Satellite TV is becoming more and more popular among Russians. Many companies offer their services in this market. Having chosen an operator and bought a kit, the consumer faces the following question: "How are satellite dishes installed?". Of course, it is best in this case to use the services of professionals. After all, they will do everything not only faster, but also better, since, in addition to experience in this field, they also have special devices for tuning satellite dishes.

Although you can try to do it yourself. Initially, it is worth considering a few points. Firstly, satellite dishes are preferably installed on the south side. This is because the satellites are in geostationary orbit, and are located from southeast to southwest.
Second,there should be no obstacles (tall buildings, trees, etc.) in the way of the equipment. Many people prefer to install antennas on the roofs of apartment buildings. However, this must first be agreed with the rest of the residents, since not everywhere it is allowed to install such equipment.

Speaking about how to install a satellite dish, it is worth noting that this process consists of several steps. First you need to fix the support. After that, you need to assemble the antenna itself. And the already assembled "plate" is placed directly on the support. Of course, it is much easier to install the antenna in parts on the fasteners. However, as practice shows, this does not always give good results.
Connect the "dish" with the receiver using a cable and install the connectors only if the device is de-energized. After all, if you do not follow this rule, it can be accidentally disabled. Most often, manufacturers, together with the equipment, give exact instructions for assembling it. It is advisable to adhere to these recommendations, as different devices have differences.
Experts advise not to install satellite dishes alone. It is recommended to have an assistant who could insure. The installation of this equipment most often requires physical strength and endurance. The most difficult technical point may be pointing the antenna at the satellite. Here it is very important to calculate the correct angle of inclination and azimuth. After all, even with a slight deviation, deterioration is possiblereceiving signal several times.
Satellite dishes are attached to a wall bracket that is pre-mounted in place.

If it is not included, then most likely you will need to purchase separately. It is very important to check the structure for strength before installing the "plate" itself here. It must be remembered that the equipment will be exposed to natural factors.
Satellite dishes are increasingly found in large cities and beyond, among rural residents. After all, this equipment allows you to provide high image quality, and also gives a wide selection of channels of various profiles.