If you are going to visit an unfamiliar city or just going on a trip, then you just need to purchase a navigator. Of course, it will not work just like that, so you should think about buying specialized software in advance.
If you intend to use such a program for the first time, you will need to learn how to install Navitel maps. Since most autonavigators are running Windows CE version 6, installation problems should not arise. The main thing here is to know the hardware characteristics of the device, since the latest versions of the program cannot be installed on a weak navigator.

So, after buying the device, of course, the store will offer you a service called "installing Navitel on the navigator", but take your time - you can install everything yourself and not spend money on it.
Then there is a choice - to purchase licensed software or to acquire counterfeit software. Of course, the first option is much more reliable, because you are guaranteedget what you need, the second one can turn into a waste of traffic and time. In any case, after you have a copy of the program, the question will arise: "How to install Navitel maps?". And this procedure is quite simple.
First you need to install the program itself on the navigator. To do this, you need to connect the device directly to the computer using a usb cable and run the "autorun" file, which, as a rule, is always included in the package of any application. The application itself will find the required equipment and perform the procedure for unpacking and installing the required components.

At the end of this procedure, the installation of maps on the navigator automatically starts. As a rule, a software manufacturer of this kind provides a wide selection of maps of various territories. For example, you need maps of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, while maps of the Far East and Siberia are not needed. To do this, you will need to select the "federal districts" section on the site and tick the necessary items.
If you have licensed software, then the installation will end there, and you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of the equipment. But if you downloaded the program from another source, you will have to tinker with it a little extra. First of all, you will need to copy the folder with all the files of the navigation program to the root of the navigator's hard drive.

"And how to install Navitel maps?" - thenyou ask. Installing maps in this case also means copying them to a specific folder in the directory of the navigation program, which will already be on the device's hard drive.
That, in fact, is all that can be said about the installation of navigation maps and diagrams on the corresponding devices. Remember that there is absolutely nothing complicated in putting the right software on your navigator. Always read useful tips and instructions from advanced users, and then you will never have a question from the series "How to install Navitel maps?".