So, today our attention is presented to the option "Zero on MTS". We have to find out what it is. In addition, it is worth looking at how you can connect this opportunity to yourself. After all, it is the process of starting to use the function that, as a rule, brings a lot of problems. If they are solved, then each client will be satisfied with the result. Let's quickly get down to our today's topic.

What is this?
The "Zero on MTS" option, which we will learn about later, is what attracts many modern customers. Why? Let's look into this matter.
The thing is that now many people prefer to communicate. Many and regardless of the location of the client. That is, in roaming, you also want to communicate on favorable terms. And all MTS customers have this opportunity. After all, "Zero Without Borders" is just what we need. For only 60 rubles per month, you can talk within roaming for 10 minutes for free, and then - 25 rubles per minute. This is a very good deal.
The "Zero on MTS" option receives mostly positive reviews. After all, 6 rubles of a subscription fee -it's not that much. Especially when you consider how much benefit you get. The quality of communication with this option is also pleasing. There are practically no failures. Therefore, let's try to figure out how you can connect the "Zero on MTS" option.
Personal visit
The first scenario is, of course, familiar to everyone. After all, we are talking about using the offices of a mobile operator. They are available in every city. Take your mobile phone with you, as well as your passport (just in case), and then go to the nearest MTS mobile phone office.
There, tell the employee about your intentions to connect yourself an additional option. You should be asked for a passport (without an identity card, few people will agree to connect something to the number), and then verify your rights to the number. If the owner is not you, then you will have to call the person to whom the SIM card is issued with you. In cases where the number is issued to you, you can transfer your mobile phone to an office worker. He will quickly carry out all the necessary manipulations. That's all. The option "Zero on MTS" is enabled.

True, it is worth noting one important fact - you must have enough money on your phone to make the connection. As already mentioned, this is 60 rubles. The advantage of a personal visit is that you can always quickly top up your mobile phone balance without commission. But in general, as a rule, customers try to look for other options that help disable the "Zero on MTS" option and enable any other functions. What else can be done?Let's try to figure it out.
The "Zero on MTS" option can be activated using special requests dialed on your mobile phone. They are called USSD commands. And every mobile operator has them.
In order to attach an additional function to your number, just dial the combination and then press the call button. Next, you will send a request with subsequent processing. Now it's just enough to wait for an SMS notification about the successful connection of the option. And that's it, problems solved.
But what command do we need? Just dial 1114444. That's all. No problem. The main thing is to have at least 60 rubles on your mobile phone balance. Otherwise, you will receive a notification in which it will be written that there is not enough money on the account to activate the new function. But this is still far from all the approaches that can only be implemented. What else suits us? Let's try to answer this question.

Messages to help
Well, if you don't really like the prospect of using USSD commands to connect, you can always use things like messages. They can help not only to contact the client, but also to realize some opportunities. And now we will deal with you in this approach.
Just form a message with the text "33" and then send it to the MTS short number. In our case, this is 111. After that, just wait for the notification of a successful startuse of the service. Typically, the process takes about 10 minutes. Otherwise, you will have to check the balance of the mobile phone (there should be enough money to connect), and also call the operator and find out about the status of your request.
This method has one significant drawback - long command processing. Plus, the slightest network failure can leave you without an option. Not the best prospect, right? And for this reason, we will try with you to figure out other methods that are suitable for connecting new opportunities. After all, they still exist. And some of them will greatly please modern customers. They do not have to leave the house once again and think about the long processing of the request. Let's sort this out as soon as possible.

Call operator
Option "Super Zero" MTS, like many others, can be activated using operator calls. As a rule, this scenario helps many clients. And for this reason, it is worth understanding this method.
Just dial 0890 and then wait for the operator to answer. Now let him know about your intentions to connect a new feature. Next, you will be required to provide passport data - this is how the identity and rights to the SIM card used are established. After this point is passed, you can wait for the results. Name the desired option and wait for the result. As a rule, after a conversation for 5 minutes, you will receive a notification about the successful processing of the operation and the connection of the option. As you can see, nothing difficult.
Only this onemethod has one minus - a huge probability of hitting the answering machine. Then you will have to wait about 15-20 minutes before you connect the feature you need. And so we move on to another scenario.
World Wide Web
So, the last method that pleases many customers is the use of the Internet and the official website in order to connect the desired options. To do this, you will have to go to the official MTS website and go through authorization.

Now you will find yourself in your personal account, where you have to select "Services", and then find the "Option "Zero on MTS". If you click on this line, you will see a list of possible actions. Click on "Connect" "That's it - you can wait for the results. The main thing is that there is enough money. Otherwise, you will receive an SMS with a request to top up the balance first, and then try to connect again.