Many people know that the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, but if you look, the idea was developed even when he was very small. It turns out that he simply appropriated this development. So who invented the first telephone? It was Antonio Meucci. How did the long telephone history develop? Who invented the mobile phone? Let's try to figure it out.
History of the creation of the phone

The development of the telephone would have been impossible if people had not learned how to convert sound vibrations into electrical impulses. In 1833, this was carried out by K. F. Gauss and W. E. Weber in Göttingen. In 1837, a phenomenon was discovered, which was later called "galvanic music". The electrical circuit consists of a horseshoe magnet, a tuning fork and a galvanic cell. During the vibrations of the tuning fork, which open and close the circuit, the electromagnet began to emit a melodic sound.
The first words that were spoken over the phone in 1861 went down in history as winged: "A horse does not eat cucumber salad." Therefore, in what year the telephone was invented, it is not difficult to calculate.
Poor genius
On April 13, 1808, a genius was born in Florencescientist Antonio Meucci. During his life, he founded a factory of stearin candles, a beer factory, in 1860 he opened a factory that produced paraffin candles, which became the first in the world.
1854 made Antonio think about developing a way to transmit sound signals over a distance. He was prompted to this idea by the illness of his wife, who was greatly tormented by rheumatism. Sometimes she couldn't even leave her room.
Not enough money
In 1866, an accident occurred at his factory: the boiler exploded. Because of this, Meucci was hospitalized for three months. Subsequently, he was fired from his job, and his wife had to sell some of his designs to help out at least some money. Among them were samples of the future phone. Meucci continued to develop, and in 1871 he filed an application with the United States Patent Office. Lack of finances contributed to the loss of the patent in 1873.

11. 06. 2002 in the United States adopted a resolution on who invented the telephone. Congress recognized Antonio Meucci as the inventor. The reason for the non-recognition of the Italian as the author of the development during his lifetime was the insufficient knowledge of English to understand the intricacies of legal issues. He was unable to hire a lawyer and defend his rights in court. Even after a detailed presentation of all the nuances of the development, which a priori proved his absolute rightness, he was only 10 dollars short of paying the tax. If he had found the right amount, then the whole world in 1874 would have recognized the primacy of Antonio Meucci, not Bella.
Legal ownerdevelopment
So, in 1876, two applicants A. Bell and I. Gray appeared at the Patent Office at once. A few days later, Bell was issued a copyright certificate for "a telegraphic device that can transmit human speech." The improved model consisted of a wooden stand, an acid tank (this served as a battery), an auditory tube, and copper wires. The creator nicknamed his model "gallows" for its unusual shape. Gray was denied a patent.

For a long time, the primitive model of the phone remained in the shadows. And only in June 1876, he nevertheless decided to show it at an exhibition in Philadelphia. The guests remained indifferent to the presented apparatus until the end of the exhibition. Already during the closing time, a tall man stopped by the phone, who turned out to be the emperor of Brazil. He was very interested in the exhibited novelty and leaned the earpiece to his ear. What was his surprise when he heard a human voice there! Since then, the novelty has become a worldwide sensation and quickly gained popularity.
Thus, we found out who invented the telephone, but the modern communication device is very different from the first. Technologies have developed so much that there is practically nothing left in common with the models familiar to us, except for the principle of operation. And who invented the mobile phone, we will find out later.
Cellular communications developments
Cellular or mobile phone is designed to work in cellular communications. To carry it out over the phone, use a regular telephonecommunication and radio band transceiver.

Among all types of mobile communications, cellular is the most common. A mobile phone is often referred to as a cell phone, although this is not entirely true. Trunk communications, radiotelephones, and satellite phones are also mobile.
Who invented the cell phone and when, not many people know. Today we cannot imagine our life without it. And the story began, it turns out, not so long ago.
The first idea for telephone communication came in 1946 from AT&T Bell Labs. The firm developed the world's first radiotelephone service. It was a telephone hybrid and a radio transmitter. A radio station was installed in the car, and this was the only way to make a call. It was impossible to speak at the same time, because in order to speak, it was necessary to press a button, as in a walkie-talkie, then, releasing, one could hear a message in response. The device weighed 12 kg, was placed in the trunk of the car, and the remote control and handset were taken out into the car. They drilled holes in the car for the antenna!

Who invented the cell phone?
Already in 1957, Russian scientist L. Kupriyanov experimentally created a sample of a mobile phone. Its weight was 3 kg. Later, the weight of the apparatus was reduced to 0.5 kg, then to 70 g. In 1973, the world's first portable telephone was launched, the first call was made on April 3rd. Motorola DynaTAc, that's what this device was called, had 12 keys, it lacked a display and functions. You could talk for only 35 minutes and charging required 10 hours of waiting.
1984 was marked by the appearance on sale of the final model of the DynaTAC 8000X mobile phone. Its price was 3995 dollars! Motorola MicroTac was released in 1989.
Latest phone designs
Who invented the phone, we found out, but how did touch phones appear? In 1998, the world saw the first touchscreen phone. Although it was developed back in 1993 by IBM, which was engaged in computer technology. The touch screen responds to finger touches to enter any information.
Who invented the touch phone is hard to say for sure, most likely it was Samuel Hurst. In 1971, he developed the elograph - a graphics tablet. In 1972, the Americans introduced the first touchscreen phone. After 10 years, the first touchscreen TV was exhibited at the fair.

In 2007, the touchscreen phone LG KE850 Prada appeared, which had an excellent design and had great features. The phone could be controlled simply with a finger, not a stylus.
So, gradually, phones began to improve, many manufacturers appeared, the gadget became an indispensable thing for us, and many have forgotten who invented the phone.