In the 2000s, only people enlightened in this craft were engaged in the creation of websites. Today, this can be done even by a person without a technical education, but who knows the basics of promotion and promotion. The first thing you should pay attention to is the content of the site.
What is website content? It is the process of updating the platform by regularly adding new information. Before you start creating websites, you need to understand one simple thing: visitors visit resources to find up-to-date information. Therefore, do not forget about the quality of content, and not just about its quantity.
Website development is a rather complex process that requires consistent actions. In this case, every little thing can matter. Sometimes even a random word affects the promotion of a resource, but in any case, quality content plays a major role in this matter.

Varieties of content
The content of the site is divided into three types:
- Text content. That is, articles, product descriptions,blogs and other texts.
- Actual content. These are usually instructions, specifications, research data, or digital information.
- Graphic content. This includes any graphic materials: images, photos, animations, videos, etc.
Content on the site is needed not only for information content, but also for the process of promotion in search engines. It is simply necessary to promote articles, as this gives a positive result and brings the resource to the top of the search. But on the other hand, a site that is in the first positions of search results should have high-quality information. Otherwise, users will not return to this resource, and over time, its rating will drop.
What to put on the site?
As a rule, content is not just copied text, it has its own rules of the game. The first thing you should pay attention to is the content content. The content of the site should be interesting for a potential client, which means it should answer his questions, even if the user has not formally asked them yet. It is these articles that answer not only the search query, but also expand this topic, make users turn to this particular resource again and again.

Of course, every site should have articles with information about the company, firm, activities, products, etc. Although such articles are mandatory, they do not make up the entire essence of the resource, usually this meager information is diluted with articles that correspond to the general subject, close to heror are adjacent. For example, if a certain user runs an online store of anime goods, then, among other things, he can fill the site with information about novelties in the world of manga and anime.
As for the article itself, it should contain elements such as:
- Bulleted and numbered lists.
- Images.
- Graphs and tables.
- Headings, subheadings, paragraphs.
The text may contain all of these elements, or only some of them. It all depends on the size of the original article. The main thing is that the final product should not look like a "sheet" of text, otherwise the user will simply refuse to view it, despite the quality of the information.

Text quality
Also, the content of the site must be of high quality. An article may be interesting, but if it contains many errors, then it will be useless for the site. Punctuation, spelling, factual or ethical - any mistake is striking, because of which the user will no longer have a positive attitude towards the text.
Everything in this question is based on human psychology: if a company makes mistakes in the text, it means that they can make mistakes in their work. High-quality content attracts the user and significantly enhances the company's image, positively influencing a potential client.
Information on the site should be not only interesting, but also unique, this is very important. Any text must be newsay written from scratch. It should be the one and only on the entire Internet.
Although it's not all that scary, you don't need to invent a new topic, hire professional writers, or go for some other tricks. The topic of the article may be old and well-known, you just need to present it in a new way. For example, to provide a new look at old things, to decorate the text with an elegant syllable or interesting speech turns. The main thing is not to overdo it with terminology and complex words. If we are talking about something scientific or technical, then professional terms cannot be avoided, but even they must be used within reason. The text should be clear and easy to understand, but at the same time, all information should be relevant and reliable. The visitor must find in the text the information that he needs, then he will certainly return to the resource again and again.

Every good text has the risk of being copied by competitors, but that's okay. Search robots automatically capture each text that appears and its source.
Publication frequency
By the way, filling the site with information is a regular job. This does not mean that you can throw several dozen articles on the resource at a time and forget about it for a year. Work with the site should be carried out constantly: after launch, and even after successful promotion. The position must not only be won, but also strengthened, so the process of filling the site with goods, articles, videos and other information is very important.
It is worth noting thatno need to add too large texts. Articles for 1000-2000 zbp are suitable for describing goods. (characters without spaces). Larger texts for 2000-4000 zbp. suitable for blogging or news, sections with useful information. Long articles for 6000-8000 cbp. usually reserved for service pages.
Sometimes resource managers for some reason cannot write texts and fill the site with content on their own, so they resort to paid services.

The price of filling the site with content directly depends on the type of work that the site owner offers to perform. There are two main requests. In the first case, the owner simply needs texts of a certain topic and format. He can order them on content exchanges. The cost of such work can be from 15 to 70 rubles per 1000 characters. Of course, the quality will also match. Also, texts can be ordered from professional copywriters, but the price there will be 3-4 times higher. The site owner receives the text and places it on the resource, after making amendments, if necessary.
In the second case, the owner of the resource simply hires a person who will independently select topics for articles, order them from copywriters and post them on the site. It is difficult to determine the exact cost of this type of work, usually the site owner and the future administrator regulate this issue on their own.