Tariff plan without monthly fee (MTS): which one to choose? The cheapest MTS tariff without a monthly fee

Tariff plan without monthly fee (MTS): which one to choose? The cheapest MTS tariff without a monthly fee
Tariff plan without monthly fee (MTS): which one to choose? The cheapest MTS tariff without a monthly fee

Most of the mobile phone plans we come across come with a subscription fee. This means that the user must regularly pay the bills that the operator issues in order to be able to make calls, send SMS messages, and use Internet traffic. Of course, not everyone likes this state of affairs.

There are people who would like to have a number connected to a particular mobile operator purely for receiving calls or, say, for a one-time access to the Internet. Paying constantly and regularly for being able to do this is quite unprofitable. That is why subscribers are often looking for a tariff plan without a monthly fee.

MTS, as the leader of the Russian telecom segment, is ready to provide such tariffs. They will be discussed in today's article.

tariff plan without MTS subscription fee
tariff plan without MTS subscription fee

How good are tariffs without a monthly fee?

Let's start by describing what makes the plans so great without having to pay regular fees to use them. In principle, this is obvious - the subscriber is not forced to replenish the account every month, say, by 300 rubles. He paysonly for those services that he consumes, for example, for a call every 2 days, SMS or for a day of using the Internet (or even for the amount of traffic that was one-time spent).

Thus, such an approach allows saving in certain situations. After all, by choosing a tariff plan without a subscription fee (MTS), you do not pay for additional services that you do not actually use. This means you end up paying less.

The second point is the psychological attitude of people to the subscription fee. That's the way our nature is. If the operator introduces an obligation to replenish the account for a certain amount, this can be somewhat oppressive for a person. Well, some do not want to feel this feeling when you have to give a certain amount once a month. The logic of such subscribers is simple: “Used the services - paid. But I will not make contributions in advance.”

This is less serious, but still an explanation why MTS tariffs without a monthly fee are more successful than plans with a monthly fee.

MTS tariffs without monthly fee
MTS tariffs without monthly fee

Disadvantages of tariffs without a monthly fee

Although, if we look at this situation from an economic point of view, in order to establish a real benefit for the subscriber, we will understand the opposite. In fact, tariffs with a monthly fee are more profitable. And the reason for this is quite simple - the operator company knows how much money you will definitely spend on communication services in the next month. Therefore, she can in some sense count on your contribution. In addition, by making subscription payments, you buy services in bulk; whereas in a situation without a regular fee, youactually consume them at retail. This obviously already affects the final cost of consumed Internet traffic, minutes for calls and SMS that the operator provides you with.

Therefore, if you need MTS tariffs without a monthly fee, think about whether they will really be so profitable specifically for you. A positive answer to this question will only be if you really need a number to perform one-time tasks.

MTS without subscription fee
MTS without subscription fee

MTS Tariffs

If we look at the tariff scale of this operator, we will notice the following: all plans are divided into two groups, the first of which includes tariffs with regular payments, and the second - without them. Obviously, plans with a monthly fee are more profitable. Even with a cursory examination, it can be seen. The user, being on such a plan, ultimately receives much more.

On the other hand, there are "free" plans without obligatory payments, which we will talk about. Yes, if we compare the package of services provided under the plans from the first and second groups, then, of course, users with tariffs that include a monthly fee get more. But the topic of our article is plans that do not need to be paid regularly, and therefore now we will conduct a brief review of each of the ones that we managed to find. All these tariffs will be supported by MTS for a year without a subscription fee and even more (if there is some activity on the number).

MTS year without subscription fee
MTS year without subscription fee

Your country

This tariff is aimed at users whooften communicate with subscribers from other countries due to the fact that the cost of calls here from 1 to 5 minutes (to numbers in the CIS, as well as Vietnam, Korea and the USA) is charged at a price of 4.5 rubles; from 6 to 10 minutes - 1.5 rubles. If we talk about calls to Azerbaijan and Belarus, then their cost will be at the level of 9.5 rubles per minute. Calling to Europe is much more expensive, such calls will cost the subscriber 49 rubles per minute.

To communicate with subscribers from Moscow, you will have to pay 2.5 rubles per minute for the first 5 minutes. conversation and 1.5 rubles - for each subsequent. Calls to Russian numbers will cost 3 rubles for each of the first 5 minutes and 1.5 rubles. – for subsequent.

SMS and Internet on this plan are quite expensive - 9.9 rubles per megabyte of traffic and from 2 to 6.5 rubles - for each message.

Thus, MTS positions this typical tariff plan without a monthly fee as for calls abroad. You can use it within the country, but it is less profitable. By the way, the transition to the plan is also paid, it will cost 150 rubles. “Your country” is valid only for residents of Moscow and the region (MTS subscribers). A year without a subscription fee, such a tariff will be active only if calls are made from it.

MTS Internet without a subscription fee
MTS Internet without a subscription fee

“Super MTS. Region"

This tariff can also be connected only to subscribers from the capital and Moscow region. It suggests an interesting offer - 20 minutes of free calls within the region. True, the rest of the services within this plan are quite expensive. This is clearly not the bestcheap MTS tariff without monthly fee.

Calls after the 21st minute of conversation to local numbers will cost the user 1.5 rubles; to call other numbers (not MTS) within the region, you need to pay 2.5 rubles per minute, and to talk to subscribers from other regions - 5 rubles (MTS). A call to the number of another operator from another region will be charged at 14 rubles per minute. Internet, as in the previous tariff, will cost 9.9 rubles per megabyte. Switching to such an MTS tariff without a subscription fee will also cost the subscriber 150 rubles.

Super MTS

This plan is similar to the one described above, with the only difference: it can be connected not only to residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. It is obviously available throughout Russia, and the cost of calls is calculated according to the same formula. If we talk briefly about both Super MTS tariffs, then only 2 advantages will be obvious - the absence of a mandatory fee and 20 minutes of free calls in the subscriber's region. The rest of the services are provided at clearly too high prices, due to which the operator obviously compensates for the lack of a regular fee.

Red Energy

the cheapest MTS tariff without a monthly fee
the cheapest MTS tariff without a monthly fee

In terms of the cost of additional services, the Red Energy tariff is similar to Super. True, it does not imply the availability of free 20 minutes to local MTS numbers. But, according to this plan, the subscriber can call at a low price - only 1.6 rubles per minute to all numbers from his region. This also applies to the numbers of other operators.

An alternative is obvious: either the user is given free calls to numbers of his network ("Super MTS"), or cheaper calls to all numbers from his region (this tariff plan) without a monthly fee. MTS, allowing you to make such a choice, creates additional comfort for the user. Let's put it this way, depending on who you talk to most on the phone, these two plans can be very beneficial for you.

Per second

new MTS tariffs without monthly fee
new MTS tariffs without monthly fee

The third package, which we will consider along with the two mentioned, is called "Per second". He is also included in the group that MTS has - tariffs without a monthly fee. True, this plan differs in the tariffication of calls - it happens per second.

This means that for every second of a conversation with any number from your region you have to pay 5 kopecks. Thus, by simple calculations, it can be established that a minute of conversation will cost 3 rubles.

Such a tariff plan without a monthly fee MTS has connected for users who need a few seconds of conversation to say something important and immediately hang up. At the same time, the cost of additional services (calls to other numbers, Internet and SMS) here are the same as on Super MTS and Red Energy.

How to choose?

These are all the tariffs available from the MTS mobile operator. Internet without a subscription fee is available for everyone, but its cost is extremely high. It is much more profitable to connect a tariff with regular payments. The same goes for SMS. Yes andin general, packages are beneficial only to those who speak little or do not speak on the phone at all. And so it will be until new MTS tariffs appear without a monthly fee.

Or is it still a subscription fee?

You have seen how much the service costs on tariffs without a mandatory fee. As you can see, the cost of services is quite high. For comparison: the "Smart mini" tariff allows you to make an unlimited number of calls to MTS in your region for only 200 rubles, talk 1000 minutes for free with MTS numbers in Russia, send 50 free SMS and spend 500 megabytes of mobile Internet. A call to numbers of other operators will cost 10 rubles.

So subscription fee or "free replenishment"? You decide. For calls to numbers of your network, Super MTS is suitable, while for communication with subscribers of other networks in your region, it is better to take Red Energy. Per second will seem interesting to those who speak very little.
