At this point in time, in most countries of the world, almost everyone has at least one mobile phone in use. These small devices have the ability, like many other things, to disappear somewhere. They are stolen, they themselves fall out of our pockets / bags, we forget them in different places. Modern smartphones are small computers that store a lot of useful and important information. Losing them is a pity, and sometimes dangerous. There are various ways to find them. How to find a phone by satellite?
Why do phones have IMEI?

Each phone, without exception, has its own identifier, which consists of 15 digits. It contains unique information about this particular device. It seems that finding your lost toy is not a problem at all. After all, toeverything else, the Internet is replete with offers of help in finding our mobile phones. Completed the payment for the service - and your only and beloved returned to the owner. Which is easier?
But the fact remains - all these offers are a common scam and will not return your phone. This can be done only by being an official and by contacting a mobile company with which a service agreement has been concluded. Employees of this company can already perform all the necessary actions to determine the location of the device.
How to find a phone by satellite?

Here everything is already a little simpler, although not so clear. The search problem can be solved by having good connections among the managers of the mobile operator, or by having a special application on your smartphone that saves all your locations and movements and sends them to special services.
In this case, one condition must be met - the phone must have a GPS receiver, and that's it, it will perform functions related to the location of the device. Therefore, you need to purchase a communication tool with the appropriate software already available in it or install it yourself. And then finding a phone via satellite for free will not be a problem for you now.
Two more nuances should be noted: the device must be constantly connected to the Internet and released in recent years, since there was simply no such functionality before.
Search phone by number

Let's dwell on this issue in order to dispel the last illusions. Know that they simply will not look for it. Even if you write a statement to the police. The reason is the high cost of the procedure, because such an event is non-standard, which means it requires additional costs. In addition, it is unlikely that the kidnapper will leave your SIM card for use.
How are phones found in this case? There is a very efficient way. To do this, you need to make a minimum of effort. Put a note under the back cover with the text "this device belongs to a police major (last name, first name, patronymic). There is official information. Return for a fee." Very often in this way it is possible to return the phone.
The best way to find a smartphone
The most popular device search is by satellite. The reason is clear: consumers have more and more smart phones - smartphones. They are most often fully equipped with everything necessary to perform this operation. Importantly, this service has become available not only for law enforcement officers, but also for ordinary subscribers.
As already mentioned, the search operation is only possible if there is a GPS device in the device to be searched. Let's consider in more detail the question of how to find a phone by satellite.
Satellite search details
In order to find a lost phone via satellite on your own, you need to perform a few very simple operations. First of all -connect to satellite monitoring, on a website specially created for this If you just want to get acquainted with the service, you can do it for free for a limited number of times. Find the section corresponding to your task - "free monitoring". We have already discussed the GPS block. If there is no built-in communicator, then you can connect an external one.

Register in the system: write your mobile phone number, then the one we are looking for, and the login with which we will gain access to this resource. It is very important to follow the instructions exactly, otherwise we will receive incorrect information from the system.
Further everything is very simple. We write down the number of the desired subscriber in a special field and click on the "search" button. After some time, usually a few minutes, we get the necessary information. It will be displayed on the screen of your device. You can also search for a phone via satellite by calling the operator. First, tell the employee your last name, first name, patronymic, then answer the verification security question and get the information you are interested in. Keep in mind that not all companies provide this service. When concluding a contract for paid services, you will have to pay approximately 10,000 rubles for an annual subscription.
Helpful tips

We would like to note one more reason why searching for a device using IMEI is a thankless undertaking. This unique digital ID is gooda specialist can change, although such a possibility is blocked by manufacturers. And then you will never find your toy. In addition, you may not be able to access special databases.
We've got a pretty good idea of how to find a phone by satellite, and in conclusion, some valuable tips.
Prepare a business card with your contact details and attach it under the cover of your phone. It may well come in handy, especially in the case when the device is not stolen, but lost. It cannot be ruled out that the person who found it will call and return your item.
Install special software that sends SMS in case of replacing a SIM card with another one. Use one of the special programs, for example, LoSToleN. If you have an iPhone, register and activate Find My iPhone right away. It is possible that in the future, thanks to this, you will get rid of many problems.