IPhone does not see SIM card after update: reasons

IPhone does not see SIM card after update: reasons
IPhone does not see SIM card after update: reasons

It often happens that after prolonged use, your iPhone suddenly stops detecting the SIM card and starts to display a message about its absence. Most often this happens after the fall of the device or any of its sudden shaking. Oddly enough, this issue is not uncommon on Apple devices. Do not be afraid: if your iPhone does not see the SIM card, this does not mean at all that it is broken, most likely it is just a small program glitch that is easy to fix.

Easiest ways to solve a problem

iphone does not recognize sim card
iphone does not recognize sim card

To begin with, it is recommended to try just pulling out the SIM card and inserting it into the device again. If this is a normal temporary failure, then this technique should help. If the iPhone does not see the SIM card further, we try to restart the device and check if we managed to fix the error. If athe problem is not resolved, it is quite possible that the cause of the error is not the device itself, but the SIM card. Find another one and try to turn on the phone by installing it. If your iPhone works properly with another card, you can safely contact your operator for a free replacement.

Software changes

iphone stopped seeing sim card
iphone stopped seeing sim card

If the previous tricks did not work, and the iPhone still does not see the SIM card, we are trying to solve the problem with changes in the software. For example, you can make the firmware of the device. If the iPhone does not see the SIM card after the update, try to roll back the operating system to the previous version. Most likely, these methods will help you bring your favorite smartphone back to life.

The most "dangerous" reasons

If none of the above methods helped you, then most likely your iPhone has stopped seeing the SIM card as a result of its incorrect use. Perhaps you are a fan of using your smartphone while taking a bath? This should be abandoned once and for all: evaporating, moisture can penetrate into the smallest cracks in the phone case and damage the contacts on the microcircuits. It is possible that water got on the contacts. Another serious reason why the iPhone does not see the SIM card may be if it falls on asph alt (or any hard surface) and the SIM reader is damaged. In both of these cases, only experienced craftsmen in the service center can help you, you will have to take the phone in for repair.

Feature of devicesApple

iPhone not seeing sim card after update
iPhone not seeing sim card after update

Some manufacturers "sew" into their device a special binding to a particular telecom operator. The rest of the SIM cards are simply not detected by the device. If your newly bought iPhone is locked at the request of the company, then you have no choice but to return it to the store. Of course, you can purchase a special chip for unlocking, but it will still be easier to buy a device elsewhere that is not blocked for telecom operators. To avoid such problems, try to handle your smartphone more carefully, do not let it fall, get wet, or download suspicious applications. Be careful.
