When choosing a tariff plan that will be connected to a number, a person tries to find the most suitable solution in terms of cost and conditions. The cheapest cellular tariffs can be found with any operator. The list of available options contains tariffs for both the most economical and taciturn, and for those who are not used to being limited in communication. Even among unlimited tariff plans, as a rule, they mean the All-Inclusive line, you can find budget options and tariffs with a large amount of traffic, minutes and messages.

How to choose the cheapest unlimited cellular tariff for the Moscow region and what offers do popular operators have for those who do not want to pay a daily or monthly subscription fee for a set of services that they may never use? This will be discussed in our article.
The cheapest cellular tariffs "Megafon" withoutmonthly fees
The white-green operator has options for tariff plans for all occasions. For example, without a subscription fee, you can choose the following options:
- For those who spend most of their time talking with clients of their network (within their home region). The TP "Go to zero" is perfect.
- For subscribers who have to communicate with clients of various mobile operators, you should pay attention to the TP "Everything is simple". According to its terms, all calls within the home area have the same billing - only 1.60 rubles per minute.
- If the subscriber is a guest of the capital or has many relatives in other countries, then the “Warm welcome” tariff will be a real find for him - one minute of calls abroad will cost from one ruble (you can check the cost for a specific direction on the official resource operator).

Unlimited tariffs from Megafon
The cheapest unlimited Megafon mobile tariff is TP S. It has a fairly low monthly fee and implies the following conditions:
- 250 minutes to communicate with clients of Megafon and other mobile operators. After the limit is exhausted, you can still communicate with clients of your network for free.
- 200 text messages to send to any number in your home region.
- One gigabyte of internet traffic.
Favorable tariffs of "Beeline" without a monthly fee
In the line of tariff plans for mobile devicesblack-and-yellow operator, you can also find interesting options that are quite similar to the previous conditions. For example, the cheapest cellular tariffs without regular payments:
- Favorable communication with the clients of this operator is available on the "Zero Doubts" tariff - from the second minute of the dialogue, the money will no longer be withdrawn from the account, regardless of the duration of the call.
- Short calls, the duration of which is measured in seconds, will be really profitable on a tariff plan with per-second billing - only five kopecks per second of dialogue.
The cheapest unlimited cellular tariff from the Beeline operator
In the “Everything!” tariff series, to which, by the way, you can connect several devices and spend service packages together with your loved ones, colleagues, the youngest is the “All for 300” tariff plan. By connecting it, the client will receive:
- 300 minutes of free communication with subscribers of any mobile operators (calls to landlines are also included here), after which communication within the network will still be completely free.
- 100 text messages to send to your friends and family, colleagues and family.
- Two gigabytes of traffic.

The cheapest cellular tariffs with the included number of minutes from a black-and-yellow operator can also include the “All for 500” tariff. According to its terms, the subscriber, having activated it on the number, will receive:
- 150 more minutes than the tariff forthree hundred rubles.
- 200 more text messages.
- Three gigabytes more internet traffic.
At the same time, on the youngest TP, which was considered first, there is no possibility to add devices and share traffic. While for the TP "All for 500" there is such an opportunity.
Tariffs with payment upon use of communication services from MTS
The cheapest cellular tariffs in the piggy bank of the MTS operator:
- For short calls, the "Per second" tariff is also provided here. The cost of a second of dialogue is identical to the price offered by the Beeline operator;
- You can call other countries with the maximum benefit, having a SIM card of a red and white operator, by activating the "Your country" tariff.

Tariffs with monthly fee (MTS)
In the "Smart" line, the "Mini" tariff is the youngest. This is the cheapest unlimited offer of cellular communication in the MTS list. Megafon and Beeline also offer "junior" tariffs from the "All" line for three hundred rubles a month. In this case, the conditions here will be as follows:
- 250 minutes of free communication with all operators in your region, after which communication within the network will still not be charged.
- Same number of text messages.
- Internet traffic is one gigabyte.
Subscriber reviews
For sure, it is impossible to determine the cheapest cellular communication tariff in Russia, since each client has a number of personalrequirements and wishes: it is important for someone to have a set of packages that are provided monthly for a certain subscription fee, for someone it is unacceptable to pay for the amount that may not be spent.

At the same time, subscribers consider the main disadvantages of tariff plans with included volumes of services:
- the presence of options that they may not use (for example, a subscriber can actively use voice communications and the Internet and not send a single text message per month);
- the presence of restrictions on unlimited Internet (there is still a limit, exceeding which the subscriber gets a choice - to pay extra and get new traffic or wait for a new billing period, which will also bring a new amount of traffic).
In the first case, the right decision would be to choose a tariff without a monthly fee and “equip” it with the missing functions: connect Internet packages, activate options for profitable calls, add text message packages. The cheapest unlimited tariff of cellular communication "MegaFon" (or another telecom operator) will allow you to get the minimum service packages.