Dealing with Sales Objections: Examples

Dealing with Sales Objections: Examples
Dealing with Sales Objections: Examples

People in sales know firsthand about difficult customers. Moreover, this type of buyers makes up the majority of all consumers in general. They constantly have disputes, objections that the manager needs to deal with. It’s not enough just to offer and correctly present a product, you also need to sell it. Therein lies the difficulty. Dealing with objections is an integral part of being a salesperson, which is challenging and interesting at the same time. You need to be prepared that the buyer will definitely ask something, be dissatisfied with something. It is the fight against objections that distinguishes an excellent manager from a mediocre one, whether he can convince him of the need to purchase a particular product.

How to sell correctly?

The main mistake when dealing with objections is quick and abrupt answers. It must be remembered that the dialogue with the buyer must be maintained constantly. If the seller is silent, he will not inspire confidence. Dealing with objections in sales is key. When a client sees a negative reaction, they get scared.

fight against objection
fight against objection

In this sense, novice salesmenyou have to work hard. Dialogue should flow smoothly, every word should be considered. After all, an unsuccessfully thrown out phrase can break the “foundation” that you built from the very beginning of the conversation with the client. Experts recommend using certain principles:

  • first you need to carefully listen to all the objections of the client, then take a short pause and enter into a dialogue;
  • should ask clarifying questions to reveal the true cause of dissatisfaction;
  • pay attention to the nuances that do not suit the buyer, and present them in a more favorable light;
  • evaluate the truth of the objection;
  • finally, answers - here the seller must clearly and distinctly explain why this product needs to be purchased right here and now.

Completing tasks

Methods of dealing with objections in sales are quite diverse. To own them all, you need to constantly practice. Psychologists have developed special tasks by which managers improve their sales skills. The answers will become deeper and more persuasive if you use this system.

It includes:

  1. The “yes, but…” trick. For example, a client says that your company has high prices. The manager replies: “Yes, but we provide free shipping and guarantee high quality.” There can be many such examples of dealing with objections.
  2. Boomerang. This technique is universal and can be used in almost any situation. Answers should begin with the phrase "That's why I advise you to buy this product."
  3. Comparisons. Specificity is important here. You need to compare the product with the same one provided by a competitor. And prove that yours is better or cheaper. The main thing is not to speak in general terms, but to give real examples.


Dealing with customer objections should be based on certain principles. In matters of price, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • first you need to win the attention of the client, get interested in the service or product, and only at the end name the price;
  • if a customer asks for a discount, offer a free service;
  • need to talk about the quality of the product and its positive aspects;
  • if the cost of the goods is high, you can offer a purchase on credit with the words: "You can buy this washing machine on credit for only 4 thousand rubles a month";
  • tell about what the customer loses if he refuses to buy.
dealing with objections in sales
dealing with objections in sales

How to change the client's decision?

Methods of dealing with objections are not limited to just a story about the product. You need to make the buyer change his mind and buy this product right now. To become a great active sales manager, you need to follow certain rules.

Among them are:

  • knowledge about all the positive qualities of the product;
  • carefully listening to the client, identifying the problem and solving it;
  • friendly communication;
  • optimistic.

The client who sees in front of himsmiling manager, involuntarily becomes loyal to him. He is ready to listen to him, weigh the arguments and make a positive decision. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Don't confuse a benevolent smile with a "stupid" smile.

Common mistakes

The high level of countering objections in trade is achieved through trial and error. Using the above methods, you can achieve some success in this area. However, we must not forget about the typical mistakes that occur most often.

stages of dealing with objections
stages of dealing with objections

The first and most popular is over-stubbornness. This affects not only beginners, but also many experienced salespeople. Not every client can withstand a high level of pressure. In most cases, the buyer closes, and the manager does not make the best impression on him.

The second mistake is too much or too little information. You need to feel it, communication should be in moderation. You don’t need to “talk your teeth” to the client or, conversely, be silent for five minutes. Everything should be clear and competent.

The third mistake is the price indication. The goal of a salesperson is to sell a product or service. You should make sure that the buyer purchases the product without even knowing the price.

Technique for dealing with objections. Extracting the root

There are several techniques for dealing with customer objections, some of which we will discuss in more detail in this article. The first is the root extraction technique. Its essence is to identify the cause of the refusal and deal with it.

methods of dealing withobjections in sales
methods of dealing withobjections in sales

First you need to carefully listen to all the arguments of your interlocutor. Even if he says the same thing, it is forbidden to interrupt. This will show your disrespect, and the answers will look like a learned script. Then you need to agree with the buyer, express your understanding. You should constantly ask clarifying questions until you know the real reason for the objection. After that, give a life story or an example when the same fears were not confirmed.

Partial consent and psychological attachment

When asking questions to find out the reason, you can use these methods. Dealing with objections in sales involves getting to the bottom of the details. Partial agreement will allow the interlocutor to see you as a like-minded person. Now he will perceive the manager not as a representative of the company who needs to sell the product, but as an ordinary person. This method proved to be the best in practice. Phrases like “I understand you, I was also in such a situation. Then I took a chance, and my life changed for the better” helps to establish contact and trust.

Psychological extension implies a compliment. That is, the seller does not agree, he admires the arguments of the buyer, praises him. Thus, the manager disposes to himself and, as it were, invites to a dialogue.


We mentioned this technique a little, now let's talk more. This technique is quite simple, but at the same time very effective. It can be applied in any situation. All arguments are translate the interlocutor in your favor. This takes a little practice, but the results will not be long in coming.

objection handling technique
objection handling technique

Let's consider a simple example of dealing with sales objections using the boomerang technique. The most common protest: "The product is very expensive." The manager constructs the answer as follows: “Yes, you are right, but for this price you can get a high quality product, as well as three additional services.” You should interest the buyer, tell that even if the product is a little more expensive, you can be sure of its quality, and we will arrange free shipping, etc.

To comprehend all the nuances of sales, it is recommended to read professional literature and practice a lot. Sell everything to everyone, and then the result will not be long in coming.

Fixation technique

This method is great for dealing with objections from clients you've worked with before. It involves the construction of judgments and arguments based on the starting point. The positive moments of cooperation should be used to convince the client. For example, “Remember, earlier all payments were on time, there was no delay?” or “You know that our company sells only high quality goods. Remember that laptop you bought from us six months ago…”.

This technique allows you to create a favorable environment for communication. It can also be used in a negative sense. If you have information that your competitors had some problems with the provision of services or something else, you cannote in a conversation with a client. However, you should remember that you can not cheat. If this is found out, the reputation of the company and the manager personally will be greatly damaged.

Guess technique

This method of dealing with objections is similar in essence to the method of extracting the root. Here, too, you need to get to the bottom of the truth and find out the real reason for the refusal. In this case, you should communicate with the person a little more boldly, assuming a solution to the problem.

For example, if a customer is not happy with a high price, a manager might ask, "Okay, if we provide a discount, you're ready to start working." If the client answered in the negative, it is necessary to further investigate the real reason.

methods of dealing with objections
methods of dealing with objections

You need to understand that without this it is impossible to work well with the buyer. Some just object because they're bored, others really want to find out why the price is so high. Such clients need to be clearly differentiated. Experienced active sales managers can visually determine whether a client has entered who is focused on buying, or just wants to pass the time.

Top Reasons for Customer Refusal

Every salesperson should know more about psychology. After all, going through the stages of dealing with objections, you can achieve a lot by knowing some of the "chips". You need to understand your client, make sure that he leaves satisfied and wants to come back again. If everything is done correctly, then the manager himself will enjoy the work done, and the buyer will be left with a positive impression.

Select a fewtop reasons why a customer says no:

  1. Psychological protection. The average buyer sees the seller as a predator who is ready to do anything to shake the last money out of the client. Therefore, the reflex is turned on, and the person answers in the negative.
  2. Bad experience. When buying any product before, the client came across an obsessive seller who presses excessively. After talking with such a person once, you won't want to do it again.
  3. Negative reviews. If at least a few people speak badly about your company, this is enough to reduce the reputation. And in trade it plays a very important role. In case of loss of reputation, it becomes much more difficult to work with objections.
  4. Fears. The buyer has many. He is afraid of being deceived, making the wrong choice, etc. Finding out the cause of fear, you can solve the problem.


Dealing with objections, as we found out, is the most important part of the salesperson's job. After all, no matter how well the manager presented the product, a number of questions will surely follow. There is a category of salespeople who are great at showing and talking about all the benefits, but if you ask a simple question, they get lost. And when the client insists and disagrees, they break psychologically.

dealing with objections in sales examples
dealing with objections in sales examples

An active sales manager should be a versatile person who knows how to improvise and has a knowledge base. To succeed in any field, you need to be a professional. In this sense, trade is no exception. Experienced managers can convince any client. As a result, the company makes a profit, and the buyer leaves in a good mood.