To attract the largest number of users, many mobile operators offer to purchase a variety of services, which are often simply not necessary. Beeline is also one of these operators. The question of how to disable services on Beeline becomes relevant when a user connects a function by mistake, or a previously necessary service becomes unnecessary.

In order to find out the list of services connected by you (or you), you need to dial 11009 one by one, and then press the send call key. Within a few minutes you will receive an SMS notification containing the requested data. Disabling Beeline services is also possible after dialing the following combinations:
- AntiAon service - combination 110070 and call key;
- Chameleon service - dial 11020, then call;
- Sms-motion service - enter 1102010 and press send call;
- Chat service -a combination of numbers 110410 followed by a call;
- service "Be aware of Beeline" - dial 110400 and press the call key;
- service "Be in the know + Beeline" - enter 1101062 and press call;
- Voicemail service - combination 110010 and call;
- service "There is a contact" - 1104020, send a call;
- Favorite number service - 139880 and call.
Recently, Beeline subscribers are at risk of losing money from their phone account due to the action of a virus or due to the connection of paid services. You can lose money by believing scammers who offer to send a message to the provided number, which in turn turns out to be paid as a result, and the subscriber loses a considerable amount of money.
To avoid such situations, Beeline offers the "black and white lists" service. With its help, the subscriber has the ability to block voice calls, receive and send paid sms, as well as messages to paid short numbers. Although this service does not completely save you from spam, it significantly reduces the risk of unwanted spending of money.

Often, subscribers become interested in how to disable Beeline paid services after they get tired of giving a certain amount from their mobile phone account every day.
Disabling Beeline services "Beep" and "Lottery"
Disabling Beeline services "Beep" and "Lottery" is possible only by sending sms, or making a call to the operator's service center. To turn off the "Beep" function, dialservice number 0770 and then follow the instructions of the answering machine. To disable the "Lottery 1010" send an empty sms to number 3003.

Disabling other paid Beeline services
Disabling Beeline services "Hello" and "Internet from an unconfigured phone" is possible either by dialing certain combinations of numbers, or by calling a service number. To deactivate the "Hello" function, you can dial the number 067409770 or enter the combination of numbers 111, then press the send call key. After that, select the item "My Beeline" in the menu, then "Services" - "Hello", and finally the item "Disable". You can refuse the service "Internet from an unconfigured phone" by dialing 0622. You should know that this service is not displayed in the list of connected ones when requested through the combination 11009.
Cancellation of the "Follow" service is possible by selecting the menu item "Disable" in the menu that appears after dialing 566. Disabling Beeline services is also possible through your personal account, which you can enter by clicking on the link. When registering in your personal account in the "login" line, you must enter the numbers of your phone number, and in order to receive a password, you should dial 1109 and press the send call.