In our time, cellular communication has long and firmly entered everyday life. It seems strange that even 20 years ago a cell phone was a luxury.
However, not everyone knows how to use it. For example, older people cannot always master this miracle of modern technology. Grandparents and with a stationary apparatus live well. That's just children and grandchildren for them exciting. Therefore, we came to a compromise: let a loved one call his relatives from a landline phone to mobile phones.
What if grandma doesn't understand how to call from home to mobile? Let's teach her with this tutorial article.

Where it all begins
How to correctly dial a mobile number to call within Russia?
First of all, we need to know the phone number we want to call. No need to laugh at this reminder. When it comes to an older person, there is very little chance that he will remember a few long phone numbers.
Small tip: write big onesnumbers to call the elderly parent. And hang near the place where the phone is installed. Or put the list next to the machine.
Now we will find out how to call from home to mobile in Russia.

Calls within Russia
So, learning how to dial correctly:
- First dial the number 8. And be sure to wait for the beep. The fact is that if you start dialing immediately after dialing the eight, the call will not reach the subscriber. And the caller will hear short beeps, which indicate that the number of the person being called is busy.
- Did you hear the long beep after the eight? Dial the operator code. What is this code? The first three digits of the mobile number after the eight. For example, 916, 906, 926.
- And only after the above numbers are dialed, it comes to a seven-digit mobile number.
Calling from home to mobile, as we can see, is not so difficult. The main thing is to do everything right when dialing a number. We emphasize the need to wait for the beep after the eight.
Calls abroad
The family moved to live abroad, and my grandmother stayed in Russia. We agreed that she would call them every day. They just didn't tell me how to dial the number. Let's figure out how to correctly call a person who is abroad from home to a mobile phone.
The scheme of action is not much different from the above:
- First recruitnumber 8.
- Then immediately dial the number 10.
- Wait for a long beep, as in the previous version.
- As soon as they hear the dial tone, they dial the country code.
- Next, dial the area code.
- And only after all the manipulations performed, the subscriber's number is dialed.
Not very clear, I guess. Let's look at a specific example.
You need to make a mobile call to a person living in Israel. How to call from home to mobile of this country? It will look like this:
8-10-972-2-subscriber number
Here 972 is the country code, 2 is the city code of Jerusalem. If the person you need to call lives in Jerusalem, this is the procedure.
Therefore, to make calls abroad, you need to know the country code and the code of the city in which the subscriber is located.

If the call does not go through
It happens that you dial someone's mobile number from your home phone, and there is silence on the receiver. No beeps, no mechanical female voice saying that the subscriber is out of network coverage.
What to do in this case? Call again, dialing more carefully.
We talked about how calls are made from home to mobile. There are no particular difficulties in this manipulation. If a person calls within Russia, he only needs to dial the code of the mobile operator.
The technique of calling foreign countries is somewhatmore difficult. How to call someone who lives abroad from home to a mobile phone is described above.