On how to charge the phone if there is no charge

On how to charge the phone if there is no charge
On how to charge the phone if there is no charge

Probably, with every person there have been cases in life when you urgently need to use your mobile device, and the battery, as luck would have it, decided to completely run out at that moment. Well, if it happened at home, but imagine if it happens in the forest or somewhere on the road! Life is full of surprises, and who knows what will happen to us tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Therefore, it never hurts to figure out how to charge your phone without a charger. Here are a few ways that you might find very helpful.

how to charge a phone if there is no charger
how to charge a phone if there is no charger

How to charge the phone if there is no charge: method 1, computer

Now many devices are equipped with a cord for connecting to the USB port of a laptop or desktop computer. By connecting your device to the appropriate connector, you will not only charge your phone, but also be able to backup stored information, update music, photos, etc. Even if such a cord was not included, it is easy to find and purchase in almost any specialized online store.

How to charge the phone if there is no charging: method 2,technical

If you like tourist trips or outdoor recreation, we recommend getting a modern radio. Most of the new models can not only play radio broadcasts, but also charge the smartphone battery. Some receivers are equipped with adapters for different mobile gadgets. And there are those that have their own battery, from which you can also get power. The latter option, of course, is far from ideal, and it will not be possible to completely restore a dead battery in this way, but in an emergency, this solution can also do a good job.

how to charge a phone without a charger
how to charge a phone without a charger

How to charge the phone if there is no charging: method 3, advanced

Modern technologies have advanced far in terms of creating devices that make life much easier for a person. And, of course, the developers could not help but create all kinds of devices for the restoration of electricity. One of the devices of this class is the Instant Power GPXPG01. This model runs on ordinary finger-type batteries, and thanks to it, the question of how you can charge your phone on the go is solved by itself. It is even better to have a TYN-94 with you, a device that runs on solar energy. With it, you don’t even need to look for batteries - it’s enough just that the weather is clear in the sky.

how can i charge my phone
how can i charge my phone

How to charge the phone if there is no charge: method 4, spartan

All sorts of useful devices are, of course, good. But what if there is nothing at hand,it takes a long time to get to "civilization", but do you need a phone here and now? The most elementary and effective way out is to heat the battery. During the day, this can be done by simply placing the battery on a surface exposed to sunlight. If there is no heat source or radiator nearby, you can try shaking the battery several times. When there is nowhere to go, the battery can be sacrificed and squeezed hard, for example, with a door jamb, but so that it does not lose its shape. Note that this is the most extreme option, after which, most likely, you will have to buy a new battery, so you should not check it again.