Before you start selling any product, you should have an understanding of record keeping. You need to pay attention to those formalities that are necessary for tax. Documentation for this service is created using a cash register. In some cases, a check printer is used. In the article we will figure out when it should be used, as well as which models are most popular.

What is a check printing machine (CPM)?
This device is used for sales purposes. The machine prints checks, which subsequently help to fix profits. It does not differ from a cash register either in function or in purpose. There is only one caveat: in certain cases it is prohibited to use.

Although the functionality and purpose of both devices are considered similar, there are still differences between them. Their knowledge will ensure the most convenient work and will allow you to choose the right fixtures. For example, a cash register, unlike a check-printer, received fiscal storage. All received data is put into it.
At the same timethe machine does not have to be registered with the tax office. Also, you do not need to mess around with installing a special block for protection. If there is no desire to cooperate with the development company and be serviced by it, then you can freely not conclude a contract.
However, although the use of a check printing machine for individual entrepreneurs is as convenient as possible, it is not used in all areas of business. The legislation spells out cases when her work is not allowed.

Who can use it?
Any entrepreneur understands the fact that he needs to somehow keep track of his income. It will not be superfluous to calculate what part of the funds will go to pay taxes and other fees, and what part can be used to pay for the work of employees. Consider those tax regimes that allow the use of a check printer. We are talking about a patent and a single tax on income of the temporary period. Only in such cases can the described machine be used. Why is everything like this? This is due to the fact that under such modes of operation, the tax that the employer must pay on a monthly basis does not depend on the number of services provided or goods sold. Therefore, it is much more profitable and cheaper for many entrepreneurs to use a conventional check printing machine, which will quickly and in a couple of clicks fix the purchase. The issued document can be used by the buyer as a defense if the goods turned out to be of poor quality. Only if he has the receipt in hand can he return the item.
If this machine is allowed only in the two modes described above, thenshould describe when it is prohibited. When working with a single tax on agriculture and with a simplified taxation system, a check printer cannot be used. It is not allowed for the reason that it does not have fiscal memory. It is needed in order to count the sales that the company makes. These data directly affect the amount of taxes.
What information does it give out?

In order to have this device, the seller must be interested. So he can be fully aware of all sales, and it will also be easier to control the staff with him. The check printer will also make inventory counting much easier.
The described device, like the cash register, is able to work with the z-report function. Thanks to this, upon request, you can instantly receive all the information about a particular purchase.
What data does the device store?
The device indicates the date and time of the purchase, its amount, payment method (by bank card or cash), as well as the total for the day. Thanks to this data, you can monitor any operations. This is what the described machine is convenient for.

How to choose a car?
Many people wonder why check printing machines are so popular with many small companies or firms. They are much cheaper than bulky cash registers. Moreover, they do not need to be trained to use. Plus, check machines are a lot like cash registers.
Factorywhen creating a device, software is “invested” in it, which controls the memorization of details. They are needed for public services.
It should also be noted that at a low price range, the fixture is quite small, so there will be no problems with movement. Waiters and couriers often use a check machine. This solution is the most convenient for both customers and employees.
Many may have a question about how to connect the machine to the computer. You can read about this in the instructions. If we talk about it, then in short - it is enough to have a special wire.
A separate plus of the machines is the speed of work. Printing a receipt is much faster than a cash register.

Demanded models
There are a large number of machines that print receipts on the market. Many of them are in demand. The following are considered the most popular: Orion 100, Mercury 115/180, Alpha 400. Model 180 from the second manufacturer is considered the most famous among entrepreneurs.
Important device settings
Most often sellers use equipment from "Mercury". These check machines have special differences and multiple advantages. For example, the device "Mercury 115" can please with its reliability and service life (more than five years of stable operation), speed and ergonomics. It should be noted that the machine can withstand large volumes of tasks and has a good design. Deviceso simple that there is no need to use the instructions that come with the kit. With a lot of advantages, the series is completely inexpensive.
Often, the Mercury 180 model is used by small enterprises, but there are also large ones. The latter pay more attention not to the cost, but to the number of benefits. This is due to the fact that it is simply unprofitable for many to buy a cash register. Moreover, it is more convenient to move the device. Therefore, the check printing machine "Mercury 180" also deserves attention.
Orion 100 model
This machine will allow you to instantly issue all payment receipts. The device prints them automatically. Works both from the accumulator, and from a network. The battery allows you to use the device in rooms where there is no electricity, which is very convenient. About 1500 products that are available can be entered into the database. The device remembers not only the code and name, but also the quantity and cost. If desired, you can set protection against data changes, this will help to avoid incorrect work of employees. The design of the device is comfortable, and the ergonomics are implemented with the highest quality.