Today we will talk with you about how to switch to the "Go to zero" tariff. In fact, almost every cellular operator has this opportunity. True, they all have a number of their own characteristics and shortcomings. The description of the "Go to zero" tariff, as a rule, boils down to the fact that the narrator praises free calls within the home region. As a rule, for this reason, many people try to use this option of the tariff plan. And that is why today we will figure out with you how to switch to our tariff.

Personal visit
Well, the first scenario is nothing more than a personal visit to the office of a mobile operator with a request to change the billing. Or even buying a new number.
As a rule, if you want to understand how to switch to the Go to Zero tariff, then this method suits you very well. Why? Because it is suitable for any cellular operator. The main thing is that yours supports our today's tariff.
Take your passport and your mobile with you. Identity, to be honest, is an important element here. Nobody willsell you "just like that" a new number. And change the connected capabilities to the old one. Thus, you can try to use other options for the development of events. Let's find out about them as soon as possible.
Internet help
If you are thinking about how you can connect the Go to Zero tariff with Megafon (or with any other operator), then the Internet will always come to your aid. More precisely, the official website of the mobile operator. Now on each such page, users have a so-called personal account. And that's where we'll have to work.

For starters, of course, you will have to go through authorization. Visit the official website of the operator, and then go to your personal account. After that, you will have a great opportunity to manage all connected features. Find "Services" and then select "Rates" there. See all possible options. In order to find out how to switch to the "Go to zero" tariff, select a specific line, and then click on "Connect". Now wait for a notification on your phone about the tariff change. True, you will have to pay a little for this. For example, the "Go to zero" tariff for Megafon will cost you 200 rubles, and for MTS - 150.
But there are some more interesting scenarios. The thing is that each cellular operator has its own methods. They, of course, have common features. Let's quickly try to figure it out.what's what.
SMS messages
With the help of a rather interesting approach, "Move to zero" (tariff) is connected to "MTS". Yes, and Megafon also has this approach. Which one? This is nothing but the use of SMS messages. More precisely, special requests. You send text in a message to a specific number, and then receive a notification that the operation was successful.
In order to activate this tariff on Megafon, just write any text and then send it to 05001005. Now you can wait for a successful plan change. True, for this service you will be charged 200 rubles. In principle, quite a normal fee. But let's try to figure out what can be done with MTS.
In order to activate a similar tariff with this mobile operator (it is called "Super Zero"), just write in the message 2165, which is then sent to number 111. Wait a few minutes, and then receive an SMS notification about the successful change tariff. For this operation, you will be charged 150 rubles. As you can see, so far there is nothing difficult or supernatural. "Go to zero", reviews of which we will learn a little later, can be connected with another pretty good method. Which one exactly? Now we will find out.

USSD commands
Well, if you are wondering how to switch to the Go to Zero tariff, you can try to use special commands. They help us make our vision come true.independently, without any outside help. It is this scenario that, as a rule, is chosen by the majority of clients.
For "Megaphone" you will have to dial 1051005 on your mobile, and then press the "Dial" key. Now wait a while - the request will be processed, and you will receive a message saying that the tariff has been successfully changed. As you can see, there is nothing difficult here. The main thing is that the balance should be more than 200 rubles. And that's it.
In order to connect the analogue of "Go to zero" on "MTS", you will have to dial the combination 1112165 on your mobile number, and then press the call button. Further, everything is according to the old scheme: wait a while, receive an SMS notification, and then rejoice at the results achieved.
As you can see, there is nothing special about our business. The main thing is to know which commands to type in what sequence. But there is another very good approach. Which one? Let's try to answer this question.
The last scenario is a call to your mobile operator. It is dialogue that will help you bring your idea to life. However, this approach may fail. Why? We will answer this question a little later.

First, let's deal with you with "MTS". Dial 0890 on your mobile, and then wait for the operator's response. Let him know that you would like to connect the Super Zero tariff, and then tell him your personal details. Then your idea will be brought to life. In response, you will receive a notification, as in all previous cases.
"Megaphone" tariff "Go to zero" connects in the same way. Except for the number used. For this mobile operator, you will have to dial 05001005, and then wait for an answer. Inform the worker of your intentions, and then wait for a notification that the request was successful.
This scenario is not very good. Why? Yes, because now there is a huge risk that not the operator, but a robotic voice will answer you. With it, the process of connecting the tariff will last about 15-20 minutes. Go to the mobile operator's office as soon as possible.
What do customers think?
So, today we have learned with you how to switch to the "Go to zero" tariff. As you can see, there are a lot of different approaches suitable for any operators. But what do customers think of the plan?

Many say that this option is a great solution in a crisis. A kind of anti-crisis tariff plan. All calls to your carrier within your home region will be free. True, only 20 minutes a day. But this is often enough. In Russia, calls are also sparing. But the internet is expensive. But this still does not repel customers from choosing this tariff.