Banner advertising is one of the most common and effective tools for selling goods and services. However, for a good result, it is not enough just to install a banner on the site, because advertising must be carefully thought out. One of the main characteristics in this case is the size of the advertising product.
Why size matters
Banner sizes are a combination of its height and width. Traditionally, this parameter is specified in pixels. So, if the value is 728 x 90, then this indicates that the width of the banner reaches 728 pixels, and the height is 90

There are no and cannot be special restrictions on the size of this promotional product, since if you wish, you can create a banner with absolutely any width and height. But advertising customers most often use only certain options, and therefore the list of such banners is considered traditional or classic.
Big banners
Among large banners with standard sizes, you canto name a few.
For example, 728 x 90 pixels. The size of this type of banner rightfully occupies one of the first places in the list of large-format advertising on the site. It is worth noting that this particular format is in demand among advertisers, since the width of 728 pixels occupies almost the entire width of the page. This feature allows you to place in the banner all the necessary information about the proposed product and at the same time make the advertisement highly visible to website visitors. There is nothing superfluous here, so you won’t have to overpay for an advertising campaign.

If using a size of 336 x 280 pixels, such a large rectangle can be considered quite large, and looks very much like a square. Advertisers do not choose it very often (even despite the fact that this particular format allows you to implement almost any type of information presentation: static, animated or flash). The explanation may be the high cost of the order and not the most convenient location on the site.
300 x 600 pixels is a large vertical rectangle suitable for all types of advertising. The web page takes up quite a lot of space, does not always have a favorable location and will cost a lot.
240 x 400 pixels - a vertical rectangle with these dimensions is still considered quite large, but it has slightly more admirers. The secret of this state of affairs is affordability (compared to larger formats) and the possibility of implementing various information options.
Medium sizes
Using medium sizes for banners allows you to get rectangular or elongated ads. Among them:
- 180 x 150 - small rectangle;
- 120 x 240 - vertical format;
- 300 x 250 - middle rectangle;
- 160 x 600 - vertical rectangle (often called "wide skyscraper");
- 120 x 600 - "skyscraper";
- 468 x 60 - long banner (included in the list of the most popular options for promotional products);
- 250 x 250 - middle square (very informative and quite compact format).

Banners from this list are chosen most often and there are several explanations for this. First, the size of the formats is large enough to attract site visitors. Secondly, the cost of such an advertising campaign almost always pays off (taking into account the correct design).
It is also important that webmasters work more willingly with medium format banners.
Small banner sizes
Among small banners, the following formats are considered the most popular.
- 100 x 100 and 125 x 125 - such compact squares can be found on the Internet quite often. This is due to the affordable price of placement. A significant disadvantage is that such formats are not suitable for all types of advertising, in addition, they are not very informative.
- 120 x 60 - a horizontal rectangle of this size is also included in the category of small banners. He is rarely chosen.
- 80 x 31. Such formats are often called “buttons” due to their compactness. The advantage of this choice is cheapness, but it is extremely difficult to fit useful content into such a banner size. The result is low information content and little attention from visitors.
So, there are a lot of standard banner sizes. Among them there are both large and very small. Each advertiser and webmaster will be able to choose the best option without any problems.