Marketing plan: types and structure

Marketing plan: types and structure
Marketing plan: types and structure

To develop your business, you need to create an effective marketing plan. "Avon" or other representatives of network marketing work through each item with high quality. This allows you to push the company to the top position and successfully carry out sales. The plan should be clearly articulated: for whom the products are intended, how the sale will be carried out to the target audience, what techniques will be used to attract new customers.

Sample marketing plan "NL"

This is a table with basic information about how the company works. After the rest of the research, the method of promotion, motivation for managers, reward system, bonus program, increase are indicated.

Commodity groups Toothpaste, color cosmetics, hair care products, skin care programs, men's cosmetics, hypoallergenic deodorants, eco-friendly cleaning and laundry products, sports nutrition, slimming products
Assortment 16 brands, 250 products
Target segment Wholesale or retail shop for sports nutrition or cosmetics
Key industry success factors Price, assortment, logistics quality, order fulfillment processing speed
Competitors of the firm Suppliers of sports nutrition, cosmetics
Sales strategy Verified suppliers, managers, sales team who receive sales bonuses


The enterprise marketing plan is divided into several types. Distinguish:

  • directive;
  • indicative.

Principal refers to strategies that are mandatory, and their implementation is strictly controlled. They are aimed at specific business entities, all performers are personally responsible for failure to complete tasks. Implementation is controlled in rigid ways, often using methods of coercion and rewards. Depending on the quality of the result achieved, administrative, disciplinary, and financial measures are applied.

Marketing strategy
Marketing strategy

Indicative planning is advisory in nature, intended to adjust the direction of the company. When compiling, the fundamentally important values of the indicators are taken into account. Often carried out at the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels. They do not imply a mandatory and preciseexecution. The basic concept of the system is an indicator - an indicator that determines the boundaries within which all mechanisms can function and develop sustainably.

By timeline to achieve goals

Main varieties:

  • short-term;
  • mid-term;
  • long-term.

Short-term is used to resolve specific issues in a short period, which is why it is common in all types of businesses. Usually terms up to 1 year are considered, including 1 day, month or half a year. This method includes planning of turnover, production, cost estimates. It closely links the actions of partners and suppliers, so all stages are coordinated. Often, individual moments of the development scenario are common for the manufacturer and partners.

Medium Term are very detailed guidelines that are developed for a period of 1 to 5 years. Usually, the organizational structure of the enterprise, financial investments, research, and development are planned in this way. The advantage is that by reducing current tasks, more credibility is given to long-term ones. For implementation, they also come to previously planned tools, if a deviation from the marketing plan is noticed, a change of actions is considered.

Create a marketing plan
Create a marketing plan

Long-term is calculated for a period of 5 to 15 years. Responsible for the formation of long-term goals of the enterprise, making decisions to improve the allocation of resources throughout the life of the project. Most often used by large enterprisesto fulfill tasks of a social, economic, scientific and technological nature.

For a better understanding, we can give an example based on the Faberlik marketing plan. The long-term goal of a company distributor is to become a general partner, buy a house, get a higher education. Medium-term - become a CEO for 17 catalogs, buy a car. The short-term goal is to sign up for remuneration courses, get a passport, bring 10 new consultants to the company.

According to the content of planned decisions

Existing species:

  • strategic;
  • tactical;
  • operational-calendar;
  • business.

Strategic planning is long term. With its help, a way to expand activities is determined, new directions are created, the market and its segments are analyzed, demand and distinctive features of the target audience are studied. The method helps to analyze emerging problems and threats to activities. Plays an essential role in the development of strategic thinking and development. Forms an information base for effective management of the implementation of strategies. For a better understanding, we can give an example. Avon's marketing plan strategy is to create a line of cosmetics that will be able to fight any signs of aging and preserve youthful skin.

Planning stages
Planning stages

Tactical shows how the strategy can be implemented and what needs to be done to achieve it. When analyzing the situation, specific indicators are identified to create a programactions. There are restrictions, they last no more than a year. The short-term period is associated with an unstable situation on the market. You need to understand that the need for adjustment is completely determined by the timing. The longer the time frame, the more likely changes will be made.

Business development is slowing down due to various factors, such as lack of marketing policy, lack of sufficient financial resources. Identifying weaknesses in a business strategy is a tactical level. Thus, the purpose of planning is to identify a specific problem.

Operational-calendar ensures the reliable functioning of the enterprise. By creating the necessary conditions, the work of the interacting sections is synchronized. Thus indicators are concretized, work of the organization is organized. The deadlines for the implementation of the assigned instructions, the stages of preparation and implementation of control, process, and record keeping are determined.

The marketing plan in the business plan helps to evaluate the feasibility of activities. With its help, the relevance and effectiveness of the task are analyzed in detail. When compiling, absolutely all indicators and opportunities are taken into account.

Context of the company's marketing plan

Context refers to the set of conditions and circumstances that are appropriate for a case. Has 4 components:

  • place;
  • group of people;
  • external circumstances;
  • internal circumstances.

For example, when considering the marketing plan of "Armel" it becomes clear that the best place to sell- an office or a store, a person with whom it is necessary to discuss the terms of cooperation, - a seller or a store owner. External circumstances can be understood as the ability to get to a retail outlet to purchase goods. Internal circumstances - the level of professionalism of the seller, his ability to find a common language with the buyer.

Each context has its own task, and execution is most appropriate under certain conditions. The context determines the place, the number of people, external and internal factors. It is especially important in the field of time management and self-organization. This is due to the abundance of opportunities that can make it difficult to discipline yourself.

Standard planning covers absolutely the entire context, while partial planning only takes into account some details.

By planning objects

Planning objects mean the following:

  • target;
  • funds;
  • programs;
  • plans.

First, the desired end result is determined. To do this, a "tree of goals" is formed. This structure is built on a hierarchical principle, it helps to represent the final state of the task. There is a master goal - it is at the top of the tree, as well as secondary goals of the second level, third, etc. They correspond to indicators such as accuracy, measurability, importance, compressed time frames.

For example, the general goal described in the Amway marketing plan is to create a company in which everyone can open their own business,get recognition, help others build their future.

Amway marketing plan
Amway marketing plan

A system of events is planned, aimed at conveying instructions to the performers. After that, the means that are necessary to achieve the result are analyzed. This includes not only finances, but also information, personnel, equipment. In addition, it is necessary to determine the actions that will be taken to implement, increase the maximum number of clients.

A marketing system is used as the main sales program, which allows a person to independently choose the growth rate, schedule, employment. The level of income is formed by the number of products sold and by attracting new distributors. Anyone can become a distributor of a product, for this you need to contact an existing distributor or register on the site. After filling out the form, a certain set of products is ordered and paid for.

In depth

Aggregated planning is a way in which several types of program resources and indicators are combined. It is used for timely provision of the necessary capacities to fulfill the production plan. Guiding Principles:

  • feasibility;
  • optimality.

Capacity needs should not go beyond the capacity, and the way to meet the needs should be in terms of resources. This must be done in such a way as to maximize production possibilities and use the minimum amount of resources. When formingparameters such as the number of labor, the level of production, the volume of stocks are used.

Large organizations use program tasks calculated by special methods. In medium-sized companies, this is the calculation of the required number of employees, suitable equipment, the calculation of material resources.

With a detailed plan, develop an in-depth schedule at the level of performers. The level of detail depends on the complexity and size of the project. With such planning, it is analyzed how many events and works need to be included in the schedule, how detailed the execution technology is described, for whom the schedule is intended.

Implementation of the marketing plan
Implementation of the marketing plan

In order

If a company has several marketing plans, they can be executed in different order:

  • sequentially:
  • at the same time;
  • overlapping;
  • out of turn.

Sequential is the step-by-step execution of tasks. Upon completion of one marketing plan, another is developed on its basis. They are formed with a certain frequency.

Synchronous is the simultaneous formation of several plans.

Moving means that the plans will overlap each other. After one period out of the entire period, it is extended for the same time.

There is also extraordinary planning, which is carried out as needed, for example, as an anti-crisis program.


Priority is a property of a task that reflects the importance of execution. Prioritization is especially important when a project contains many additional tasks. Many of them can be moved to a later time, because this will not affect the situation as a whole. There are many techniques for prioritizing tasks. An example of the Sutherland technique:

  • determining the most valuable and important for creating projects;
  • what is needed by the customer and the person who will use the product;
  • what makes the biggest profit;
  • which is easier to implement.

It is based on progressive production system. The work proceeds in the order in which the list items are located. After completing each item, you need to contact the customer and consult.

NL Continent
NL Continent

Each item in the plan has its own priority. This helps to determine what is of the least importance and what is dominant. The ability to properly prioritize is an indicator of high efficiency. Expediency is determined by significant points - they show whether the goal will be achieved. All companies take these indicators into account when developing a marketing plan. Nl has a huge range of products, so prioritizing is one of the most important points.

Formation of the plan

There is an algorithm for creating an effective plan. To create a working strategy, you must clearly follow each item. So, the Faberlic marketing plan is a large list of goals and tools to achieve them. It took a lot of time to create it, and when formingconsistently approached the implementation of each stage.

  1. First you need to define the mission of the organization. At this stage, the meaning of the company's existence is formed, which is unchanged.
  2. The goal is set, the main mission is specified. The desired results are clearly formulated, the direction of activity, the main target function is highlighted.
  3. External conditions for business development are analyzed and evaluated. This section of the marketing plan identifies factors that may threaten the current strategy and those that create favorable conditions.
  4. Information is collected on all subsystems of the organization to identify weaknesses and performance problems. External threats, own opportunities are analyzed, strategic alternatives are determined. After that, the most suitable for a particular case are selected.
  5. Begin to implement previously developed methods to achieve goals.
  6. To evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing plan items, ongoing monitoring of ongoing processes is carried out.

Principles for creating a marketing plan

There are different techniques that are used during the development of a marketing plan:

  1. ABC.
  2. Eisenhower principle.
  3. Pareto rule.

ABC-planning is done by comparing important and unimportant things. The principle of the method is the distribution of tasks of all categories of importance using the letter designations ABC. The most important tasks are in group A. When using this technique, it is taken into accountattention is the importance, but not the complexity or effort involved.

Category A is no more than 15% of all tasks. These are the most important activities, they bring 65% of the results. 20% of the total comes from the main cases of category B. They make up a little more than the first category - about 20%. 65% of all cases are occupied by the most minor cases. They bring about 15% of the results.

To use ABC you need to do the following:

  • make a list of future tasks;
  • prioritize according to importance;
  • number;
  • grade assignments according to categories.

The chief executive deals only with the first categories. The next group is subject to reassignment. The components of list C are insignificant, therefore, they are subject to mandatory reassignment.

The Eisenhower principle is a very useful tool for quickly learning a given problem. It identifies the most important decisions and implies prioritization. The analysis takes into account not only priority, but also urgency. The most significant category includes urgent cases, the implementation of which must be started immediately. The next ones on the list are those that need to be done right away, but they are not important. Here you need to determine their degree of significance in accordance with the ABC categories. Sector C solves the problem of deferred jobs that start executing before the end of the term. Most of the time is occupied by tasks with low importance and priority. By identifying them, you can free up a lot of timeto solve really necessary tasks.

Pareto Principle
Pareto Principle

The Pareto rule states that the smallest part of the actions brings the most results. It is very convenient to combine it with ABC planning or the Eisenhower principle. The principle says that 20% of actions form 80% of the result, but 80% of the rest of the work gives only 20% of the result described in the marketing plan. An example that can further describe this system is the "customers - income" links. So, a smaller part of customers brings most of the profits. The theory accurately describes the situation, but does not specify what actions can be taken to filter out profitable customers.
