Most popular topics on the Internet: ranking

Most popular topics on the Internet: ranking
Most popular topics on the Internet: ranking

Every day, millions of people search and publish articles on the World Wide Web. Each of them has its own reader. There are no exceptions. After all, information is a key element and the main value of our post-industrial society. Whoever has the information controls the whole world.

Yet, despite the potential value of any "piece" of information, there are certain topics that are more popular and interesting than others. If you really delve into the topic, then for each region and for each age group there is its own top 10 most popular topics on the Internet. But among them you can find many common features. So what is the most popular topic on the Internet?


Absolutely any person (with very rare exceptions) has three basic, one might say, fundamental needs: the desire to live, the desire to eat and the desire to reproduce their own kind. Based on this, it is not surprising where the ranking of the most popular topics on the Internet begins.

A few years ago, it was estimated that queries of this nature in search engines amounted to approximatelytwenty percent. According to the latest data for March 2018, 150 million people scored in the Yandex search engine the query "porn" and "erotica". Now demand has fallen somewhat, but 18+ materials will be included in the list of the most popular topics on the Internet for a long time.

When I eat I am deaf and dumb

The second basic need is the need for constant food. Basically, such topics include, of course, a variety of cooking recipes. But here you can easily add articles, for example, "An effective diet for a period of two months", "The ten most unhe althy foods", "The most useful vitamins that can be found in vegetables and fruits".

It's simple here. Both men and women want to be in good shape and occasionally pamper their loved ones with something tasty and, if it's real, unusual. While old grandmother's recipes are gradually falling out of fashion, articles from the Internet are becoming the best friends of young and advanced housewives.

he althy fruits
he althy fruits

Questions of first necessity

The instinct of self-preservation occupies the most important position in the system of human needs. Without it, we would simply not want to and would not be able to survive. But what should we do in this or that situation in order to stay alive?

The answer to this question can easily be found by any Internet user. Who to contact and what to do if the person next to you becomes ill? How to behave in case of fire? What to do if you are taken hostage? What to do,if you are being followed? What are the basic self defense techniques? Life is very important for a person.


All people need to relax from time to time. The support provided by the Internet is simply invaluable. Especially in this case, children win (or lose, it's up to you). Computer games were very popular at the time.

Now movies and series have taken the lead. For example, for young people, the most popular topics on the Internet include various types of popular culture. In March 2018, 210 million people searched Yandex for what kind of movie to watch. It's not that small.

And such data is not at all surprising. After a long day at work or school, people need to get away from everything somehow. Movies and series allow them to do this with surprising ease.

camera motor
camera motor

Success, fame, money

Many people dream of becoming famous and famous. Dreaming is easy. Everyone is capable of it. Much harder to actually achieve something. But in this case, the Internet can act as an assistant.

There are millions of articles on how to create your own company, what qualities a future boss needs, how to learn to play the stock market. This information is so accessible that it's amazing how anyone could not use it.

Sport is life

One of the main hobbies of our generation. Fans spend a lot of money to get to the match of their favorite team or visit the competition of their favoriteathletes. No wonder sports are one of the most popular topics on the internet. For example, if a person did not have the opportunity to watch a hockey match live, now he is able to find out the score with a couple of clicks and review the brightest and most exciting moments of the game.

Athletes at the finish line
Athletes at the finish line

Besides, among the population of planet Earth there are not only lovers of watching how others do something. No, a lot of people want to do something themselves. If a person does not want or does not have enough money to attend a special section, he can always independently begin to lead an active lifestyle. Of course, without a coach, this is quite difficult, but still real. There are enough resources on the World Wide Web that can tell you how to run properly, where to start your workouts, what exercises develop certain muscles, and more.

Bad habits

And how to get rid of them? There is hardly a person who at some point would not want to improve something in himself. Not everyone gets the willpower to turn to a specialist or to relatives. But on the Internet, no one will judge. There will be hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of individuals with the same problems. And there are just as many experts and just kind people who are able and willing to help. How to stop worrying about and without, how to stop biting your nails, how to wean yourself from a cigarette - all this can be solved, there would be a desire and access to the Internet.

Bad habits
Bad habits

Architects of loc altailoring

One of the most popular topics on the Internet. Someone does not want to pay workers for work that they can do themselves, someone just wants to try their hand at construction - both of them can find help on the World Wide Web.

Where to buy the cheapest building materials? How to quickly and efficiently renovate an apartment? What tools are most needed in the home of a young couple? This and more can be found among the most discussed topics on the Internet.

Travel, or Round trip

It's fashionable, it's prestigious and it's interesting for almost everyone. Tourism is without a doubt one of the most popular topics for blogs on the Internet. People are curious to know where is the best place to relax, where is the most delicious food, where are the most beautiful places. There is also a huge scope for photographers in this topic: spectacular images of exotic or simply unfamiliar places always attract attention.

Road to the distance
Road to the distance

Now there is a huge number of so-called travel blogs on the World Wide Web. Still would. The topic is rich and very promising. In it, everyone is able to open up and find themselves. An active and potentially dangerous holiday for one group of travelers, a quiet and cultural holiday for another. Everyone is happy.

Politics: who rules the world?

From the very beginning of time, people simply could not help but be interested in what was happening around them. This is understandable, because most often the political situation in the world directly affects the lives of ordinary mortals.

Speaker and voters
Speaker and voters

The better the situation incountry as a whole, the better will be the situation of those who live in that country. So, it is unlikely that politics will ever go out of fashion. And there is proof of this. Everyone is familiar with the excitement before the presidential elections in various countries. People argue, express their opinions and guess who will win, read about the personal and public life of many political figures. It is always relevant and interesting.
