Satellite TV set: composition

Satellite TV set: composition
Satellite TV set: composition

Satellite TV is ideal for those who want to enjoy watching various programs and movies. It provides high quality picture and sound. Services can include different channels: sports, educational, scientific, children's and humorous. Many buyers are interested in which satellite TV set to choose. To do this, you need to read the information below.

satellite TV set
satellite TV set

The use of satellite dishes is common in large cities, as well as small towns. In small communities, the antenna is considered the only broadcast medium, since the reception level is low, and the installation of such a device is considered ideal for watching your favorite movies.

Set content

Satellite TV set includes:

  • antenna (dishes);
  • converters;
  • receiver;
  • remote control.

The converter is connected by a coaxial cable to the receiver, which is located by the TV. All providers have freechannels that do not require a subscription fee. Each TV company also has encrypted channels that you have to pay for. A special map is required to view them.

tricolor satellite tv set
tricolor satellite tv set

A set of satellite TV allows you to have access to a large number of channels at any time of the day. An important part of the system is the receiver and the satellite dish. All the necessary elements are needed for the operation of television. Many companies provide their own equipment, while others have to purchase it additionally. The help of a specialist will also be required in properly setting up the system.


There are many receivers on sale now. Among them there are those that recognize only one encoding. And there are devices with a connector for additional modules. There are also devices with a built-in hard drive. The price of receivers is in the range of 3500-15000 rubles. The number of additional functions determines the cost of the equipment.

Satellite dish

Satellite TV set includes dish. Its diameter ranges from 50 cm to 3 meters. The capabilities of the equipment depend on this indicator. The diameter determines the image quality, the number of channels. But this does not mean that you should buy a plate with a large diameter, it all depends on the purpose.

set of satellite television tricolor tv
set of satellite television tricolor tv

For "NTS plus" and "Tricolor TV" you can choose an antenna with a diameter of 60 cm. Equipment of 1.2 meters is used for areas of poor reception andpoor quality signal. Devices are now being sold that allow you to view high-quality programs in HD and Full HD formats. To do this, you need to have the appropriate TV.


A set of satellite television, access cards can be purchased at mobile phone stores. In the same place, the receiver is activated and payment is made. You can deposit funds via the Internet and terminals. Each provider sets its own prices for services. If the client is satisfied with the payment, he can conclude an agreement for the provision of the necessary services. Payment can be made by bank transfer, card or ATM. To do this, there is a payment system Webmoney.

NTV plus

Today, many users purchase just such sets of satellite television. Reviews about this system can be found different. But many users are satisfied with the quality of the equipment and the availability of a large number of programs. The signal is sent from the EUTELSAT W4 satellite. The advantages of this provider include a universal and voluminous package of channels. The downside is the high service fee.


Many citizens of our country choose a set of satellite television "Tricolor TV". The company has become popular in a short period. As can be seen from the reviews, users appreciate the company for a large number of channels. When only NTV+ existed, Tricolor offered similar services, but only for a smaller fee - 600 rubles a year. And now the company takes a small subscription fee, so reviews about the work of the companyonly positive.

satellite TV sets reviews
satellite TV sets reviews

If you divide the amount by months, you get 50 rubles each. The tuner is quick and easy to set up, as there is a convenient menu. The set of satellite television "Tricolor" allows you to watch many channels. Broadcasting takes place from the satellite EUTELSAT W4.


Recently, this type of television has become popular. This package includes federal channels. You can use additional packages. The advantages of this provider include a two-year payment at the time of connection, temporary blocking with the preservation of the account. This is indispensable for those who go to the country in the summer. The disadvantages include the HUMAX VA 4-SD receiver, which is inconvenient to use. Broadcasting takes place thanks to the satellite EUTELSAT W4.

Rainbow TV

This is an entertainment satellite TV. With it, you can connect a wide variety of channels to watch movies, which is why many users have connected to it. As the reviews show, people love the variety of thematic channels.

which satellite TV set to choose
which satellite TV set to choose

The advantages of "Raduga TV" include low cost of equipment. The receiver is registered very conveniently and simply. Users have not identified any shortcomings. The signal comes from the ABS satellite 1.

Continent TV

The main feature of the provider is flexibility. Clients are provided with 10 federal channels free of charge. Optionally, a package of the desired theme is selected. Tofor example, for 100 rubles it is possible to connect 33 channels. Broadcasting is performed from the INTELSAT satellite 15.

Satellite television is now in great demand. You can connect any desired channels at a bargain price. They will be available at any time. And which company to apply to depends on the desire.
