Runet is part of the Internet? What is Runet and what to expect from it

Runet is part of the Internet? What is Runet and what to expect from it
Runet is part of the Internet? What is Runet and what to expect from it

The acceleration of information exchange is the most striking sign of our time. What quite recently was just slang, adopted in narrow circles, is moving into the category of quite familiar words for a wide range of communication. For example, "Runet". This concept has gone beyond the Internet, has become familiar and recognizable to such an extent that it is used thoughtlessly, without even wondering if it is used correctly.

Meaning and structure of the term

The mentioned word is formed from two parts. The most common domain zone on the Russian Internet is ru. In this case, net is used as "the Internet in general", an information space. Thus, Runet is the Russian-speaking part of the Internet. This includes any resources that are maintained in Russian, regardless of the country in which the server is hosted.

runet quote book
runet quote book

Even if the content is posted on an English-language site, but meets the main principle, then it can also be consideredpart of the Runet. A great example is the numerous videos and comments on them on the most popular video platform in the world, YouTube.

Runet is cool?

Probably, it is typical for every nationality to consider everything its best and right, so the somewhat naive pride of users is fully justified. Everything Russian, by default, differs for the better just because it is Russian. If you connect linear logic, then such a statement does not hold water, but it definitely has the right to exist. We can assume that Runet is really the best option for those who have access to the Web, but do not speak English and other foreign languages. In the end, not everyone can be polyglots, and a person has the right to be informed.

Advantages of the bourgeoisie

In contrast to Runet, the English-language Internet has received a rather sarcastic, but well-aimed nickname. Nevertheless, the bourgeois net opens up much more opportunities simply in terms of quantitative characteristics, which are inevitably followed by qualitative ones. In most cases, English-language resources provide more detailed and correct information, there are many times more users there. Webmasters who make money on the Internet are well aware of this - it is the latter that turns out to be more profitable, advertising is more expensive there, and a large audience gives some room for maneuver.

RuNet gossip
RuNet gossip

You can counter by saying that the girls of Runet are the most beautiful, and there is a certain amount of truth in this. At least with themcan communicate without the effort of learning English. But given that the functions of the Internet extend much further than flirting with the beautiful half of humanity, this is not such a strong argument to limit yourself to Russian-language resources.

The main disadvantages of Runet

As already mentioned, there is more information on English-language resources, and in some cases it is presented more correctly. Indeed, if some scientific research is carried out by foreign specialists, and it is not officially translated into Russian, then you have to rely either on your own knowledge of foreign languages, or rely on the work of enthusiasts, and the result is unpredictable.

Runet girls
Runet girls

Another significant drawback that users note is the general emotional tone of the community, which has a more positive attitude in the bourgeoisnet. Although Runet gossip may seem more interesting, and verbal sparring in the comments is a pleasure for professional debaters, but in general, English-speaking users are more friendly. This is especially true of all kinds of creativity. The level of incorrect criticism in Runet is simply off scale, and this forces all kinds of arters and crafters to migrate to a more friendly environment. Creativity is a fragile thing that depends on positive emotional support, so it's no surprise that people are looking for comfortable communication, even if it means switching to English.

Safety instructions

If taken asgiven the yield of Runet on trolls of all stripes, you can somewhat reduce the risk of getting negative. You can keep quiet and not write anything about yourself, which will later be found with a chain of derogatory comments in the main quote book of Runet. Of course, "Bashorg" (website) is a very interesting place, but it can be very traumatic to find your own unsuccessful statement exposed to the judgment of an unkind audience.

what is runet
what is runet

Unfortunately, the most effective advice is to build up a thick skin and not show your real data. Despite all the shortcomings of Runet, it is quite predictable. The simplest practice of getting rid of negativity is the distance, either by excluding the traumatic resource from the number of visited ones, or due to one's own impenetrability. The trolls get bored and go looking for another victim.

Recently, in some areas of the Runet, there has been a tendency to increase the positive part of communication by increasing the culture of the latter. Users themselves strive to make the information space comfortable for everyone, they learn to calmly perceive someone else's opinion. We can only hope that this will help reduce the level of tension in the community.
