Reviews: "Pony Express". Feedback from customers and employees

Reviews: "Pony Express". Feedback from customers and employees
Reviews: "Pony Express". Feedback from customers and employees

A conscientious carrier, unfortunately, is not so easy to find today. Shipments get lost along the way, damaged, delivered very late, or delivered to the wrong destination. This brings with it additional financial costs and a lot of worries. To avoid such an unpleasant situation, it is important to take the issue of choosing a carrier seriously.

Today many in this context prefer "Pony Express". In order to be convinced of the competence of the company, without resorting to acquiring personal experience, it is necessary to explore a huge amount of information about the Pony Express carrier: reviews of drivers and other employees, feedback from real customers, tariff plans, available destinations, conditions for transporting goods and much more. This article is intended to greatly facilitate this difficult task and provide you with only the necessary data to make a decision on whether to use the service of the carrier company in question.

pony express reviews
pony express reviews

Customer Reviews

Responses are different, but in any case, the vast majority of customers talk about a positive experiencecooperation with the carrier in question. Provided that the customer provided the correct information and delivery, the company delivered the shipments on time, all departments function smoothly, the client can always receive detailed information about the location and condition of his cargo.

Reviews about work in "Pony Express"

As the feedback shows, this company is a good employer. Payment is on time and job responsibilities are clearly explained. The team is generally friendly and pleasant. Of course, there are interpersonal conflicts and clashes with management, but for the most part they are associated with the inability to work in a team or failure to fulfill their obligations.

What can work at Pony Express bring you? Feedback from employees shows that this is a good experience, decent earnings and an opportunity to try yourself in a promising field of activity. Try to start such cooperation and you will be able to evaluate it yourself.

work in pony express staff reviews
work in pony express staff reviews

About company

One of the most convenient shipping companies, according to reviews, is Pony Express. Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation can freely use its services without worrying about the safety of their shipments.

What can "Pony Express" offer its consumers today? Customer feedback highlights the following features:

  • Presence of numerous additional services.
  • Expedited delivery available.
  • Service availabilitytransportation shipment to the door.
  • Continuous optimization of the company's operations.
  • Production infrastructure is being improved in various branches of Pony Express (Ufa).
  • Reviews confirm that the company has taken a significant share of the logistics market.
  • For business, the company is ready to offer unique solutions (both transport and logistics) to improve the implementation of the current order.
pony express staff reviews moscow
pony express staff reviews moscow


The carrier company in question serves a huge number of cities in the Russian Federation, neighboring countries, as well as more than two hundred destinations around the world. Conditions and available destinations for international shipping will be discussed later in this article. There are various modes of delivery for goods of different weights. So, a shipment weighing up to twenty kilograms can be delivered under the following modes: "Delivery before the specified time" or "Economy mail delivery". If the weight of the cargo exceeds twenty kilograms, the conditions of the "Economy" or "Express" modes apply to it.

The "Delivery on Time" option will be discussed separately below. As employee reviews report about this service to the Pony Express company, it enjoys inexhaustible popularity among customers.

What is the "Economy Mail Delivery" mode? If time does not play such a big role for you, and the shipment weighs less than twenty kilograms, thenthis service is a good way to save your money.

Cargo can be delivered in accordance with the conditions of the following modes:

  • "Express Cargo" (the weight of the item is more than twenty kilograms; delivered urgently).
  • "Economy Cargo" (transportation is slow; the cost is significantly lower; the weight of the shipment exceeds twenty kilograms).
  • "Direct Car" (the volume of cargo is so large that it can fully load the car; transport is selected depending on the nature of the shipment).
  • "Express mail delivery" (the weight of the item is less than twenty kilograms; the destination is the Russian Federation or one of the CIS countries).
  • "Documents" (the nature of the departure - documents; the weight of the cargo does not exceed five kilograms; the destination is the Russian Federation or the CIS countries).
  • "Non-documentary" (urgent delivery; the nature of the shipment is non-documentary; the weight of the cargo does not exceed twenty kilograms).
reviews about work in pony express
reviews about work in pony express

Delivery on time

As employee reviews report about this Pony Express carrier service, customers are extremely often interested in this mode of delivery. Of course, because in the modern world, time is of particular importance.

There are several different modes of providing the service in question. Among them are:

  • "Express 10:00". It implies the delivery of mail to its destination along six possible routes in the territoryRussian Federation directly to the beginning of the working day.
  • "Express 14:00". The company guarantees high-quality transportation of a shipment, the weight of which does not exceed twenty kilograms, across the territory of the Russian Federation and its delivery to the destination point no later than fourteen hours in the afternoon.
  • "Express 18:00". "Pony Express" will make sure that by the end of the working day the shipment reaches the addressee in a number of large cities of the Russian Federation.

Now you can accurately and competently plan the logistics and timing of all your mailings without any obstacles. Why do customers choose this particular service? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • The company provides financial guarantees that the shipment will be delivered on time.
  • Pony Express is committed to handling this type of shipment first.
  • The carrier offers such customers a wider range of extra services.

Now, as the staff reviews (Moscow) notice about Pony Express services, thanks to this option, accuracy can become your main competitive advantage.

International Shipping

There is another feature of "Pony Express". Reviews report that this company delivers a variety of items to more than two hundred different countries around the world. The maximum weight of one consignment note is five kilograms.

Tariffs for the transportation in question are calculated according to which group of countries the item belongs todestination.

In total there are six tariff zones to which "Pony Express" delivery is carried out. Reviews recommend that you familiarize yourself with this information in advance in order to calculate the cost of transportation. There are the following tariff zones: A (Republic of Ireland, Austria, Spain, Italy, England, Northern Ireland, Belgium, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, M alta, Monaco, Wales, Germany, Finland, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Scotland, Estonia, Vatican City), B (Iceland, Romania, Antilles, Canada, Armenia, Ashgabat, Cyprus, Barbuda, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, United States of America, Hungary, Venezuela, British-controlled Virgin Islands, U. S. Virgin Islands, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Greece, Georgia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dushanbe, Yerevan, Poland), C (Australia, San Marino, Kenya, China, Serbia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Taiwan, Malao, Malaysia, Micronesia, Trinidad and Tabago, Hong Kong, Fiji, Philippines, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Channel Islands, Israel, Papua New Guinea, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Japan), D (Puerto Rico, Anguilla, Saipan, Cayman Islands, El Salvador, An Tigua, Santa Lucia, Argentina, St. Bartholomew, Aruba, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Colombia, St. Vincent, St. Kitts, Belize, Costa Rica, St. Martin, St. Eustace, Curaçao, Bolivia, Bonaire, Brazil, Suriname, Turks and Caicos Islands, Guyana, Martinique, Marshall Islands, Guadeloupe, Mexico, Guatemala, Uruguay, Montserrate, Honduras, Grenada, French Guiana,Guam, Nicaragua, Dominica, Chile, Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Pakistan, Panama, South Africa, Paraguay, Peru, Jamaica), E (Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Nepal, United United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Jordan), F (Reunion, American Samoa, Runada, Yemen, Angola, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Capo Verde, Swaziland, Kiribati, Northern Mariana Islands, Seychelles, Senegal, Congo, Saint Lucia, Benin, Cook Islands, Ivory Coast, Bermuda, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Botswana, Solomon Islands, Libya, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Bhutan, Mauritius, Vanuatu, Mauritania, Madagascar, Tahiti, Tanzania, Malawi, Vietnam, Mali, Togo, Gabon, Republic of Maldives, Tonga, Haiti, Morocco, Tuvalu, Gambia, Tunisia, Ghana, Uganda, Republic of Guinea, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Mongolia, Faroe Islands, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Namibia, Greenland, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Zaire, Zambia, Western Samoa, Cape Verde Islands, Palau, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia), G (Sao Tome, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, North Korea, Comoros, Mayot, Nauru, Equatorial Guinea, Norfolk).

pony express customer reviews
pony express customer reviews


Another nice feature of the company is told by reviews: "Pony Express" for most shipments provides free packaging with branded symbols of this carrier.

This can be a particularly strong plastic bag designed for a load of up to five kilograms, or a cardboardan envelope capable of withstanding the effects of moisture on the shipment.

If the customer wishes, he can use his own packaging material. It is important that it matches the content of the shipment and how it is planned to be delivered to the addressee.

Special protective signs on the packages allow you to avoid unauthorized opening of the shipment with its subsequent repacking. This guarantees the confidentiality and safety of the cargo.

Cargo insurance

Cargo insurance coverage is another attractive feature of the carrier in question, reviews note. When registering this service, "Pony Express" always compensates for the damage that was caused to the shipment by accident or during transportation by any vehicle of the company or carriers cooperating with it, during transportation both within the country and abroad.

The company is only responsible for the goods specified in the waybill, which are allowed for transportation by current state legislation. If an item was lost that was not recorded in the invoice or one that is officially prohibited for transportation, the damage will not be reimbursed. Therefore, it is important to carefully read in advance what rules, requirements and standards are established by law today in this regard.

It is important to accurately indicate the declared value of the shipment, because the insurance compensation will be carried out taking into account it.

pony express driver reviews
pony express driver reviews

Delivery notice

Information oneach individual shipment is provided on the official website of the carrier. However, there is another possibility, as the reviews report. "Pony Express" offers those of its customers who have entered into an agreement with the company, once a month to receive a detailed official report on all deliveries made. Such information may be communicated by prior arrangement by e-mail, fax or telephone.

In some cases, it is possible to mark the parcel with the mark "With notification" when sending, indicating the appropriate contact details, to which a delivery notification will be sent.

shipping pony express reviews
shipping pony express reviews


"Pony Express" is a company that offers you high-quality services for the delivery of various goods to hundreds of different destinations at affordable prices. Using its services, you will get an excellent partner who will repeatedly help you to carry out your business activities in a timely manner. The company has gained a reputation as an honest, conscientious carrier that makes every effort to help its customers fulfill their plans on time.

Use the best companies. Take their choice seriously. Then you will no longer have to regret the decisions you made.
