentages and examples

The work of optimizers often depends on a large number of parameters. Some of them are not so important, but only complement the picture. And there are those that can indicate the poor performance of one of the components and determine the causes. Few novice optimizers are familiar with what an approve is.


So, “apruve” is an English word that translates into Russian as “approval”, “confirmation”. Thus, one can guess that this is the process of someone's approval. For example, if you register on a site, you are often required to follow the link that comes to your mail. This is the approval.

That is, the concept itself indicates that the user receives approval immediately after checking any of his actions. To understand what an approve is in traffic arbitrage, you will have to learn about a new direction in marketing.


This is a relatively new trend in Internet business. This type of marketing works with affiliate programs and is based on pay per audience action. For example, you canpay for a link, registration, purchase, etc. Everything here will depend on the direction of the resource.

The concept of CPA
The concept of CPA

CPA is an abbreviation of Cost-Per-Action, which translates into Russian as “fee for action”. The scheme of such marketing is a circular process: the company is looking for a partner, but in order not to be deceived, it turns to the CPA network. Such an intermediary often checks the honesty of business relations and receives a percentage for this.

The partner undertakes to advertise the company's services. To do this, he finds a client for whose actions the partner receives a percentage. The client himself goes to the company's website, receives the necessary product or service, while bringing money to both the company and the partner.


Understanding what an approve is, you may come across quite a lot of terms that refer to this type of marketing. You will have to understand what is traffic, arbitrage, lead, etc.

So, before you get an approval, you have to deal with traffic. In this area, this is the name of the flow of visitors that needs to be directed to a partner site. What should be done with it?

We need to find it and send it to another site. This is called arbitration. In this case, you find interested people and send them to targeted resources. You can do this in many ways: if you do not talk about "gray" methods, then it is worth mentioning the sale of advertising.


Approval - what is it in arbitration? This is the percentage of confirmed people who created a conversion after you redirected them to the site-partner. For example, the owner wanted new visitors not only to register on his site, but also to buy a promotional product. When you refer them to his site and they make a purchase, you get an approval.

Traffic arbitration
Traffic arbitration

As mentioned earlier, arbitrage is all about finding traffic, often through paid advertising setups. The specialist must calculate the costs in such a way as to make a profit.

Approval in traffic arbitrage is a conversion at the stage of transition of applications to payment. So, at the initial stage of setting up advertising, a specialist works on ad impressions. That's where sales begin. The next step is clicks on the advertising link. Naturally, in this case, the percentage will be less, since not all users will click on the banner.

By the way, the percentage of these ratios is called conversion. The user then submits an application. Conversion in this case is the percentage of clicks and applications. Both conversions are called a lead. This is where apruve comes in. What does this concept mean? In this case, this is the same conversion, but in relation to the payment. The value of the approval will be the percentage of confirmed applications.

Calculation rules

Leads are also people who converted. What is the approval percentage in this case? In order not to get confused in terminology, it will be easier to show with an example.

What does aprove mean
What does aprove mean

So, the affiliate found 1000 people and redirected them to your website. Advertiser got customers but found that 300 of them didn't matchoffer rules. Thus, 700 potential customers remained. Now they need to call.

Further, it was discovered that 200 of them were not ready to take the order. There were 500 people left who made a deal with the customer. Thus, the approval is 50%. Affiliate will receive money from 500 people.

What should I do to get approved?

Understanding CPA approval is not enough to work effectively. There are several factors that can affect the final result. The partner must strictly follow the rules established for the offer. If you violate them, after checking the network will reject applications.

Also, confusion can happen if the affiliate and the advertiser do not agree. Suppose traffic from blogs was banned, but that's where the ads were placed. Accordingly, the result will be zero.

Approval in arbitration
Approval in arbitration

It is worth remembering the anti-front. This system analyzes transactions on the Internet and can identify fraudsters or suspicious transactions. In this case, the partner will not receive his percentage and may be blocked in the CPA network.

Fault of the advertiser or CPA network

If you know what an approve means but don't understand why your interest rate is low, consider the work of others. Perhaps it is because of the advertiser or the CPA network that the indicator is unsatisfactory.

The fault may be the poor quality work of the call center. Some purchases on the Internet are made under the influence of emotions. If the application is answered for a long time, then the potential client may change his mind or come to his senses. Accordingly, the deal will fail, andthe approval will not take place.

There is a chance of shaving. This is a kind of deception when the real statistics are hidden by the advertiser. For example, an application was rejected but actually accepted. The partner did not receive money, but the advertiser earned more.

Problems can be with intrusive offers. In this case, additional accessories, options or more expensive goods may be imposed on the client. For example, he clicked on a link that offered him to buy a fur coat for 1,000 rubles, but the call center told him that he could get it if he bought 2 more for 20,000 rubles.

Approval percentage
Approval percentage

Finally, the percentage of approval can be affected by low-quality goods or services, as well as false product characteristics that are revealed only at the time of calling customers.


What is an approval? In addition to being approved or getting the desired result, it is also the percentage of referred customers who made a purchase or any other conversion.

Those who do this kind of work often want to know what percentage is the most successful. As practice shows, many believe that this figure should be in the range of 38-50%. In fact, it may be less, since everything depends on the specifics of the resource.

Also, data fluctuates for sites with affiliate programs. Therefore, if you want to just get started with CPA marketing, you need to study all the data. It will not be superfluous to look at the forums where you can find negative reviews about some so-called affiliate programs.

Earnings withCPA
Earnings withCPA


What is an approval, of course, not only arbitrageurs know. This word is used in SEO optimization. But here it means almost the same thing as in CPA networks. For example, those who work with Google AdSense are waiting for approval. This is a contextual advertising service. It automatically places banners on websites. Their owners place such ads on their sites, receiving income for clicks and impressions.

To work with the service, you should first get an approval. Some users may complain that they are not approved by Google AdSense. This may be due to incorrect contacts, problematic content, and using an account with a different address.
