Users of MTS services daily make calls and send messages to their relatives, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, use the mobile Internet. Sooner or later, every person thinks about saving and choosing the most profitable tariff plan (TP). What are the cheapest MTS tariffs recommended to pay attention to? This issue remains to be sorted out.
Choose a tariff plan
Mobile Telesystems offers a wide range of different tariff plans to choose from. Each subscriber can find the most suitable and profitable products for himself. Attention deserves such TPs as:
- "Per second";
- "Super MTS";
- "Smart";
- "Smart Unlimited".
"Per second" - the cheapest MTS tariff for infrequent or short calls. "Super MTS" is an excellent option for people making regular calls to MTS subscribers. Tariff plans "Smart" and "Smart Unlimited" are profitable products for those people who not only call subscribers of different operators, but also activelyuse the internet.

Per second
This is a fairly simple product that does not require mandatory payments. Billing, as the name indicates, is per second. In the capital of our country and the Moscow region, 1 second of communication on the phone costs 5 kopecks. At this price, you can call the numbers of absolutely all operators in the local region.
The “Per second” product, belonging to the “Cheapest MTS tariffs” group, is not economical for calls to other regions and regions of the country. The cost of 1 minute of conversation with an MTS subscriber of the Russian Federation is 5 rubles. Calls to mobile numbers belonging to other operators are almost 2 times more expensive.

Super MTS
Thinking about which MTS tariff is the cheapest, you should definitely consider Super MTS. This is quite an interesting and profitable product. This TP includes an automatically connected option that is valid in the local region and allows you to talk to other subscribers of the Mobile Telesystems company for free for 20 minutes every day. When this package expires, communication begins to be paid (1 minute costs 1 rub. 50 kopecks for MTS subscribers in Moscow and Moscow region). There is no option fee.
People who communicate with MTS subscribers not only in the local, but also in other regions, should activate another option that allows you to make calls throughout Russia. The cost of its connection in Moscow and the Moscow region is only 2 rubles. 50 kop. Same amountis a daily fee. The option has the following conditions to keep in mind:
- Every day users get 100 free minutes. They can be spent on calls to MTS subscribers in the local and other regions of our country. This feature of the TP allows us to say that Super MTS is the cheapest MTS tariff for calls within Russia.
- After the spent quota, 1 minute of conversation with a local MTS subscriber costs 1 rub. 50 kop. Calls to MTS users in other regions of the country cost 5 rubles. for 1 minute of communication.

Mobile Telesystems Company offers a profitable product called "Smart" to active communication users. This tariff plan provides for a mandatory monthly payment equal to 550 rubles. It includes:
- unlimited number of minutes for calls to MTS mobile numbers of local and other regions of the Russian Federation;
- 600 minutes to all networks in the local area;
- 600 SMS-messages to numbers of all networks of the capital of the country and Moscow region;
- 3 GB internet.
When the bundles of minutes, messages and internet run out, the following conditions will apply:
- 2 RUB costs 1 minute of communication with subscribers of other operators in the local region;
- 1 message within the local region costs 1 rub. 50 kopecks;
- Internet package is automatically activated for additional traffic in the amount of 500 Mb at a price of 75 rubles.
Calls and messages to other regions of the Russian Federation are not included in anypackages. A minute of conversation costs 5 rubles, and one SMS costs 3 rubles. 80 kop. Despite this, the “Smart” product can be attributed to the “cheapest MTS tariffs” group, because for a fairly small fee, the Mobile Telesystems company provided its users with wide opportunities for communication.

Smart Unlimited
People who frequently make calls, use the Internet very actively, social networks and love to exchange photos and videos with friends, believe that MTS has the cheapest tariff for all operators - this is "Smart Unlimited". The daily subscription fee for this product is only 12 rubles. 90 kop. during the first month of use and 19 rubles during the second and subsequent months. Includes:
- unlimited minutes to MTS mobile numbers throughout the Russian Federation;
- 200 minutes to all networks of the local region (when the package ends, 1 minute of conversation with subscribers of other operators starts to cost 2 rubles);
- 200 SMS-messages to the numbers of all operators in the capital and Moscow region (after exhaustion, 1 message costs 1 rub. 50 kop.);
- absolutely unlimited internet.
Connecting tariff plans
Each subscriber, having understood which MTS tariff is the cheapest for him personally, thinks about connecting the selected product. You can do this through your personal account or the interface of the mobile application. The fastest and easiest way is activation with a special command.

Product name of MTS | Product activation command |
"Per second" | "asterisk symbol" 111"asterisk symbol" 881 "hash" "challenge" |
"Super MTS" | "asterisk symbol" 888 "hash" "challenge" |
"Smart" | Star 111 Star 1024 Pillar Challenge |
"Smart Unlimited" | "star symbol" 111 "asterisk symbol" 3888 "hash" "challenge" |
Thus, choosing the cheapest MTS tariffs, you need to be guided by your needs. If you rarely have to call, then you should look at the options without making advance payments. Such TP will be the most profitable. But for people who actively use mobile communications, such tariffs will, on the contrary, be very costly. For such users, the cheapest tariff plans themselves are products with a subscription fee and provided packages of free minutes, messages and the Internet.