Happy body channel and its content

Happy body channel and its content
Happy body channel and its content

In this article, the story will focus on the Happy Body YouTube channel, which is run by female trainers with extensive experience. This is a sports channel, mainly for a female audience, filled with a variety of useful content that helps to achieve the desired result.

General information

The YouTube channel in question is called Happy Body ("Happy body") and is dedicated to a he althy lifestyle, sports and motivation. Media activity began from the moment the channel was created, namely from May 5, 2014. The main content of the channel is videos demonstrating various exercises, workouts and warm-ups. In addition, there are recommendations for optimizing nutrition, daily routine and physical activity.

happy bodysuit
happy bodysuit

Channel Features

Today, the channel has about 74,000 regular subscribers, as well as more than five million views from all uploaded videos, the total number of which is more than seven dozen. "Happy Body" is a channel that, with its video recommendations, will help many girls and women to bring their physical form to the desired parameters at home, without spending significant money and time at gyms and fitness centers.


As you know, any, even a minor and short workout requires preparatory activities and exercises, called a warm-up. "Happy body" warm-up is a section of the channel dedicated to this particular issue. Classes are taught by different trainers, each with their own approach. The most famous on Happy Body is Elena Silka, who is practically the face of the channel. Depending on the planned load, various warm-up options are offered.

Abs exercises

In women's training, this particular part of the body is one of the main ones that you should pay attention to. A flat stomach and a well-formed abs are an adornment of any female figure, but you can achieve a good result by following the recommendations of professionals, as well as by training hard. "Happy Body" is a channel distinguished by caring trainers who try to present the most simple and effective exercises and complexes for practicing at home, which makes training accessible to everyone.

happy body channel
happy body channel

Thus, the channel has a separate "Happy Body"-press playlist. Here you can find exercises for the entire abdominal muscle group, for each muscle separately, as well as whole sets of exercises for maximum efficiency. The above recommendations will help not only to form and pump up muscles, but also to keep fit for those who have already achieved good results a long time ago. In addition, a number of loads are directed to the side area, which allows you to get rid ofexcess mass in this place and form a beautiful waist.

happy body elena silka
happy body elena silka

The Happy Body channel also has dietary recommendations for weight loss that will prevent new fat deposits in the abdomen and sides.

Celebrity workout

Many women who begin regular exercise and sports in general often turn their attention to celebrities. Famous personalities involved in any activity, it is necessary to maintain a good shape and pleasant appearance due to the close attention paid to them by the public. Of course, this issue is especially acute for women who have to look amazing and be on top. Men dream of them, and women envy looking at the beautiful stars of athletic, model looks, but such a privilege is given only to those who work hard on their bodies in the gym.

happy body warm-up
happy body warm-up

Therefore, many women, wanting to achieve some new parameters of their figure, are guided by celebrities, who often seem ideal to them. Nothing is perfect, as we all know, we only see the results of competent and regular training, proper nutrition and rest. "Happy Body" gives its viewers the opportunity to get acquainted with a number of workouts that celebrities do to maintain their shape and body. All exercises are performed by professional experienced trainers and are accompanied by practical advice and comments.

Nutrition and Motivation

Happy Body channel treats sports issues comprehensively. Therefore, there you can find not only video materials demonstrating various exercises and complexes, but also various kinds of recommendations and theoretical materials. A certain part of this information is devoted to an important category of knowledge. related to proper exercise technique.

happy body press
happy body press

Everyone knows that the effect of sports and physical education occurs only in the case of regularity, and a constant increase in loads. However, if you do the exercises incorrectly, you can not only deprive yourself of development and improvement in performance, but even harm. Thus, only compliance with safety rules and a consistent algorithm for performing exercises will make it possible to develop. However, without proper nutrition or diet, as well as an optimized daily routine with enough time for rest, there will also be little sense. Thus, the channel has recommendations related specifically to nutrition, water intake and relaxation sessions. A certain part of the video is dedicated to motivate beginners, as well as to support those who begin to doubt themselves during long exhausting sessions.