How to extend traffic on "Tele2"?

Table of contents:

How to extend traffic on "Tele2"?
How to extend traffic on "Tele2"?

The need to extend the traffic on Tele2 appears at the moment when the main Internet package has already been spent. For tariff plans that include the included volume of services (a line of "black" tariff plans), an auto-renewal function is provided. It is connected by default and allows the subscriber not to think about the rest of the Internet package. Can I connect an additional traffic package myself? How much would such an addition cost? Is it convenient to use the auto-renewal feature? All these issues will be discussed in the current article.

extend traffic on tele2
extend traffic on tele2

Extend traffic on Tele2: two options

There are two options for connecting additional traffic:

  • automatically (after running out of gigabytes / megabytes for the main package or Internet option, this function is not available for all tariff plans and options for the Internet);
  • at the initiative of the subscriber (the package can be activated at any time, even when there is a rest of the main traffic,you can choose any package by determining the required amount of traffic yourself).

Auto increase internet volume

This function is relevant for users of tariff plans of the "Black" line. It is connected automatically to those subscribers who switched to any of these TPs or bought a SIM card. The principle of operation of the service is as follows: every time when the balance of traffic in the main package approaches zero, five hundred megabytes for 50 rubles will be automatically charged. Such connection of additional traffic is possible no more than five times in one month. To extend the Tele2 traffic (the Black tariff, etc.) in automatic mode, the subscriber does not need to perform any actions, unless, of course, he has previously disabled this option.

extend traffic tele2 tariff
extend traffic tele2 tariff

Commands to control the following:

  • 155261 - activation;
  • 155260 - deactivation;
  • 15526 - check option status (connected or not).

After all five packages are spent within one month (billing period), it will be impossible to use the Internet.

List of additional options to increase traffic

If the automatic renewal option is disabled, how to renew traffic on Tele2 (Black tariff, etc.)? It is enough to choose and activate one of the package options:

  • three gigabytes (price 150 rubles);
  • one gigabyte (price 90 rubles);
  • one hundred megabytes (price 8 rubles).

Please note that the volume of packages, as well as their pricecountries in one region may differ from the cost and amount of traffic in another region. The above indicators are relevant for the Samara region.

tele2 extend internet traffic
tele2 extend internet traffic

The first two packages are valid for a month, the last - until the end of the current day. A package containing one hundred megabytes can be connected to the owners of a SIM card on whose numbers Internet options are used (“Day on the network”, as well as “Internet from phone”). The first two additional options can be used both for tariff plans with prepaid volumes of services, and for the purpose of increasing traffic within specialized options.

Package control command: continue query 155 with appropriate values:

  • package "1 GB" - activation 181, deactivation 180, status check 18;
  • package "3 GB" - activation 231, deactivation 230, status check 23;
  • 100 MB package - activation 281, deactivation 280, status check 28.
how to extend traffic on tele2 tariff black
how to extend traffic on tele2 tariff black

Features of additional options that allow Tele2 to extend Internet traffic

  • Using traffic within the framework of an additionally connected option is not possible if there are not enough funds on the account at the time of charging the subscription fee for the tariff.
  • When traveling around the country, the Internet can be used at home, provided that the subscriber is located in any region, except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. You can also renew traffic on Tele2 under the same conditions.
  • The action of all additionallyconnected options is carried out within 30 days (the exception is the package "100 megabytes" - it is valid until the end of the current day). Early termination of the package is possible at the initiative of the subscriber or in case of exceeding the limit.

Monitoring the status of Internet packages

The subscriber is recommended to periodically monitor the status of the packages provided as part of the option or tariff plan, so as not to be surprised that the traffic on Tele2 has ended. How to extend it and whether it is necessary to do it (or it is worth waiting for the new month) is up to the client to decide. If necessary, he can connect one of the additional options using the above requests or through his personal account. It is also quite convenient to use the automatic renewal option, because when it is enabled, there is no need to constantly check traffic and bother with choosing and connecting packages with additional volume.

traffic on tele2 has ended how to renew
traffic on tele2 has ended how to renew

The only downside of this traffic extension option is the waste of money. Maximum - 250 rubles per month additionally (on the basis that 5 packages will be connected, fifty rubles each). If the subscriber wants to refuse automatic connection of traffic, it is enough to disable this service in any of the available ways: visit the personal page to manage the number (on the portal or in the program for mobile gadgets), dial a service request, etc.


You can renew traffic on Tele2 in any convenient way by first selecting a package with the desiredvolume. Activation is carried out only when the balance of the number contains the amount necessary to purchase the package. You can also determine the option for connecting options yourself - there are several activation options: through a personal web account, an application for mobile devices, by calling the contact center number (611), using the USSD short request service.
