Magnetic earpieces. Special agent technologies to help students

Magnetic earpieces. Special agent technologies to help students
Magnetic earpieces. Special agent technologies to help students

With the approaching dates of the session, the number of students worried about their fate begins to go off scale. At the same time, the demand for devices that help not quite honestly, literally under dictation, to pass exams and tests is growing. In particular, magnetic earpieces are especially popular, the dimensions of which are literally a few millimeters.

magnetic earpieces
magnetic earpieces

Working principle

A capsule magnetic earpiece is a miniature device that fits directly into the ear canal and transmits sound. It is absolutely impossible to notice such a device in the ear.

Initially, magnetic earpieces were developed for use by people with hearing problems. However, the real scope of the device turned out to be much wider, because there are many situations in which a person may need to secretly receive information:

  • Public speaking to large audiences;
  • undercover work by intelligence officers;
  • gambling when not entirely fair play;
  • business negotiations in business;
  • student exams.

The peculiarity of this type of earphone is that it must be installed directly on the eardrum. The earphone itself is a round washer with a thickness of 1 to 3 mm or an elongated capsule with a diameter of up to 3 mm.

capsule magnetic earpiece
capsule magnetic earpiece

The operation of the device is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

Sound is transmitted using an induction loop - a ring of wire worn around the neck and generating an electromagnetic field. Microearphone, getting into this field, begins to resonate, transmitting vibrations directly to the eardrum. The earpiece does not require a power source to operate, however, an additional battery is connected to the induction loop itself to amplify the vibrations.

What does the kit consist of?

The following set of devices is required for the functioning of the earpiece:

  • mobile phone for communication;
  • inductive antenna cable with phone connector and battery or battery socket;
  • new battery or charged battery;
  • earpiece;
  • device for inserting and removing the earpiece from the ear.
magnetic earpiece reviews
magnetic earpiece reviews

It should be understood that such a kit has a low degree of usability. If the speaker in the ear is not visible, then the construction of wire, battery and phone must be hidden under clothing, which is not always an easy task.

Therefore, in order to secure moreease of use and increase ste alth, specialists developed a wireless magnetic micro-earphone, the Bluetooth module of the induction antenna of which made it possible to simultaneously establish communication with a phone hidden somewhere in a bag, as well as provide power to the entire system.

Another feature of wireless kits is that you do not need to use an adapter with a microphone to take it to a convenient place to communicate with your interlocutor. A highly sensitive microphone can be either already built into the Bluetooth module of the device, or it can be remote.


It should be understood that items placed in the ear canals on their own can cause irreparable hearing damage.

The main danger is the tympanic membrane - the thinnest membrane, irritation of which is strictly prohibited. As a result of the use of micro-earphones, the eardrum can receive various kinds of damage, which will lead to hearing loss, perforation of the membrane.

Most often, damage to the eardrum is caused at the time of trying to remove the earpiece from the auditory canal.

bluetooth earphones magnetic
bluetooth earphones magnetic

If the device is stuck in the ear canal, do not attempt to get it again and immediately seek medical help from a specialist.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should follow the safety rules when using earpieces:

  1. All surfaces of the ear canal device aremust be absolutely clean, free from contamination.
  2. Before using the earpiece, ensure that the ear canals are hygienically clean.
  3. Recommended training to install and remove the device, test hearing. If discomfort or pain occurs, remove the device from the ear canal - in this case, its use is prohibited.

It is also forbidden to use earpieces in the presence of chronic diseases of the hearing organs.

Terms of use

Connecting the inductive antenna will not cause any difficulties even for a person holding the device in their hands for the first time.

earpiece magnetic bluetooth
earpiece magnetic bluetooth

If you are using a wired kit, just plug the plug into your phone's headset jack. Microearphones Bluetooth magnetic are connected similarly to any wireless headset. Just sync your devices and they're ready to go.

Using the earpiece directly has its own nuances.

Installation is as follows:

  • the head is thrown back so that the ear into which the earpiece will be installed is directed upwards;
  • the earpiece is inserted into the ear canal as deeply as possible using the included clip;
  • after loosening the clamp, the earpiece falls on the eardrum.

At the last stage, a feeling of congestion may appear, which disappears after a while. The device is considered ready for use ifThere were no complications during installation.

Removal of the earpiece is performed only with the help of a complete tool with a magnetic tip. The instrument is gently inserted into the ear canal until a characteristic click of a magnetized micro-earphone is heard. After that, the tool is also carefully removed.

Pros and cons

The device has a number of advantages:

  • ste alth during operation;
  • purity of transmitted sound entering directly into the auditory canal;
  • simplicity and reliability of the design;
  • sensitive microphone allows you to communicate with the interlocutor even at a distance of several meters.

However, magnetic earpieces have a number of significant drawbacks that make us think about the appropriateness of their use in general:

  • risk of infection or fungus in the ear canal;
  • risk of injury to the eardrum.

As a result, a well-written exam can cost months of treatment in ENT clinics.


Magnetic headphones can only be considered safe with strict adherence to safety regulations and operating rules. Otolaryngologists strongly discourage the use of a magnetic earpiece, whose user reviews indicate frequent cases of headaches and other hearing problems.
